再請教一個Wizard的問題 - TRPG

By Tracy
at 2009-01-30T01:03
at 2009-01-30T01:03
Table of Contents
Wizard Paragon Path: Spellstorm Mage
Storm Spell (11th level): Once per day, you can reach into the spellstorm
and extract a spell you have already used so that you can use it again.
Make a Wisdom check. The result indicates the kind of spell you can extract.
You can instead extract a spell using a lower result than the result you
rolled, if you so choose.
Free, Minor, Move or Standard?
Storm Spell (11th level): Once per day, you can reach into the spellstorm
and extract a spell you have already used so that you can use it again.
Make a Wisdom check. The result indicates the kind of spell you can extract.
You can instead extract a spell using a lower result than the result you
rolled, if you so choose.
Free, Minor, Move or Standard?
All Comments

By Lydia
at 2009-02-02T20:54
at 2009-02-02T20:54
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