[台服]2022/07/28 活動與系統公告 - 萬王之王

By Sarah
at 2022-07-29T09:20
at 2022-07-29T09:20
Table of Contents
2022/07/28 活動與系統公告
#BUG修正 : 靈能者法術潛能激化(potential)有可能超過可賦予上限的問題。
#BUG修正 : 快新施法,尚未開放的職業會因其他職業而提升該技能的問題。
* 使用紫水晶魔力爐(商城和礦區)與魔法能量水晶強化防具,活動期間會
* 強化後的等級超過35(含)的防具都會獲取額外強化,若強化屬性為
* 本活動目前為測試性質,在本次活動後會重新檢討:
* 活動期間為7/29重啟至8/2重啟。
* 若取得的強化屬性為HP或SP,則不會有增幅。
* 此次活動若開啟額外強化功能,防具將變成綁定裝備(鎖ID裝備)。
#PK license Modification:
1.The PK-license will auto-disable after 24 hrs
activated. For the sake of someone forget closing,
and there will be some pk-issue.
2.If PK-license is activated, you will get a message
while login.
3.The command, set(設定), will be saw the pk-license in
#Fix BUG: the magic, potential(潛能激化), will be over
cast in some circumstances.
#Fix BUG: the skill, quick-spell, will be trained in
some class that doesn't activate the skill.
#Modification: The Fenny(芬妮) of Eastcap(東角)
will use large UI for get/put item.
#The multiplier of physical-resistance (Test event)
* Using the purple-ore furnace(Mine and Mall) and
energy-crystal to enhance the armor(if it is not
a weapon, it will be armor) in this event,
there is a new button enhance-boost(強化增幅),
and it is free during this event.
* The armor after the enhancement level exceeds 35
(inclusive) will get additional reinforcement.
If the enhanced attribute is physical resistance,
the physical resistance value will be based on
the number of turns and the strengthened Levels
have different additional boosts.
For example: If the enhanced armor level exceeds
55 and the number of turns exceeds 70 (excluding),
the physical resistance will be increased by 2 times,
and if the number of turns exceeds 88 (inclusive),
the physical resistance will be increased by 5 times.
* The Event is a test. And we will re-examine the
Input-Gold and the physical-resistance Multiplier
after this event.
* The event period will be from 7/29 reboot to 8/4
* If the enhanced attribute is HP or SP, there will
be no increase.
* The armor will be ID-locked if the enhance-boost
(強化增幅) is opened during this event.
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
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