(ZX Spectrum) Zer0 v0.4.5 - 模擬器

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2010-10-14T10:09

Table of Contents


一個新的「ZX Spectrum」模擬器。

Ziggy currently sports the following features:

* 100% accurate... oh ok then, highly accurate 48k and 128 emulation.
Not kidding. ;)
* Support for both the beeper and multi-channel AY sound.
* DirectX and GDI support. Works best with DirectX though. :)
* Support for snapshots (sna, szx, z80) and tapes (pzx, tzx, tap, csw)
* Save screenshots from emulator in bmp, png, gif and jpeg format.
* Debugger with stepping facility.
* Tape browser with support for accelerated loading via various (read
2) means.
* Ability to run files from command line, drag and drop. If file
associations are enabled, double-clicking from explorer will launch
* Supports issue 2 keyboards, late timings and a host of other speccy
* Full screen mode.
* ULA Plus support.

Zer0 v0.4.5 Changelog:

+ Ziggy is now Zer0!
+ Updated look of emulator: new name, new logo, etc.
+ Added ability to load tapes and snapshots from zipped files.
+ Emulator window size can be changed in steps of 50% and is now limited
by available screen size.
+ 3 border sizes now available - full, medium and mini.
+ Support for .POK files.
- Lightened the interlaced scanlines effect so as not to make the screen
too dark.
- CTRL key can now also be used as the Symbol Shift key in addition to
the RighShift key.
- CPU usage improvement. Zero shouldn't eat up so much CPU cycles
- Zero now doesn't reset the emulated machine if a tape file is inserted
into tape deck.



逃 兵:「說起來有一匹布那麼長。我一睡醒就看到遍地武器和廟裡那個神經病,還發了


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By Yuri
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By Sierra Rose
at 2010-10-13T23:18
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