剛在官網看到這個...... 內文 - 暗黑

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2005-08-12T03:31

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We have just closed more than 36,000 accounts for cheating on Battle.net.
More than 28,000 CD keys tied to these accounts have been disabled from
Realm play on Battle.net for one month, and more than 3,000 CD keys have
been permanently disabled from Realm play due to repeat offenses.
Please see the Battle.net FAQ for details on our anti-cheating procedure.
As a reminder, the Battle.net news window that Diablo II players see after
logging in has had a long-running warning against the use of hacks, clearly
indicating that if we detect that cheating is taking place,
the offending accounts may be closed without notice and the CD keys
tied to these accounts may likewise be disabled without notice.
Today旧 account closures reflect our zero-tolerance policy against cheating,
as well as our effort to prepare the Realms for the new ladder season.
We appreciate the support of the thousands of legitimate Diablo II players
in helping us keep Battle.net a secure and fun place to play Blizzard games.

Tags: 暗黑

All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2005-08-17T02:02
help cow <--關名 普牛~ 大大請進xdxd
Una avatar
By Una
at 2005-08-21T00:53
人物呢??有提到嗎囧rz 希望8是8天阿 哀哀
仔細看了一下是28000個CD-KEY會回覆 不過還是
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2005-08-24T09:41
我們相約一個月後 見吧!
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2005-08-28T12:32
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2005-09-01T06:11
經過這次,應該也沒人敢用MH了吧 @@"
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2005-09-04T03:48

掰掰囉 暗黑

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2005-08-12T02:44
想想 應該是要退出了 留個文章給自己當個紀念 最初接觸暗黑..是大一的時候 那個時候 拿著室友的暗黑自己玩單機版 版本...1.09 第一個角色是野人 印象深刻 ^^ 因為不知道怎麼點 我去點and#34;找尋藥品and#34; 室友覺得很奇怪 為啥我等級低低的卻有很多大罐水可以喝 我還開T ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2005-08-12T02:30
就當成玻璃渣要我們暫時放下暗黑的世界吧!! 今天白天看著大家po的抱怨文 黑特文 幾乎全部的文章都繞著暴風雪公司鎖帳號 鎖序號 擋ip 似乎是針對使用地圖外掛的玩家而來 這次的大屠殺幾乎把大半有習慣使用地圖外掛的玩家都給砍了 也打擊或摧毀了許多玩家再投入暗黑世界的意願 擔心了一整天的我回到家開了電 ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2005-08-12T00:31
今天一早醒來後就被人丟MSN問說有沒被掃 那時還搞不懂是怎麼一回事 後來去爬了一下文後 才知道原來暴風雪有動作 心想 應該會中獎吧 所以趕緊去查了一下 果不其然 新一季天梯的帳號被BAN 後來在去試上一季的帳號 畢竟裡面總是有些資產 未辮ANNI、百毒等 只是看到的卻是序號也被鎖了 ...

小偷與強盜 ?

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2005-08-11T20:15
從標題 你就知道我要比喻的小偷是使用MH的人(對BNET而言啦!) 那強盜呢? 又是誰........ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 如果你看到這便認為我強詞奪理 硬坳 或是你的立場就是 用 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2005-08-11T19:34
一天沒上板竟然發生這麼重大的事 真是令人意外 我想會有這麼多受害者的主要原因 一則blizzard是間負責的公司 願意花心力杜絕不應存在於遊戲中的程式 二則高階符文 菁英獨特物品掉落機會超低 玩家若不把摸地圖的時間省下很難在天梯短時間內收集足夠強力的裝備 畢竟去掉地 ...