一個小遊戲的必勝戰法(拈,3 5 7) - 拼圖

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2009-05-04T17:06

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我想提供另一個去年 PuzzleUp 的題目...

(連英文一起貼, 這叫中英對照版:P)

Two persons are playing the following game:

The game will start as the first player selects any date
in January; and will continue with sides selecting dates
one by one. The player who selects Sunday, 31st of December
will win.
先由其中一個人開始, 選擇一月的某一天。接著換另一個人再做
選擇, 如此輪替下去。直到哪個人可以選到 12月31日星期天,

‧ A date consists of three data. The day of the month
(1, 2, 3, ..., 30, 31); the month (January, February, ...,
November, December) and the day of the week (Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
(Note: You will consider the length of each month. February
may last 28 or 29 days).
一個日期有三筆資料, 包含了『日』(1到 31),『月』(1月到12月)
以及『星期幾』(星期一到星期日) (注意: 你要考慮月份的實際長
度, 二月你可以當成是28天或29天)

‧ The player who is in charge, can only raise one of the
three datas of the date selected by her/his opponent.
輪到哪個人時, 他只能更改他對手剛選擇的日期, 當中三筆資料的

‧ The raises in the data are unidirectional. That is, after
30, a player cannot select 1, 2, 3, ... 29 but only can select
31. Likewise, after October, only November and December; and
after Saturday, only Sunday can be selected.
資料的選擇是不可逆的。舉例來說, 當有人選了『日』是30, 那麼接
下來的人就不能在『日』這筆資料選 1到29, 唯一能選的是31; 另外
同理, 像是『月』選了十月, 那麼就只剩11和12月可以選擇更改。星
期六一旦被選, 在『星期幾』的選項中只能改成星期日。

If the first player selects 1st of January, Monday; what date
should the second player select, in order to secure to win
the game?
遊戲開始了, 起始玩家選了1月1日, 星期一。那麼…
身為後選的玩家, 你要選擇哪一天, 才能確保你一定勝利??

The following is an example of a game (played unskillfully)
between A and B:
A) 1st of January, Monday; B) 15th of January, Monday;
A) 15th of January, Friday; B) 31st of January, Friday;
A) 31st of December, Friday; B) 31st of December, Sunday.
[上面是個遊戲過程雙方選擇的例子, 實在很懶得翻譯…自己看吧]

Tags: 拼圖

All Comments

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-05-07T17:06
變體的就另起個名稱吧! 不要延用原來的標題唄~^^
James avatar
By James
at 2009-05-09T06:38
只有個問題, 不曉得怎麼改名, 我是BBS 新手...:P
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-05-13T00:37
在文章前按大T 改標題 以後若有指令不懂可在板上按大H
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2009-05-15T11:04
一般來說是 1/18 (一) 但我想這題應該有陷阱
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-05-19T10:45
好感動, 帕索大居然像我一樣用拈的二進位算法....
我們的答案一樣耶....就跟你講的一樣, 那是錯的, 哈哈~~~
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-05-22T00:04
雖然它最後沒有公布正確答案, 但是另一個答案我確定是對..
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2009-05-25T16:57
拜託 二進位是基本技能好嗎XDDD 問題一定出在31號上....
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-05-30T01:12
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-06-01T03:29
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2009-06-02T04:08
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-06-06T15:11
我不想咬-.- 我想塞根香蕉在你耳朵裡-.-"
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-06-07T13:09
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-06-11T03:23
1/31 (一)可以嗎?
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-06-14T22:19
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-06-18T06:53
我想應該視為拈11 30 6,答案是1月18日星期一?
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-06-22T17:26
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-06-26T07:21
唔,發現陷阱了 XD
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-07-01T06:25
s 大不錯喲....的確如此...
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-07-04T13:15
只有1/31 (一)一組解,其他都不行

秋葉原的小玩具 Pulley

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-05-04T16:11
前年在秋葉原買了四個益智小玩具 其中一個 難易度不是最高的 可能是沒掌握到要領吧 沒破過 希望徵求說明或解答 名字是 Pulley (滑車) 它的樣子是這樣的 http://file2.pillowangel.com/link.php?ref=cpwjpGSJUf 目標是順利取出兩枚鐵環 注意:鐵環是無法 ...

一個小遊戲的必勝戰法(拈,3 5 7)

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-05-04T13:38
※ [本文轉錄自 ask 看板] 作者: twbin (andlt;( ̄︶ ̄)/=▅▆▇▇) 看板: ask 標題: [請問] 一個小遊戲的必勝戰法 時間: Sat May 2 17:38:05 2009 ○○○ ○○○○○ ○○○○○○○ 共3排 兩個輪流把圈圈劃掉 一次可以劃掉的圈圈數不 ...

[分享] 益智-Braid 時空幻境

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-05-03T22:29
這是我目前玩過最有創意的puzzle game,強烈推薦給puzzle板眾 在此之前我從未看過以「操弄時間」為主軸的遊戲, 在官方介紹即可一瞥各種顛覆傳統的遊戲方式。 puzzle難度不一,有幾關的確有相當難度, 作者強烈建議不要看攻略,這個遊戲的確值得仔細品味, 如果卡關的話我很樂意在不破壞樂趣的條件下給 ...

TurkZeka 2009 (1) Placing the numbers

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-05-03T21:18
http://www.turkzeka.com/zeka/2005e.asp(首頁。答題時限2009/05/03 ~ 05/10 5:00) http://www.turkzeka.com/zeka/comp05/q/091e.xls(用EXCEL玩) http://www.turkzeka.com/zeka ...

TurkZeka 解題馬拉松(2009/05/02~?)

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-05-03T18:01
比賽名稱:TurkZeka 2009 Puzzle Competition(解題馬拉松) 比賽時間:2009/05/3(日) 5:00(台灣時間)原地為土耳其(日光時間4月~10月) 下星期同一時間會公佈下一題,依此類推,共十題 比賽限時:依題型而定。單解題7天,多解題14天 ...