一堆外電求翻譯 -- 目錄 - 線上

By Bethany
at 2013-11-20T11:07
at 2013-11-20T11:07
Table of Contents
How to build an LS team – a fast guide (16500)
- guide about creating a team optimized for the long shots tactic from
scratch. (PTT已有這篇的翻譯)
Guide to the Coach in Hattrick (15144)
- a newbie, and not so newbie, guide about the effects of different coaches
Part One: (The Homegrown Plan) (15104) and Part Two:
(The Homegrown Plan) (15204)
- how to build a team out of homegrown players
How to become a good U20/NT scout (14913)
- the title says it all. Republished with modifications here: (17319),
published in Spanish here (16847) 感謝犀利哥的翻譯
Guide to the Youth Academy (14564)
- tips and tricks about managing the youth team
How to get to the top with no money in the bank (14444)
- team building and planning guide for newbies that don't want to hoard
A Week in the Life of an NT Coach (3789)
- a classic humoristic article
The standard system for National Teams (17438)
- how national teams play
Guia All Attack. Iniciacion Basica 3.0 .Parte-1 (17140)
- a basic guide to All Out Attack tactics.
Guia All Attack. Iniciacion Basica 3.0 .Parte-2 (17152)
- a basic guide to All Out Attack tactics (part 2).
Ataque V/S Defensa (17008)
- a discussion and some interviews about playing styles
(attacking vs defensive) in Hattrick.
Ataque V/S Defensa [Parte II. El poder ratonil] (17052)
- a discussion and some interviews about playing styles
(attacking vs defensive) in Hattrick.
Como ser un buen Scout NT/U20 (16847).
Translation of the English article (14913) (這篇不算)
L'importanza del centrocampo (16834)
How much is important midfield in Hattrick. (3)
Studio sul Meteo (16799)
Weather forecast study. (2)
Pensieri sul random (16349)
Tre buoni motivi per amare incondizionatamente il random (16239)
Both articles talk about random; really nice HPs. (4)
Quanto sono bravo?
Ovvero: tentata ascesa di un medio allenatore di difesa (16179)
Something about training defence. (3)
La storia degli attaccanti esterni (15916)
The development of the FTW. (3)
Parliamo di routine (e scusate il francesismo!) (17297)
A study about routine. (3,5)
Le guide all'allenamento: Parate (15054)
Le guide all'allenamento: Attacco (16739)
How to train a goalkeeper and a forward. (4)
Costruire un'ala (17009)
Allenamento del Trequartista (17323)
How to train a winger and a TDF. (4)
[NG] Individuale, guida all'uso (14732)
Individual training in the new youth academy. (4)
Stadio: redditivita di un investimento (14609)
Lo stadio (14167)
About the arena. (4)
Long Shots (16418)
Few tips for National Coaches (15516)
How to calculate the subskill of a skill (15230)
Academy and stars (15220) (15221) (15222) (15223)
- translation published in Irish HP - (17110), (17111), (17112),(17113)
How to conquer the transfer market (15134)
Special Event: When and Why (14484)
HTMS (14432)
-Guide to the Coach in Hattrick [Part one] (15382)
Udhezues per trajner ne Hattrick
Guide to the Coach in Hattrick [Part two] (15381)
Udhezues per trajner ne Hattrick
-Long term strategy from here to eternity (17160)
Strategji afatgjate, nga ketu e deri ne perjetesi…
- WHY MY HOMEPAGE IS hattrick.org... (15486)
Perse faqja ime e preferuar eshte hattrick.org...
-Come to The Darker Side. We have cookies... (14018)
Miresevini tek The Dark Side. Kemi gjera interesante...
- An interview with Andrew. The HT Masters winner (14090)
Interviste me Andew. Fituesi i Hattrick Masters.
- Four key players for your long term strategy (14170)
Strategji afatgjate? Ja 4 lojtare baze
- National Teams AA for beginners (14144)
Funksionimi i Ekipeve Kombetare
- Guide to the Youth Academy [Part one] (14684)
Guide per akademine rinore
Guide per akademine rinore [Part two] (14996)
All Comments

By Mason
at 2013-11-20T22:55
at 2013-11-20T22:55

By Madame
at 2013-11-23T06:47
at 2013-11-23T06:47

By Poppy
at 2013-11-24T01:17
at 2013-11-24T01:17

By Rosalind
at 2013-11-25T16:40
at 2013-11-25T16:40

By Rosalind
at 2013-11-28T06:32
at 2013-11-28T06:32

By Audriana
at 2013-11-30T00:27
at 2013-11-30T00:27

By Charlie
at 2013-12-04T23:31
at 2013-12-04T23:31

By Bethany
at 2013-12-05T20:15
at 2013-12-05T20:15

By Edwina
at 2013-12-09T23:46
at 2013-12-09T23:46
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