ZSNES 5192 / 5124 / 4538 - 模擬器

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2008-04-02T10:24

Table of Contents

April 1, 2008 - End of the line

As many of you have probably noticed by now, I no longer update
this site. I have had a few "revival" plans for this site, but
as i am no longer actively involved in the emulation scene these
have all fell through. I will keep this site up for archival
purposes for as long as the ads support the yearly costs, but
unless a developer specifically requests a WIP to be made/posted
it'll no longer be updated. I will however try to keep the latest
official versions mirrored here. For a parting gift, here are
three 'milestone' SVN builds of ZSNES, DO NOT request any help
on these binaries whatsoever, as the binaries are untested by me
and the code outdated. No sources will be released, as they are
publicly available on SVN.

4538 is the last post-1.51 version before major core changes.
5124 is the last DOS version
5192 is the last version before the new QI GUI was implimented

I would like to thank everybody who has helped make this site what
it was.

First and most of all Kaede, who pushed me to make the site in the f
irst place and has been a dear friend ever since
eSoul: for giving me my first mirror so people didn't have to endure
the horror of my 26.4kbps dialup connection
All of the various hosts i have had over the years, without you guys
this site would have died long ago
The entire ZSNES team for allowing me to join their developer
community, and putting up with my pointless babble all these years
And of course everybody else who i have forgotten that has
helped/encouraged me over the years!

下載:4538 Win http://files.ipherswipsite.com/zsnes/ZSNESW_4538.zip
DOS http://files.ipherswipsite.com/zsnes/ZSNES_4538.zip

5124 Win http://files.ipherswipsite.com/zsnes/ZSNESW_5124.zip
DOS http://files.ipherswipsite.com/zsnes/ZSNES_5124.zip

5192 Win http://files.ipherswipsite.com/zsnes/ZSNESW_5192.zip



│ 活老百姓!快來跟著我喊 ~│
—⊙—⊙ ╭┴──────────────────╯


All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2008-04-04T01:44
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2008-04-04T17:04


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-04-02T03:36
(part1) 這篇短心得是給玩PS模擬器時,想用金手指卻又不知道如何下手的初學者, 和懶得設定有的沒的東西的人看的, 所以沒什麼技術層面的東西 XDDD. 我玩PS的模擬器時,因為討厭一大堆設置,因此最習慣用的是pSX這款. 想改數值可想而知也都用最簡單陽春的 Artmoney v6.26 來搜尋和修 ...

有沒有Billy Jr. 大的消息

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2008-04-02T00:31
記得大約6~7年前的模擬界 其中有一位叫Billy Jr.的神秘大大 印象中 每當模擬界有突破性發展的時候 他都有參一腳 XD 記得cps2, cps3, pgm基板的模擬 造福了不少玩家 但自從kof2k1 rom事件後 他漸漸的淡出模擬界了 andgt;_andlt; 近幾年 他的網站也倒了 有人 ...

Ootake v1.42

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2008-04-01T23:26
http://www.ouma.jp/ootake/ ◇全体的な処理速度を若干高速化(開発コンパイラの最適化オプションを変更)しまし た。特に、スペックが高くないパソコン環境上で、いくらか処理が軽くなったかもしれ ません。 ◇ライン毎に画面表示幅を変更しているソフトに対応しました。and#34;闇の血族an ...

懷舊電玩主機 音源轉檔

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2008-04-01T20:50
噢 看到置底已經有了一篇相類似的 但還是來分享一下設置 假如只是單純想用電腦來聽遊戲音樂 又不排斥安裝只專門用來聽遊戲音樂的軟體的話 推薦你這兩款 Audio Overload:Video Game Music Player http://www.bannister.org/software/ao.ht ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-04-01T19:40
◎.求檔前請先參閱版規,並請儘量依照格式撰寫,謝謝您(本文可自行手動消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:GB 內容陳述:就是冒險遊戲,主角一路過關就會得到不同的珠子, ...