一篇暗黑遊戲製作者-Mike Huang寫的文章 - 暗黑

By Oscar
at 2006-03-01T20:25
at 2006-03-01T20:25
Table of Contents
一篇來自暗黑製作工程師之一,Mike Huang的文章。
In August of 1997, I was a kid fresh out of the university heading off to
what was then a dream job -- working for Blizzard
North, the development team behind Blizzard's smash hit Diablo. I always knew
I was going to work in games, but I thought
that I would be working on console games rather than PC games.
PC games in those days were so rife with problems before Diablo released --
you had to make boot disks, load the right memory
manager, make sure the graphic card had a VESA compliant chipset, else you
were hosed. Then along came DirectX, and most of
that went away. Diablo was one of the first games to utilize DirectX, and
what a difference it made. To this day I'm
convinced that Diablo wouldn't have sold as well as it did had Blizzard not
been forward thinking enough to realize the
usefulness of DirectX.
When I arrived at Blizzard North, development of Diablo II had just begun.
The character classes and a rough list of their
abilities had been drafted out, as had the basic story structure. The
programmers had been prototyping a voxel-based engine
prior to my arrival, which was thrown out in favor of the more traditional
sprite based system. Art was converted over and
production on Diablo II truly began.
When I started, I was given 3 T-shirts and a couple of copies of Diablo. For
those curious, the three t-shirts were the
standard black t-shirt with blizzard logo on the front and back, and 2
Blizzard North exclusive shirts -- one in black with
the Winged Demon on the back, and one in white with the black knight on the
back. It wouldn't be long before these Blizzard
T-shirts became a sort of uniform for me, and by the time I left Blizzard 6
years later, I had enough T-shirts to go into to
work for a month and never wear the same T-shirt twice.
Blizzard North's office building was situated next to a boat marina. There
was a cafe downstairs and several smaller
companies scattered throughout the office park. Rumor had it that Hotmail
(who happened to be above our office before they
got bought by Microsoft) had wanted to sublease some of Blizzard North's
office space, and Blizzard North had refused on
account of us losing our ping pong and foosball room.
Being in the Marina had it's share of good and bad -- walking under the
freeway (where the homeless would sometime sleep) was
a fast way to get to Toys R'Us and the fast food restaurants on that side of
the freeway, but it also meant that every so
often, for no apparent reason than being where we were, we'd have a blackout.
It was always on the office building side of
the freeway -- our suspicion was that a tall truck coming down the two-lane
road that led to our little office hit a
electrical pole or snagged the cable, leaving us in darkness. Depending on
the time of the outage, this either meant an early
lunch, some time at the mini-golf arcade down the street, or an early
dismissal. Or people would break out the playing cards
and the MTG decks.
The Diablo II team grew quickly after my arrival. I had expected to be the
new employee for a while, but artist Phil Shenk
would start just a week or two after me. Almost 18 months later, what had
been a mostly empty office space with plenty of
room to expand would be filled to the point where supply closets were being
converted into offices. It was late '98 when it
was decided that Blizzard North was going to make a Diablo II expansion pack
concurrently with the game and we were going to
split into two separate development groups within the same office, and in
January of '99, the search began for a new larger
office space which could house both the Diablo II and Diablo II Expansion
teams. By the middle of March, we had moved into a
new office in San Mateo. A large creative space, it would not be long before
solutions for walking the long corridors between
offices would be found. The Razor scooters became the new method of
transportation for the lazy -- crashes at a blind turn
near the kitchen were relatively common.
Making the rounds in news this week are the pictures of Google's snack room.
[Editor's note: for example.] I tell you this --
they don't compare to Blizzard North's 2 kitchens which were kept as
wonderfully stocked as a convenience store. [Editor's
Note: See some kitchen photos from our Blizzard North visit in 1999.] Soda?
Check. Beef Jerky? Check. Instant Ramen? Check.
Oatmeal and Granola Bars? check. Fresh Fruits? Check. Chocolate, Candy,
Snacks and Chips in no less than 20 different
varieties? Check. If that wasn't enough, appearances of waiters on wheels and
pizza for dinner became commonplace as well.
Were it not for the Blizzard North offices not having a shower, I imagine
that some employees might have never gone home.
I need to point out at this time that 1999 and 2000 were the Years of Hell,
so while we were enjoying our new office space as
well as our fabulously stocked kitchens, we had also entered into "Crunchtime
Hell". With a hopeful internal release date set
at December of 1999, and a hopeful beta date set for November of 1999, most
of the Blizzard North Diablo II team was pulling
double-time, working weekends and occasionally sleeping under their desks in
order to finish the game in time. Sleeping bags
were issued to members of the Night Crew. Sometime during this year of
crunch, we hired Peter Hu, a fan with plenty of ideas
and suggestions about Diablo II and improving it, and he developed several
things to keep the player interested in the long-
term, including most of the patches (up until he left to work for Flagship in
Fall of 2003). Synergy? Peter. Runewords?
Peter. Perfect Gem Activation? Peter. Ethereals? Peter. Patch 1.10? All Peter.
But I get ahead of myself. That last struggle of a push ended with the first
master candidates for Diablo II being made at
the end of April, to be sent to Dublin to be localized (translated in other
languages and fixed for country specific
graphics) in time for an almost worldwide simultaneous release (there were
some languages that took more time).
During the Development process of Diablo II, however, there were fans helping
us build and refine the game -- many of the new
developers on Diablo II were fans of the first game (including myself) so we
knew what we wanted to see in the game. We
listened to the fans on the forums and from e-mails sent in (in the early
days of the Diablo II website, I answered all of
them personally). We listened and answered fansites' questions during the
regularly held fansite chats. Our goal was not to
make a game that sold 5 million copies, but to create a game that was better
than Diablo I, and all the imitations that would
come between Diablo I and Diablo II. We wanted to make a game that could
satisfy the casual gamer, and one that could satisfy
the most hardcore gamer. We made that game. The proof is in the fact that
Diablo II is still played on battle.net, almost 6
years after its release. The proof is in the fact that Diabloii.net still
exists -- 8 years after its launch.
Some of you feel that Blizzard has given up on the Diablo franchise. Some of
you think there's a Diablo III in the works. I
don't know. I don't work for Blizzard anymore, and I haven't been there for
years. I do notice that they continue to patch
Diablo II with new features and items, so the Diablo universe just doesn't
seem very dead to me at all. There's a very small
amount of people at Blizzard now who actually worked on Diablo I or Diablo II
or D2X. From D1 and D2, I count less than a
half dozen.
A significant number of those developers responsible for Diablo and Diablo II
have moved on to other places and other things.
While it saddens me to know that Blizzard North is closed and gone forever, I
take heart in knowing that the knowledge of how
to make really great games at Blizzard is spreading to other game companies.
Gamers of the future should have an even larger
selection of high quality titles to choose from.
Some of you may want to know where some of these Diablo developers have gone
so that you can know what products to support
and watch out for if you're giving up on the Diablo franchise.
I once asked former Blizzard North President David Brevik why it wasn't
"David Brevik's Diablo II" when so many other
developers at the time were prefixing game titles with their names. He told
me: "The game is not just me. It's the whole
team. That's why the Blizzard North logo is there". Even so, David Brevik is
the person I associate as being the heart and
soul of Diablo, which is why I'm happy that he's there at Flagship Studios
with Bill Roper and lots of other Blizzard North
alumni building Hellgate:London. If I started naming all of the employees and
all their contributions to Diablo and Diablo
II, this article would easily double in length. Let it suffice to say that
you know these people, and they're doing great
work. I looked at Hellgate: London just a few months ago, there's a lot there
that the Diablo player will enjoy, and I'm
really looking forward to playing it.
Michio Okamura, Eric Sexton and Steven Woo very recently started a game
company called Hyboreal Games. Michio and Eric are
Diablo 1 veterans, and Steven Woo is a programmer extraordinaire. They're
currently working with Jon Morin and FlipSideGames
in developing a project. They haven't released very much information yet, but
I have great confidence in their abilities to
make a really fun game.
At Castaway Entertainment, brothers Michael & Stefan Scandizzo, along with
Rick Seis and the rest of his crew are also
working on something that's unannounced.
Battle.net was made for the fans of Blizzard -- a free service to help
connect with other game players. This was during a
time when other companies were charging for multiplayer over the internet.
This past December was battle.net's 9th birthday,
and there are still players playing Diablo 1 on it. I think that's pretty
cool. Two of Blizzard HQ's programmers who worked
on battle.net started a company a few years ago called Arena.net. They are
the ones behind NCSoft's Guild Wars (which you can
play now, which also has good appeal to Diablo players).
Lastly, there's also a number of people from Blizzard North who migrated down
to Irvine and whose contributions will be found
in World of Warcraft and future Blizzard products.
Whether Blizzard chooses to continue the Diablo franchise or not, Blizzard
owns that property. They can do whatever they wish
to it. The gamer has many choices out there -- and thanks to the developers
of Diablo and Diablo II, there will be a lot more
games out there with a little bit of Diablo in them.
戰網中國: http://bbs.battlecn.net
原文: http://bbs.battlecn.net/read.php?tid=790906&fpage=1
遊戲,但是曾以為是TV Game,想不到是PC Game。
在Diablo發售前 pc遊戲玩起來有很多麻煩-- 你不得不製作啟動
你玩不了. 然後 DirectX 出現了,那些問題都不見了。 Diablo
是第一批使用 DirectX 的遊戲。到今日,我確信因為 blz 認識
到了 Directx的作用才讓 Diablo賣的那麼好
師們在我到之前做了個基於 voxel的引擎,那個由於需要更傳統
了我的制服,在我六年後離開 blz的時候,我有足夠的T恤來穿
以及一些小公司。傳說 hotmail(在被微軟收購前它們在我們樓
歸的人可能在那睡覺),是個便捷的方式到TOYS R'US 和公路旁
,我們會停電... 基本上在公路旁的辦公樓,我們會懷疑一輛很
線杆,或者拉到了一個變壓器,讓我們眼前一片漆黑... 在這段
到美術師phil shenk 在1,2個禮拜之後來了。18個月之後,原本
候,我們分成了兩個獨立的開發小隊,99年 1月,我們開始找個
更大辦公室以能夠同時容納D2和 d2exp的開發小隊。三月中旬,
我們搬到了一個新的在 SAN METEO的辦公室。一個更大的創造的
外賣的披薩也能當晚餐... 要不是因為北方暴風雪辦公室沒有淋
年11月,北方 blz的D2小組工作兩倍時間,週末也加班,偶爾睡
這關鍵的年份裏,我們雇傭了peter hu-一個對D2充滿點子和建
協同技能? Peter做的。符文之語? Peter做的。完美寶石啟動
? Peter做的。無形裝備?peter做的。1.10更新?還是 Peter
舉行的聊天中聽取並回答 fansite的問題。我們的目標不是做個
賣五百萬份的遊戲,而是做一個比Diablo I更好的遊戲,以及打
我曾經問過前北方暴雪總裁David Drevik,為什麼Diablo不叫做
'David Brevik的Diablo II" ,那時候有很多開發者在遊戲名字
雖然這麼說,但是david brevik是和我一起做出diablo精髓的人
這也是為什麼我很高興介紹他在flagship 和 Bill Roper以及其
他很多北方暴風雪的人做的 地獄之門:倫敦。如果我說出所有為
的東西 我真的很期待能玩到它
Michio Okamura, Eric Sexton 和 Steven Woo 最近開了家公司
名叫 Hyboreal Games. Michio 和 Eric 是d1的老手, Steven-
Woo 是個出色的程式師。他們最近和 Jon Morin 以及FlipSide
Games 共同開發一個專案。他們還沒有釋出更多的資訊,但是我
在 Castaway 娛樂公司, Michael兄弟和Stefan Scandizzo,以
及Rick Seis和他的下屬也在做一個沒有公佈的專案。
叫做 arena.net. 他們就是後來做guild wars(激戰)的NCSOFT的
— 請多指教喔!!
/\●/\ ))
(( / /▲\ \
All Comments

By Jake
at 2006-03-06T04:22
at 2006-03-06T04:22

By Edwina
at 2006-03-08T12:44
at 2006-03-08T12:44

By Rachel
at 2006-03-09T01:49
at 2006-03-09T01:49

By Andrew
at 2006-03-11T04:27
at 2006-03-11T04:27

By Zenobia
at 2006-03-14T11:57
at 2006-03-14T11:57

By Suhail Hany
at 2006-03-18T01:20
at 2006-03-18T01:20

By William
at 2006-03-22T11:54
at 2006-03-22T11:54

By Linda
at 2006-03-26T11:02
at 2006-03-26T11:02

By Elvira
at 2006-03-26T20:22
at 2006-03-26T20:22

By Linda
at 2006-03-28T16:49
at 2006-03-28T16:49

By Regina
at 2006-03-30T23:50
at 2006-03-30T23:50

By Regina
at 2006-04-01T17:16
at 2006-04-01T17:16

By Genevieve
at 2006-04-02T11:41
at 2006-04-02T11:41

By Yedda
at 2006-04-05T06:07
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