XCOM LONG WAR MOD第二波選項+戰略指南 - Steam

By Agnes
at 2014-10-22T11:11
at 2014-10-22T11:11
Table of Contents
因為XCOM中文版裝上long war MOD時已中文化部分並沒有跟著修改,造成第二波
來源 3大媽 [原创] XCOM LONGWAR MOD 铁人+最高难度+第二波选项全开视频
In Long War, all Second Wave options are available from the start.
Damage Roulette: Same damage algorithm as in Long War EU. Displayed
damage on item cards will correctly reflect this setting.
New Economy: Same as in Long War EU.
Strict Screening: Replacement for Not Created Equally. By default soldiers
will have randomized but balanced starting stats. Selecting this option will
revert to fixed starting stats for all soldiers.
龍生九子:替代原版的not created equally,LW MOD預設士兵初始屬性隨機化、平衡化,
Hidden Potential: Soldier stats at level-up are randomized.
Training Roulette: Soldier perks are randomized. This may include some MEC
perks. In general the list of randomized perks is different than in vanilla.
(For example, Field Medic cannot be randomized).
Save Scum: Unchanged from Vanilla EW
Red Fog: Significantly changed from vanilla. Aliens and robotic units are
affected. Aim and Mobility penalty scales linearly with damage taken. High
Will stat can reduce the effect. Robotic units have "infinite" will for this
purpose, and so will not have aim/mobility penalties until they drop below
50% health
Absolutely Critical: Unchanged from Vanilla EW 、
Liberation: Replaces Psionic Interrogation (requirements for psionics are
completely changed). New SW option requires that all countries be re-taken
prior to launching the final mission.
Not-so-Long War: Replaces Marathon. Generates fewer missions per month and
reduces requirements for various things to compensate.
西的需求( 資源、工程師數量等)作為補償。
Results Driven: Income varies with panic level, and the formula has been
adjusted to be based on the new 100 point panic scale.
Cinematic Mode: All soldiers, SHIVs and interceptors get +15 to hit in all
Diminishing Returns: Unchanged from Vanilla EW
More Than Human: Chance to successful training a psionic power is reduced.
Failing to train still does not prevent further attempts.
Itchy Trigger Tentacle: Unchanged from Vanilla EW
War Weariness: Funding reduced over time. Rate of funding reduction slowed to
match Long War timescale
E-299: Renamed to be more consistent with chemical notation. Rate of Elerium
decay reduced to match Long War timescale.
Total Loss: By default soldiers that are MIA (either mission failed or
soldier was left behind on abort) have a 50% chance to have their gear
recovered, and dead soldiers on successful missions always have their gear
Total loss results in equipment loss for all dead soldiers and all MIA
Alternate Sources: Increased power requirement. Values adjusted for Long War.
Aiming Angles: Unchanged from Vanilla EW
Mind Hates Matter: By default only the Neural Damping genemod is prohibited
to psionic soldiers. With this option all genemods are prohibited to psionic
水火不容:默認是neural damping和超能力衝突,勾選此項任何一項基因改造都和超能力
Strategy (Long War)
Long War's economy is very different to vanilla.
While launching satellites will increase your income, satellite spam is not
the answer to all your problems like it is in vanilla.
Satellite uplinks give only one satellite per uplink plus adjacency and satellites are more
expensive, so the cost of increasing your satellite coverage is much higher.
The extra income you gain from each satellite is lower, since a country will already fund you 50% in normal
(classic=40%, brutal=33%, impossible=25%) without a satellite.
our satellite network must be protected by interceptors, and interceptor
maintenance is expensive - in fact it's likely your single biggest
expenditure each month. 你的衛星網路必須由攔截機來保護,然而攔截機的維護費用是
Even with good interceptor coverage, eventually the aliens will get annoyed
enough to send battleships after your satellites, so you will need to
occasionally replace them. (即使部署了很好的攔截機群,外星人也會發飆派出戰列
With all of these factors combined, launching more satellites will only
marginally increase your income.
You can improve this aspect of your income by thinking about efficiency -
cover high income countries and cover whole continents to improve the
efficiency of your interceptor placement.
Prioritising aerospace research will also help, since it will allow you to
reliably shoot down UFOs with fewer interceptors and less damage taken,
meaning less interceptors needed and less maintenance.
A large amount of your income will come from the sale of alien artifacts.
Long War presents you with a lot of missions, which means a lot of alloys,
elerium and corpses to sell - chances are you'll have considerably more of
these things than you can sensibly use in the early game.
satellites don't give you so much direct income, the extra UFOs you can
assault with more satellite coverage will mean more artifacts to sell, and
hence more income indirectly.
Do not sell things on the Gray Market until you need the money, because you
never know when EXALT is going to hack your funding and steal a portion of
your funds.
In fact, with the Foundry projects that increase the amount of Alloys and
Elerium you recover from raided UFOs: if you can confidently do so with
regularity, particularly with landed Barges, selling the two can be an extra
means of income.
And with an array of Workshops giving you refunds on them on projects, it is
not too difficult to reach a sustainable balance between selling and using,
even with the occasional Council request giving additional personnel and
credits in exchange.
The amount of Meld that you get from canisters scales with how well the
aliens are doing. (As such, you may find that Meld becomes hard to come by
if you're doing "too well", so selling it or giving it by Request should not
be done.
On the other hand, if the aliens have you on the back foot, you may find
yourself with enough Meld to build plentiful MECs and gene mods to help you
get back in the game.
The two main sources of panic in the Long War are Terror Missions, where an
excellent mission rating only minimizes the Panic raise that will occur, and
public UFO sightings in Council Nation airspace.
For satellite coverage, since Uplink and Nexus capacity has been halved,
you'll need more to fully cover all Council nations.
he ideal satellite facility configuration is now a 2x3 block, with 3 Uplinks
and 3 Nexi; this will allow you to cover all 16 countries.
While at first you will lose at least 1 country, and have only 15 countries
to cover at start-- though you can liberate the 16th;
in fact, liberating at least one country is required for story progression,
as any withdrawn nation will spawn an Alien Base within it's borders--
you should build with the 3 and 3 in mind, so that you will not need to
rebuild later, if your aim is to rescue all member nations.
Still, coverage as soon as possible is ideal, so you can manage any smaller
craft that come into covered airspace, and assault landed UFOs that are too
big for your interceptors, or at least harass them in-flight.
This (ineffectual) show of force is at least good PR for the Council nations,
as doing at least 50% damage to UFOs reduces both Panic, as well as slows the
aliens' research progression.
(騷擾一下雖然看起來徒勞無益,但是是降低成員國恐慌度的有效辦法,如果打掉UFO 50%
Try to keep some satellites in reserve, for when the inevitable Battleship
comes for your satellites. Well, if you have the money, that is.
Story progression is nearly identical to Vanilla, except that a satellite
must be put over a withdrawn nation (be it that first one, or one later lost
to Panic), along with a skeleton key being built.
Any further countries lost will also spawn bases for additional assaults (and
while difficult, they have been made profitable, to give you a fighting
chance to bounce back from severe panic conitions).
Due to the fact that aliens can now conduct research themselves, it is
recommended to have a general direction towards which to focus your efforts
in order not to fall too far behind them and avoid researching projects that
may not prove immediately necessary at the present moment.
With the way fatigue and injury are handled in Long War, armor becomes a much
more valuable asset to your troops as only hits that manage to successfully
penetrate a soldier's armor can grant him a vacation in your sickbay.
Skipping Laser Weaponry entirely is not recommended on higher difficulties
unless especial care is taken to maximize scientists through Council Requests
and Satelite Coverage in addition to having a healthy amount of laboratories,
as the both the accuracy bonus and damage are highly desireable in the early
stages of the game.
Even later on, handing a Rocketeer a Laser Carbine may even be better than
having him use advanced weaponry as this improves his ability to hit bullseye
with his launcher and results in less scatter.
Furthermore, it is very important to put research effort into your airspace
capabilities if you wish to preserve your satellite coverage.
When given the choice whether to buy additional Interceptors or upgrade
existing ones through foundry projects, weaponry or even temporary boosters,
it is almost always recommended to go for the latter.
The more UFO's you are able to successfully shoot down with your Interceptors,
the more materials and money you will be able to salvage in the long run.
The pace at which the aliens conduct research is dictated both by difficulty
level and player action.
Soldiers that are MIA (left behind) at the end of a mission will significantly
boost alien research and should at all times be avoided unless if by doing so
more are likely to meet the same fate.
As of Beta 14, this will still be in effect, albeit in a much lesser fashion
(1/4 of its original value).
If you lose a soldier but win the mission, the aliens don't get research.
They don't gain research for shooting down an interceptor.
They don't gain research for shooting down a satellite.
They do gain a little research for each non-air raid UFO that escapes undamaged.
They have a chance to gain a little research if a UFO escapes lightly damaged.
They gain a good bit of research if a landed UFO on a research mission is not
晚點繼續 還有40頁A4 Orz
來源 3大媽 [原创] XCOM LONGWAR MOD 铁人+最高难度+第二波选项全开视频
In Long War, all Second Wave options are available from the start.
Damage Roulette: Same damage algorithm as in Long War EU. Displayed
damage on item cards will correctly reflect this setting.
New Economy: Same as in Long War EU.
Strict Screening: Replacement for Not Created Equally. By default soldiers
will have randomized but balanced starting stats. Selecting this option will
revert to fixed starting stats for all soldiers.
龍生九子:替代原版的not created equally,LW MOD預設士兵初始屬性隨機化、平衡化,
Hidden Potential: Soldier stats at level-up are randomized.
Training Roulette: Soldier perks are randomized. This may include some MEC
perks. In general the list of randomized perks is different than in vanilla.
(For example, Field Medic cannot be randomized).
Save Scum: Unchanged from Vanilla EW
Red Fog: Significantly changed from vanilla. Aliens and robotic units are
affected. Aim and Mobility penalty scales linearly with damage taken. High
Will stat can reduce the effect. Robotic units have "infinite" will for this
purpose, and so will not have aim/mobility penalties until they drop below
50% health
Absolutely Critical: Unchanged from Vanilla EW 、
Liberation: Replaces Psionic Interrogation (requirements for psionics are
completely changed). New SW option requires that all countries be re-taken
prior to launching the final mission.
Not-so-Long War: Replaces Marathon. Generates fewer missions per month and
reduces requirements for various things to compensate.
西的需求( 資源、工程師數量等)作為補償。
Results Driven: Income varies with panic level, and the formula has been
adjusted to be based on the new 100 point panic scale.
Cinematic Mode: All soldiers, SHIVs and interceptors get +15 to hit in all
Diminishing Returns: Unchanged from Vanilla EW
More Than Human: Chance to successful training a psionic power is reduced.
Failing to train still does not prevent further attempts.
Itchy Trigger Tentacle: Unchanged from Vanilla EW
War Weariness: Funding reduced over time. Rate of funding reduction slowed to
match Long War timescale
E-299: Renamed to be more consistent with chemical notation. Rate of Elerium
decay reduced to match Long War timescale.
Total Loss: By default soldiers that are MIA (either mission failed or
soldier was left behind on abort) have a 50% chance to have their gear
recovered, and dead soldiers on successful missions always have their gear
Total loss results in equipment loss for all dead soldiers and all MIA
Alternate Sources: Increased power requirement. Values adjusted for Long War.
Aiming Angles: Unchanged from Vanilla EW
Mind Hates Matter: By default only the Neural Damping genemod is prohibited
to psionic soldiers. With this option all genemods are prohibited to psionic
水火不容:默認是neural damping和超能力衝突,勾選此項任何一項基因改造都和超能力
Strategy (Long War)
Long War's economy is very different to vanilla.
While launching satellites will increase your income, satellite spam is not
the answer to all your problems like it is in vanilla.
Satellite uplinks give only one satellite per uplink plus adjacency and satellites are more
expensive, so the cost of increasing your satellite coverage is much higher.
The extra income you gain from each satellite is lower, since a country will already fund you 50% in normal
(classic=40%, brutal=33%, impossible=25%) without a satellite.
our satellite network must be protected by interceptors, and interceptor
maintenance is expensive - in fact it's likely your single biggest
expenditure each month. 你的衛星網路必須由攔截機來保護,然而攔截機的維護費用是
Even with good interceptor coverage, eventually the aliens will get annoyed
enough to send battleships after your satellites, so you will need to
occasionally replace them. (即使部署了很好的攔截機群,外星人也會發飆派出戰列
With all of these factors combined, launching more satellites will only
marginally increase your income.
You can improve this aspect of your income by thinking about efficiency -
cover high income countries and cover whole continents to improve the
efficiency of your interceptor placement.
Prioritising aerospace research will also help, since it will allow you to
reliably shoot down UFOs with fewer interceptors and less damage taken,
meaning less interceptors needed and less maintenance.
A large amount of your income will come from the sale of alien artifacts.
Long War presents you with a lot of missions, which means a lot of alloys,
elerium and corpses to sell - chances are you'll have considerably more of
these things than you can sensibly use in the early game.
satellites don't give you so much direct income, the extra UFOs you can
assault with more satellite coverage will mean more artifacts to sell, and
hence more income indirectly.
Do not sell things on the Gray Market until you need the money, because you
never know when EXALT is going to hack your funding and steal a portion of
your funds.
In fact, with the Foundry projects that increase the amount of Alloys and
Elerium you recover from raided UFOs: if you can confidently do so with
regularity, particularly with landed Barges, selling the two can be an extra
means of income.
And with an array of Workshops giving you refunds on them on projects, it is
not too difficult to reach a sustainable balance between selling and using,
even with the occasional Council request giving additional personnel and
credits in exchange.
The amount of Meld that you get from canisters scales with how well the
aliens are doing. (As such, you may find that Meld becomes hard to come by
if you're doing "too well", so selling it or giving it by Request should not
be done.
On the other hand, if the aliens have you on the back foot, you may find
yourself with enough Meld to build plentiful MECs and gene mods to help you
get back in the game.
The two main sources of panic in the Long War are Terror Missions, where an
excellent mission rating only minimizes the Panic raise that will occur, and
public UFO sightings in Council Nation airspace.
For satellite coverage, since Uplink and Nexus capacity has been halved,
you'll need more to fully cover all Council nations.
he ideal satellite facility configuration is now a 2x3 block, with 3 Uplinks
and 3 Nexi; this will allow you to cover all 16 countries.
While at first you will lose at least 1 country, and have only 15 countries
to cover at start-- though you can liberate the 16th;
in fact, liberating at least one country is required for story progression,
as any withdrawn nation will spawn an Alien Base within it's borders--
you should build with the 3 and 3 in mind, so that you will not need to
rebuild later, if your aim is to rescue all member nations.
Still, coverage as soon as possible is ideal, so you can manage any smaller
craft that come into covered airspace, and assault landed UFOs that are too
big for your interceptors, or at least harass them in-flight.
This (ineffectual) show of force is at least good PR for the Council nations,
as doing at least 50% damage to UFOs reduces both Panic, as well as slows the
aliens' research progression.
(騷擾一下雖然看起來徒勞無益,但是是降低成員國恐慌度的有效辦法,如果打掉UFO 50%
Try to keep some satellites in reserve, for when the inevitable Battleship
comes for your satellites. Well, if you have the money, that is.
Story progression is nearly identical to Vanilla, except that a satellite
must be put over a withdrawn nation (be it that first one, or one later lost
to Panic), along with a skeleton key being built.
Any further countries lost will also spawn bases for additional assaults (and
while difficult, they have been made profitable, to give you a fighting
chance to bounce back from severe panic conitions).
Due to the fact that aliens can now conduct research themselves, it is
recommended to have a general direction towards which to focus your efforts
in order not to fall too far behind them and avoid researching projects that
may not prove immediately necessary at the present moment.
With the way fatigue and injury are handled in Long War, armor becomes a much
more valuable asset to your troops as only hits that manage to successfully
penetrate a soldier's armor can grant him a vacation in your sickbay.
Skipping Laser Weaponry entirely is not recommended on higher difficulties
unless especial care is taken to maximize scientists through Council Requests
and Satelite Coverage in addition to having a healthy amount of laboratories,
as the both the accuracy bonus and damage are highly desireable in the early
stages of the game.
Even later on, handing a Rocketeer a Laser Carbine may even be better than
having him use advanced weaponry as this improves his ability to hit bullseye
with his launcher and results in less scatter.
Furthermore, it is very important to put research effort into your airspace
capabilities if you wish to preserve your satellite coverage.
When given the choice whether to buy additional Interceptors or upgrade
existing ones through foundry projects, weaponry or even temporary boosters,
it is almost always recommended to go for the latter.
The more UFO's you are able to successfully shoot down with your Interceptors,
the more materials and money you will be able to salvage in the long run.
The pace at which the aliens conduct research is dictated both by difficulty
level and player action.
Soldiers that are MIA (left behind) at the end of a mission will significantly
boost alien research and should at all times be avoided unless if by doing so
more are likely to meet the same fate.
As of Beta 14, this will still be in effect, albeit in a much lesser fashion
(1/4 of its original value).
If you lose a soldier but win the mission, the aliens don't get research.
They don't gain research for shooting down an interceptor.
They don't gain research for shooting down a satellite.
They do gain a little research for each non-air raid UFO that escapes undamaged.
They have a chance to gain a little research if a UFO escapes lightly damaged.
They gain a good bit of research if a landed UFO on a research mission is not
晚點繼續 還有40頁A4 Orz
All Comments

By Mary
at 2014-10-24T19:52
at 2014-10-24T19:52

By Agnes
at 2014-10-27T10:12
at 2014-10-27T10:12

By Hamiltion
at 2014-10-28T13:54
at 2014-10-28T13:54

By Emily
at 2014-11-02T07:19
at 2014-11-02T07:19
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