台灣分級透露《流亡黯道》將推出PS4版 - PS

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2018-11-29T16:26

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※ 引述《yoyo93215 (大五)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《kokokko416 (百合凝望)》之銘言:
: : 台灣軟體分級機構新增PS4版《流亡黯道(Path of Exile)》,目前本作已在PC與XboxOne
: : 平台推出,而官方並沒有正式宣布過PS4版推出計畫。
: :
: 今天官方正式確認了
: 推特:
: Youtube宣傳片:
: 免費遊玩,付費買倉庫格、角色格跟Skin等等
: 預計今年12月上PS4
: 既然都在台灣審查了,應該是會上台帳啦,不過有沒有中文就不好說了



When we announced Path of Exile for PlayStation 4 earlier this month, we
indicated we were aiming for a December release. Unfortunately, we have had
to revise this to early February. We are extremely sorry for the
inconvenience this causes, because we know there are many players looking
forward to this release.

We underestimated the amount of work it would take to finish the
certification process during the busy Christmas period. While we hope to have
everything ready in January, we feel a lot more comfortable promising early
February as a target release window. This will also give us time to work on
game performance/frame rate, which we feel could be improved before release.

Again, we're very sorry about this. We understand that many PlayStation users
were keen to play Betrayal over Christmas and have been eagerly awaiting
release date news. We promise that Path of Exile will be awesome on
PlayStation 4 when it is released early next year.

神獄塔 メアリスケルター2

Tags: PS

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2018-11-30T06:33
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-12-02T12:14
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2018-12-07T09:52
至少道歉了,也有給期限,總比隔壁丟個we hear you好多了
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2018-12-12T03:07
Aren't you thankful?
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2018-12-12T18:20
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2018-12-13T04:54
幹 一口氣延兩個月喔


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-11-29T15:35
我滑fb時看到ps store在介紹絕地求生要在ps4上了耶~~ 不過晚了其它好久 不知道有沒有實體版的 我只玩過手機的free fire 不知道會不會很重網路,我玩2k19,常對伺服器連不到!! 大家怎麼看很紅的吃雞經典遊戲呢?? --本篇討論可能含有性議題或令人不快之內容,無法接受此類話題者請 ...

12月Plus 免費遊戲 (台港)

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2018-11-29T13:56 2018 年 12 月份 PSplus 台港服 免費遊戲陣容公開 #台港服 PS4 重力異想世界 2 PS4 / PSV噬神者2 狂怒解放(中文版) PSV KATAMARI DAMASHII NO VITA(日文版) 重力2阿…已經通關了中槍 ...

RDR2 狐鼠步槍子彈一直歸零?

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-11-29T13:46
※ 引述《blarc (blarc)》之銘言: : 各位大大好 : 問一下有沒有有一樣的問題 : 昨天更新完RDR2之後 : 打獵的時候發現狐鼠步槍的子彈突然變成0 : 害我無法打鳥 : 回去羅德鎮買滿200發之後 : 過了一陣子結果發現子彈又變成0了 : 是更新完有新的bug了嗎? Orz : 另外問一個挑 ...

RDR2 火車軌堆屍有辦法讓火車停下嗎

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2018-11-29T12:54
午安各位cowboy 最近在西部日子過的苦悶 打獵賺的錢少,賭博也輸到脫褲 沒錢繳納通緝費 屢遭賞金獵人騷擾,發現屍體好像不會被刷掉,來了好幾波賞金獵人 於是異想天開,把屍體搬去堆鐵軌 無奈在堆屍的途中遭遇不幸,被賞金獵人反殺 不知道有沒有人實驗過,讓火車撞到障礙物停下來的方法 ----- Se ...

請問鐵拳七的版本 ???

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2018-11-29T12:26
如底下影片所示 看血條顏色 看起來不像PS4的版本 但看起來又像是家用機的版本 有人知道這是哪個版本嗎 還是可以變更血條的顏色呢 感謝回答 - ...