Yuri Pasholok Q&A - War Game

By Una
at 2015-06-01T11:56
at 2015-06-01T11:56
Table of Contents
Yuri Pasholok 是 WG 的歷史顧問;以下是他受 FTA VK 社群訪問的內容
- Regarding the KV-4 and its rework to HD: the KV-4 project in the game is
historical, it was proposed by a designer named Dukhov and it's goal was to
use as many elements of KV-3 as possible in order to speed up the KV-4
production. The preliminary historical parameters of the vehicle can be found
here: http://yuripasholok.livejournal.com/2653499.html - they are preliminary
but as you can see, this KV-4 version is lighter than the others. It would
make no sense to change the vehicle into some other project in HD, especially
since some KV-4 proposals resemble SPG's more than tanks.
KV-4 和 HD 化相關:遊戲中的 KV-4 計畫是史實的,它是由一位名為 Dukhov 的設計師
所提出,目的是盡量沿用 KV-3 的部件以加快 KV-4 的量產。該車的預估數據見上連結。
可看到這個版本比其他的輕。HD 化時換成其他版本沒啥意義,特別因為某些計畫,與其
- When reworking vehicles to HD, WG is using materials collected during last
couple of years as much as possible;
HD 化時,WG 盡量使用近幾年找到的新資料
- There's no point in replacing T110E5 with MBT-70;
用 MBT-70 取代 T110E5 沒啥道理
(MBT-70 六零年代美德主戰車聯合開發案,搭載 XM150 152mm 主砲,最後沒有量產)
- "Several dozen" well armored hightier vehicles are available for
implementation but whether they will be implemented is another matter. Yuri
Pasholok states that not spamming new regular branches is the right approach.
According to him the game needs principally new game modes instead. New tanks
implemented should be interesting or at least unusual - there's basically
enough of those amongst hightier vehicles;
Pasholok 表示不亂加科技樹是正確的。他說,這遊戲需要的是新概念的新遊戲模式。新
- It's theoretically possible to build a Sturmpanzer branch but whether it
will be done is a question for game designers;
- There are almost no data on IS-4 based tank destroyer. There was a whole
bunch of vehicles based on Object 701 (including Object 712, a bridgelayer),
but there's no drawing available for the TD, only some schematic of 152mm
guns mounts developed by the design bureau of Plant No.172, it's possible
they are related;
幾乎沒有基於 IS-4 的驅逐戰車的資料。Object 701 衍伸出一堆車輛(包括 Object 712
架橋車),但就是沒有驅逐戰車;只有172廠設計局提出的示意圖,搭載 152mm 主砲,是
- Swedish tanks are fine, they can build an entire branch. Italians are a bit
worse off but principally they can build at least an entire MT branch;
- When asked whether "fast" Japanese light tanks exist, Yuri Pasholok replies
that those tanks are basically the ones already in the game (Ha-Go, Ke-Ni,
Ke-Ho). Ha-Go for example is originally a cavalry tank. The Japanese tank
design school is very specific. It was heavily restricted by the vehicle
weight requirements because the marines received the same tanks and their
assault landing ships had the carrying capacity of 16-17 tons. The Japanese
tanks were principally not bad, they were very comfortable from the crew
placement point of view but the Japanese focus on navy and air force was
被問到日本『快速』輕戰車存不存在,Yuri Pasholok 回說那些基本上就是遊戲中的車
- There are historical plans for another French light tank (Char 13t - 75)
but there are no plans to put it into the game;
法國還有一個輕坦的史實計畫(Char 13t-75),但沒打算放進遊戲中
- There won't be a third Soviet heavy branch ("there were two main design
bureaus, hence two main branches");
- The French heavies without autoloaders that were previously planned are "at
least unusual". Yuri Pasholok is of the impression that the French in fact
infected the Germans with their megalomania. The French had three projects of
150 ton weight category for example and two actually had full-scale mock-ups
built. The number three means that three different companies made them - FCM,
ARL and AMX.
之前規劃的無自動裝填機法國重坦「至少很特別」。Yuri Pasholok 覺得法國人被德國的
- It's theoretically possible to introduce Shashmurin's KV-4 design as a TD
(as well as two other designs that would fill that role);
理論上可以把 Shashmurin 的 KV-4 設計拿來當驅逐戰車(另兩個也行)
(譯者:車身正面中置主砲;車身上方再安裝 KV-1 砲塔)
- Regarding the ingame Borsig and WT Pz IV designs - most of it was just
paper but the six-roadwheel Borsig type suspension was built;
遊戲內的 Borsig 和 WT Pz IV 設計大部分都只是圖紙,但 Borsig 的六路輪懸吊有生產
- Whether M4 with FL10 turret will be implemented is a question for game
designers not historians
M4 加 FL10 砲塔會不會實裝要問設計者,不是歷史學家能決定的
- Chinese TD's are based on Soviet vehicles and their Chinese copies. However
there are some unusual vehicles as well.
- Implementing the T58 Heavy Tank would make no sense at this moment;
目前,引入美國 T58 重坦沒什麼意義
- E 10 will "not come before than Strv 103";
E-10「不會比 Strv 103 早出」
- It's possible to introduce the ZiS-30 TD into the game from historical
point of view;
以歷史角度來看,引入 ZiS-30 是有可能的
- Apparently the Object 726 would be too overpowered for WoT.
Object 726 對 WoT 來說強度太破格了
In church, they say to forgive!
Forgiveness is between them and God;
it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》
- Regarding the KV-4 and its rework to HD: the KV-4 project in the game is
historical, it was proposed by a designer named Dukhov and it's goal was to
use as many elements of KV-3 as possible in order to speed up the KV-4
production. The preliminary historical parameters of the vehicle can be found
here: http://yuripasholok.livejournal.com/2653499.html - they are preliminary
but as you can see, this KV-4 version is lighter than the others. It would
make no sense to change the vehicle into some other project in HD, especially
since some KV-4 proposals resemble SPG's more than tanks.
KV-4 和 HD 化相關:遊戲中的 KV-4 計畫是史實的,它是由一位名為 Dukhov 的設計師
所提出,目的是盡量沿用 KV-3 的部件以加快 KV-4 的量產。該車的預估數據見上連結。
可看到這個版本比其他的輕。HD 化時換成其他版本沒啥意義,特別因為某些計畫,與其
- When reworking vehicles to HD, WG is using materials collected during last
couple of years as much as possible;
HD 化時,WG 盡量使用近幾年找到的新資料
- There's no point in replacing T110E5 with MBT-70;
用 MBT-70 取代 T110E5 沒啥道理
(MBT-70 六零年代美德主戰車聯合開發案,搭載 XM150 152mm 主砲,最後沒有量產)
- "Several dozen" well armored hightier vehicles are available for
implementation but whether they will be implemented is another matter. Yuri
Pasholok states that not spamming new regular branches is the right approach.
According to him the game needs principally new game modes instead. New tanks
implemented should be interesting or at least unusual - there's basically
enough of those amongst hightier vehicles;
Pasholok 表示不亂加科技樹是正確的。他說,這遊戲需要的是新概念的新遊戲模式。新
- It's theoretically possible to build a Sturmpanzer branch but whether it
will be done is a question for game designers;
- There are almost no data on IS-4 based tank destroyer. There was a whole
bunch of vehicles based on Object 701 (including Object 712, a bridgelayer),
but there's no drawing available for the TD, only some schematic of 152mm
guns mounts developed by the design bureau of Plant No.172, it's possible
they are related;
幾乎沒有基於 IS-4 的驅逐戰車的資料。Object 701 衍伸出一堆車輛(包括 Object 712
架橋車),但就是沒有驅逐戰車;只有172廠設計局提出的示意圖,搭載 152mm 主砲,是
- Swedish tanks are fine, they can build an entire branch. Italians are a bit
worse off but principally they can build at least an entire MT branch;
- When asked whether "fast" Japanese light tanks exist, Yuri Pasholok replies
that those tanks are basically the ones already in the game (Ha-Go, Ke-Ni,
Ke-Ho). Ha-Go for example is originally a cavalry tank. The Japanese tank
design school is very specific. It was heavily restricted by the vehicle
weight requirements because the marines received the same tanks and their
assault landing ships had the carrying capacity of 16-17 tons. The Japanese
tanks were principally not bad, they were very comfortable from the crew
placement point of view but the Japanese focus on navy and air force was
被問到日本『快速』輕戰車存不存在,Yuri Pasholok 回說那些基本上就是遊戲中的車
- There are historical plans for another French light tank (Char 13t - 75)
but there are no plans to put it into the game;
法國還有一個輕坦的史實計畫(Char 13t-75),但沒打算放進遊戲中
- There won't be a third Soviet heavy branch ("there were two main design
bureaus, hence two main branches");
- The French heavies without autoloaders that were previously planned are "at
least unusual". Yuri Pasholok is of the impression that the French in fact
infected the Germans with their megalomania. The French had three projects of
150 ton weight category for example and two actually had full-scale mock-ups
built. The number three means that three different companies made them - FCM,
ARL and AMX.
之前規劃的無自動裝填機法國重坦「至少很特別」。Yuri Pasholok 覺得法國人被德國的
- It's theoretically possible to introduce Shashmurin's KV-4 design as a TD
(as well as two other designs that would fill that role);
理論上可以把 Shashmurin 的 KV-4 設計拿來當驅逐戰車(另兩個也行)
(譯者:車身正面中置主砲;車身上方再安裝 KV-1 砲塔)
- Regarding the ingame Borsig and WT Pz IV designs - most of it was just
paper but the six-roadwheel Borsig type suspension was built;
遊戲內的 Borsig 和 WT Pz IV 設計大部分都只是圖紙,但 Borsig 的六路輪懸吊有生產
- Whether M4 with FL10 turret will be implemented is a question for game
designers not historians
M4 加 FL10 砲塔會不會實裝要問設計者,不是歷史學家能決定的
- Chinese TD's are based on Soviet vehicles and their Chinese copies. However
there are some unusual vehicles as well.
- Implementing the T58 Heavy Tank would make no sense at this moment;
目前,引入美國 T58 重坦沒什麼意義
- E 10 will "not come before than Strv 103";
E-10「不會比 Strv 103 早出」
- It's possible to introduce the ZiS-30 TD into the game from historical
point of view;
以歷史角度來看,引入 ZiS-30 是有可能的
- Apparently the Object 726 would be too overpowered for WoT.
Object 726 對 WoT 來說強度太破格了
In church, they say to forgive!
Forgiveness is between them and God;
it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》
All Comments

By Dinah
at 2015-06-02T01:45
at 2015-06-02T01:45

By Necoo
at 2015-06-04T11:58
at 2015-06-04T11:58

By Skylar Davis
at 2015-06-09T06:07
at 2015-06-09T06:07

By Hedwig
at 2015-06-12T21:48
at 2015-06-12T21:48

By Christine
at 2015-06-17T04:28
at 2015-06-17T04:28

By Mary
at 2015-06-19T10:53
at 2015-06-19T10:53

By Carolina Franco
at 2015-06-23T03:49
at 2015-06-23T03:49
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