亞空使者劇情—第三章、第四章 - Switch

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2018-11-05T12:44

Table of Contents





Chapter three 第三章

Far to the south, Lucas is wandering around a deserted zoo. The Subspace Army
appears, headed by the Porky Statue, and Lucas runs away in fear. Eventually,
Lucas trips over a root and gets his foot stuck under it. He panics, but Ness
appears and uses a combination of PK Thunder and PK Flash to attack and
destroy the statue. The statue is revealed to have contained Porky Minch and
his spiderlike mech. The two psychic boys engage it in battle and defeat it.
Shortly thereafter, though, the pair see Wario on top of a pillar. He fires
his Dark Cannon at Ness several times, but Ness easily dodges every shot.
Wario shrugs and sets his sights on Lucas instead, who is too scared to dodge
- so Ness pushes him aside and takes the shot himself. Unconcerned with who
exactly he got, Wario walks up to Ness's trophy and laughs while Lucas runs
away. Lucas eventually bumps into a Pokémon Trainer that currently has a
Squirtle. After the pair fight through more of the zoo, the Trainer heads on
his way, while Lucas decides to go with him in an effort to rescue Ness.

出現了Porky Minch和他的蜘蛛機甲。兩人靠著自己的超能力擊敗了Porky,不久後他們發

To the northwest, the Subspace Army is attacking a fortress that stands in
the middle of an ancient battleground. After seeing a Subspace Bomb detonate
in the distance, Marth is roused from the fortress and fights his way out to
investigate. Upon reaching the blast zone, Meta Knight appears and initiates
a swordfight, each assuming the other is with the Army. When both are
attacked, they are set straight and team up to cross the battlefield.
Eventually they catch sight of the Ancient Minister, who has another bomb
ready to be dropped; they fail to reach him, but then Ike appears and uses
Aether to damage the bomb and send the Ancient Minister flying erratically
into the distance. Now a trio, the swordsmen continue their pursuit of the


By now, King Dedede has realized that the enemy (Bowser & Wario) is
collecting the trophies of defeated Smashers and taking them away so they
cannot be revived. He decides to start his own collection, which he plans to
keep safe with his brooches. He starts his collection by ambushing Luigi on a
dirt road and turning him into a trophy. Seemingly knowing that someone is
approaching, he hides alongside his army of Waddle Dees while leaving Luigi's
trophy on the road as bait. Indeed, Wario rides up the road on his Cargo
carrying Zelda/Peach and Ness. Seeing a free Luigi on the road, he pulls
over, takes the trophy, and laughs. Distracted, he is then ambushed by the
Waddle Dee Army. Dedede then takes Luigi, tosses him onto the Cargo, and
drives away with it and all of the trophies. As the Waddle Dees follow
Dedede, Wario gets up and yells at them in anger and frustration.

條路上埋伏路易吉,把他打成公仔。他注意到有人接近,便把自己和他的Waddle Dee軍隊
來拿公仔還笑得很開心,他馬上就被埋伏的Waddle Dee軍隊攻擊,帝帝帝大王趁機把路易
吉扔到貨車上並把貨車開走,Waddle Dee軍隊也跟著帝帝帝大王一起跑走,留下醒來的瓦


Chapter four 第四章

In a forest to the southwest, Link finds the Master Sword in a pedestal and
draws it. He passes by Yoshi, who is asleep on a large tree stump. As the
Halberd passes overhead and deploys Shadow Bugs, the two team up and fight
through the forest in pursuit of the ship. Meanwhile, a cardboard box on the
Halberd is seen moving and fidgeting.


Inside the Isle of Ancients' research facility, Zero Suit Samus has snuck
inside and is wandering around while fighting Subspace Army minions and parts
of the R.O.B. Squad. She finds some sort of generator holding Pikachu
captive, and breaks it to release it; the pair continue to move through the
complex. After a while, they find a control room, which lets Samus see the
room where the Power Suit is being held.


Kirby and Peach/Zelda have reached the shore of the western lake. Kirby spots
something and rushes off in pursuit, leaving Peach/Zelda behind, who is
ambushed by Bowser and shot by his Dark Cannon. A waiting Shadow Bug clone of
Bowser uses the defeated trophy to change into a clone of Peach/Zelda while
he sneaks off with the real one. By this time, Mario/Link and Pit/Yoshi have
also reached the shore in pursuit of the Halberd. The Peach/Zelda clone
attempts to use the Dark Cannon that Bowser left behind to fire at them, but
Link/Mario and Yoshi/Pit have also arrived, destroying the weapon in one
slash. The two Smashers then fight the clone and destroy it. However,
Mario/Link has noticed the fight from a distance, and believes that
Peach/Zelda has been attacked and defeated, so he attacks the pair in rage as
his partner joins in. Once the two-on-two fight finishes, before the winners
can revive the losers, King Dedede drives by and snatches the two defeated
Smashers with the Cargo's arm. Link/Mario manage to see that Zelda/Peach's
trophy is aboard the Cargo as Dedede drives away. Dedede then realizes that
Kirby has snuck onboard the Cargo (due to spotting it earlier). Kirby uses
Final Cutter to cut the arm and release the two trophies, and quickly revives
them before they hit the ground. Irritated, Dedede turns the Cargo around and
begins to flee, but the revived Pit/Link nails it in the nose with an arrow.
The five Smashers join together and chase the damaged Cargo, assuming that,
like the other antagonist Smashers, Dedede is collecting trophies to hide
them away so they cannot be revived. Seeing the busted Cargo at the entrance
of a set of caves, the group heads inside and fight through the Subspace Army
and Koopa Troop to see a castle in the distance, with the Halberd hovering


Final Cutter斬斷吊臂解開兩個公仔,在公仔落地以前復活他們,惱怒的帝帝帝大王調轉

Ganondorf, in his undisclosed location, has become aware that Dedede is
planning something and is hoarding trophies in his castle. He transmits this
information to Bowser, who sets off to ambush the castle.








gcobc12632 :一樓帥哥11/04 22:52
maple0935 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :..11/04 22:52
maple0935 :五樓吃屎 11/04 22:53
maple0935 :幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎... 11/04 22:53

Tags: Switch

All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2018-11-09T22:33
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2018-11-13T08:30
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2018-11-16T20:02
William avatar
By William
at 2018-11-21T13:01
幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎...
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-11-23T11:42
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2018-11-25T23:49
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2018-11-26T13:58
亂鬥連者 老馬紅 卡比粉 彼特白 勇者綠 曜西綠 咦?
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2018-11-26T22:40
謝謝一樓的支持 本王根本MVP
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2018-11-30T03:38
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-12-03T12:42
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-12-06T13:35
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-12-09T04:12
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-12-13T01:15
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2018-12-16T12:02
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2018-12-19T11:59


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2018-11-05T10:32
最近小孩在玩lego超人特攻隊 玩到一個過場畫面就跳出 讀取失敗 the software was closed because an error occurred 是固定那個過場畫面會產生這問題 失敗了三次 小孩都放棄了 想到可能是卡帶本身有問題,查過卡帶不保固 只能認命 但查詢機器記憶卡資 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2018-11-05T10:21
※ 引述《bons2 (就是現在)》之銘言: : 下星期段考玩 : 打算買switch+馬派來開箱 : 除此之外,有沒有適合國小低年級玩的破關遊戲 : 目前看起來可能星之卡比是0k的? : 有沒有推薦其他遊戲 : 不知道奇諾比隊長會不會太難? 剛好我家有剛升小二的女兒 1. 馬力歐奧德賽 她一個人玩這個玩 ...

switch 拆封問題

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-11-05T02:44
請問如何辨別有沒有拆封使用過?有看過開箱影片 主機及配件都用塑膠透明袋那種非破 壞性的包裝 是否會有重新包一下就重新當新品賣的可能性呢? 還是說可以看開機使用的 時 間等等證明是全新的呢 求解感恩各位 - ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2018-11-05T01:23
大亂鬥終於敲定上市時間,由於特仕機價格內容不如個人預期 個人想提前購入NS主機並預購數位板了 因此不好意思向各位版有請益一下些問題, 大台北地區是否有哪些實體店會有優惠,如較訂價低或新機加夠指定遊戲有折扣之類的 由於之前購買主機大部分是直接找二手,個人只在乎功能正常,有辦法玩遊戲即可 外觀刮花只要螢幕 ...

Fortnite 活動

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2018-11-05T01:15
等一下2點會有一次性活動,任何當下在遊戲內的玩家可以看到那顆方塊作動,有乳摸說 這會順勢更新未來Fortnite 的地圖,也會造成其他更新 https://i.imgur.com/qVCwUkv.jpg 轉自國外fb社團 哪天ND也這樣辦也不錯,不過任天堂好像沒有這種可以看大地圖的線上遊戲,不然有夠炫 砲 ...