ZSNES v1.51 SPC7110 Test v5 - 模擬器

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-08-14T00:45

Table of Contents

ZSNES v1.51, with the SPC7110 v5

Okay, at long last, I think I finally completed all the SPC7110 programming
and tweaking (famous last words). If you find any issues, let me know, and I′
ll try to fix it (sigh).

Windows: http://zsnes.sourceforge.net/zsnesw-spc7110-5.zip
DOS: http://zsnes.sourceforge.net/zsnes-spc7110-5.zip

_Demo_ and I optimized the code even more, to the extent that we don′t think
there′s anything else significant we can do.
Fixed a bug with save states/rewind that Deathlike found.
Removed the gfx packs stuff from the GUI and config file.
Added to the config file an option to turn off the graphics cache.
The cache isn′t used if there′s not enough free memory, but you can play
SPC7110 games anyway.

Post results of speeds with the cache on and off (changing the setting
requires ZSNES to be restarted). I′d appreciate if people with sub 1 GHz
machines can post some FPS and CPU info with and without cache.

Post source changes for people who want them.
Coordinate with some translation teams to get the 4 SPC7110 games translated.
If you need a special build of ZSNES for something, or some info which I can
provide, let me know.


ZSNES v1.51, with the SPC7110 v4
Okay, _Demo_ pointed out some relics of neviksti′s code still in our
optimized version. I rewrote some of the tightest loops to use 64 less bytes
of memory, and only loop 25% of the amount of loops it was currently doing.


Let me know if I broke anything. If you also were getting a slow down on
initial load in the previous build, that should be cut down now.

Test with the cache deleted, and let me know how it works.


ZSNES v1.51, with the SPC7110 v3

Okay, anomie and I rewrote pretty much all of neviksti′s code and seriously
optimized it like nuts. We still have a little bit more that we can optimize
(and hopefully will), but we′re MUCH faster now.


This build offers over the previous build even more optimized decompression,
and a persistent cache (which at this point I don′t think we really need

Let me know what kind of FPS you get now, and how much CPU usage it takes
(and list which CPU and MHz you have).

Also, please test save states and all that.

We′re almost done here. Once I am, I′ll figure out exactly what it is that
I changed, so I can package a new source release.

If you run into any issues, let me know. If the persistent cache for whatever
reason is causing issues, delete the *.idx and *.gfx files, and let me know
about it.



ZSNES v1.51, with the SPC7110 v2

Okay, I got a new build up. Thanks for the feedback everyone.


I optimized neviksti′s decompression code a bit more, but this isn′t the
good part. I wrote a completely new caching algorithm which is able to cache
the complete decompressed data for any game, and search for entries with an
upper bound of O(6). What this means, is that once the game already saw a
graphic, it′ll be able to recall it instantly. Some initial screens may be
slow, but if you ever come there again, it should be full speed. So for
example, the first time or two watching the FEoEZ intro, I would have it
dipping to 55 FPS on occasion, but after that, all repeat loops are full
speed. Also, how long it dips for initially should be less as well, since the
games keep on re-decompressing graphics multiple times on each screen, now,
that′s been completely eliminated. Hold down fast forward, you may be
surprised. In SPL4, in the field, I′m now able to get 196/60 FPS. I also
redid the save state code again. It should now generate save states
approximately 64KB smaller than before, which are obviously incompatible with
previous build. I also double checked the movie code, so that should work
too, unlike the previous build which had some issues there.

Finish optimizing neviksti′s decompresser so initial loads are even quicker.
Perhaps offer an option to save the cache to disk, so every time you reload a
game, it doesn′t have to rebuild it. Let me know if you guys want this or
Clean out the old pack path stuff from the GUI and the config file.

Let me know how this new build is working for you, if there′s any issues or
not. Please post your results with FPS, and your CPU, and what you think of


Er, redownload that, byuu caught a bug that I broke the Press A test if you
started a game without an SRM. That′s fixed now.


ZSNES v1.51, with the SPC7110

This is v1.51, with the SPC7110 pack loading code removed (although I didn′t
remove the GUI stuff for it yet), and real decompression added.

Save states with this version are not compatible with SPC7110 save states of
pack loading versions, however SRMs should remain compatible.

Thanks for the code is as follows:
Research by Dark Force, zsKnight, and The Dumper.
Implementation by zsKnight, Jonas Quinn, and Nach

Research by neviksti, Andreas Naive, and jolly_codger
Implementation by neviksti, Nach, and TRAC
With lots of help from CaitSith2

I spent the better part of two days trying to optimize as much as I could the
decompression code, since it was really slow, I was only getting 16 FPS on my
2.5 GHz machine in some cases. Now I get 60/60 and it uses ~20% CPU.

Games are:

NSRT v3.5 - Nach′s SNES ROM Tools

File: Far East of Eden Zero (J).gz
Sub File: Far East of Eden Zero (J)
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
Name: HU TENGAI MAKYO ZERO Company: Hudson Soft
Header: None Bank: HiROM
Interleaved: None ROM: 40 Mb
Type: SPC7110 + RTC SRAM: 64 Kb
Expansion: None Battery: Present
Country: Japan Video: NTSC
ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM) Revision: 1.0
Checksum: Good 0xDE89 Game Code: Marked, AZRJ
CRC32: 1E327BD9
MD5: 29998124A67DEDA111D5ACA8AAF5DCA5
SHA-1: 91FF16DA242D39736AEAD4D360BF6BF7C0AFCE82
SHA-256: 8620203DA71D32D017BB21F542864C1D90705B87EB67815D06B43F09120318AA
SHA-512: 9A9D7BD00C1D5B89D04A721D84D1938E103F09BAEB286BDD81762BD68EF6C4C0
Tiger: 7B8878874CE01F2A6945B163CEE43823955A980079FD17A1
Whirlpool: E441C19D24BB0E70411FFF1D0B42B35937170456206C2127AF91983C81BEAC60
Name: Far East of Eden Zero
Country: Japan Revision: 1.0
Port 1: Gamepad Port 2: Gamepad
Genre 1: RPG Genre 2: Unknown

File: Far East of Eden Zero - Shounen Jump no Shou (J).gz
Sub File: Far East of Eden Zero - Shounen Jump no Shou (J)
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
Name: JUMP TENGAIMAKYO ZERO Company: Hudson Soft
Header: None Bank: HiROM
Interleaved: None ROM: 40 Mb
Type: SPC7110 + RTC SRAM: 64 Kb
Expansion: None Battery: Present
Country: Japan Video: NTSC
ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM) Revision: 1.0
Checksum: Good 0x2EE2 Game Code: Marked, AZQJ
MD5: A7438CD69E608BD2B268DDC0ED05C2CD
RIPEMD: E283BF95078D166AD748E344ED9827B3374B45D9
SHA-1: 36E5099128088B95623FF77F8196FCECD3F26731
SHA-256: 69D06A3F3A4F3BA769541FE94E92B42142E423E9F0924EAB97865B2D826EC82D
SHA-512: 61129E6CC759C65BCA4208B7C433CF0550B7A6E949E09B2F3E4A08FD4445D308
Tiger: 8412D4B472EC69C9632A64EA87E375FF6DA9D15B147B17B5
Whirlpool: BF8EA37FCCD8209AA560836D4240FF69A6BBAE6751BBEAB851C36D551E7FBC0B
Name: Far East of Eden Zero - Shounen Jump no Shou
Country: Japan Revision: 1.0
Port 1: Gamepad Port 2: Gamepad
Genre 1: RPG Genre 2: Unknown

File: Momotarou Dentetsu Happy (J).gz
Sub File: Momotarou Dentetsu Happy (J)
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
Name: MOMOTETSU HAPPY Company: Hudson Soft
Header: None Bank: HiROM
Interleaved: None ROM: 24 Mb
Type: SPC7110 SRAM: 64 Kb
Expansion: None Battery: Present
Country: Japan Video: NTSC
ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM) Revision: 1.0
Checksum: Good 0xE28C Game Code: Marked, AH8J
CRC32: 0B8D1474
MD5: 18862A20E311F8CA08D064190C25504F
RIPEMD: 47BCFF141F8EDD2C39A476E0D16C95E9766D4D57
SHA-1: A0EEBF715C93751C6423DC277717E365D69C735F
SHA-256: 9FC7A66464E71D0F056FED2B560F527A5AF69034C96293A2731107479763A9D8
SHA-512: B354DEBEA0430D7E54B4D4B646FE27FDFBBE9E1BA778C8B388C173B982827A16
Tiger: 2FC55D6A656BF7DA4CABA92A5139EB9DA0CAFE9B716010F1
Whirlpool: 4D4C68401B267FDA2F2777A770A174F534DFD97245F1B6E530307A20BE819CA9
Name: Momotarou Dentetsu Happy
Country: Japan Revision: 1.0
Port 1: Gamepad Port 2: Gamepad
Genre 1: Board Game Genre 2: Unknown

File: Super Power League 4 (J).gz
Sub File: Super Power League 4 (J)
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
Name: SUPER POWER LEAG 4 Company: Hudson Soft
Header: None Bank: HiROM
Interleaved: None ROM: 16 Mb
Type: SPC7110 SRAM: 64 Kb
Expansion: None Battery: Present
Country: Japan Video: NTSC
ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM) Revision: 1.0
Checksum: Good 0x01AA Game Code: Marked, AE7J
CRC32: C07F099D
MD5: FEBCA3A92D34FFA119891247D9B27D09
RIPEMD: B62CD87A62ED17AECD7EB0C0D99D97E220B7A705
SHA-1: 632061AE4892EC6CD75616DA66F7BE5C75E8D7AF
SHA-256: 0847C8F8021AF9C7C139C98312E4974308650C2CBCB617161BB56C46626258BB
SHA-512: 26D9FD331BF78D6BD5D1545638C1D5AE80A5399A5A550C50828A439124287931
Tiger: BE71AE8FA36AAE7DA599905228E7DC287F7A6D34CB877EFA
Whirlpool: 9EA72BA133C75DBA075507E5536267155040A8934C821AE1F58989CB1EFFE242
Name: Super Power League 4
Country: Japan Revision: 1.0
Port 1: Gamepad Port 2: Gamepad
Genre 1: Sports Genre 2: Baseball

Report how things work. What kind of FPS do you get. Which CPU do you have?
How much CPU does it use?

Also play around the games a bit and see if something isn′t decompressing. I
′m hoping I didn′t cut any important corners, so if a graphic appears
missing, or severely garbled, please let me know.

Also test save states and make sure they′re working good.

Thanks guys.


All Comments

新手求助! MAME連線問題

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-08-13T18:13
我想上網挑 sfiii3 我的版本是 Japan 990512 NOCD 1.我開了一個server 可是怎麼沒有lobby? 這樣我怎麼知道誰加入了 誰要跟我打? 2.為什麼我的ping都好高? 都200左右 為什麼我上網找到的server都是美國o ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-08-13T18:02
小時候在合卡裡面玩過的一款 內容是一個精靈??! 腳會變長 A.B鈕各是一顆炸彈 每關都會有愛心被鐵籠子關住 還有鬼在防 都可以用炸彈掉救出愛心 然後愛心就會飄到右上角去 有人知道這款遊戲的英文名稱嗎? 還有一款是小車車要走完全地圖的格子 會有警察車檔你 可以發子彈再撞她 我記得好像是 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-08-13T15:29
※ 引述《timecrisis (........)》之銘言: : 目前正在玩鋼彈新世紀F : 拿到的是ABC三片的檔案 : 我目前就只能玩A裡面的 也就是前半段的故事 : 要玩後面的她會說要換片以便執行 : 可是 我換了之後他沒反應atat : 我用的是ePSXe : 還是說換片有固定的程序動作嗎?? ...

PCSX2 設定問題

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2008-08-13T14:13
不好意思 也要問同樣的問題 目前狀況是 只有一個實體光碟機(內無光碟) 已將遊戲iso檔放在桌面上 設定已將光碟機改為iso CDVD Driver了 也將其設定指向桌面上的遊戲檔 而每次按執行卻還是卡在設定記憶卡那邊(不能初始化) 想請問有沒有辦法可以解決 謝謝^^ ※ 引述《namier (奈米兒 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-08-13T05:18
如題 這款遊戲我破好多次了(每次都沒有全破倒是真的) 如今又想再破一次 但是很知道這款遊戲有沒有出美版或歐版的 因為我實在看不懂日文= = 如果有出我就去找找看囉 先感謝各位的回答!! - ...