(XBox360) Ex360E HG r1 (13.05.25) - 模擬器

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2013-05-25T11:00

Table of Contents


這個嘛........嗯嗯(  ̄ー ̄)"

   Ex360E is a highly experimental Xbox 360 emulator, for Xbox Live Arcade
titles developed with XNA Game Studio.

It uses an extremely High-Level approach to Emulation, rely on the fact
that titles developed with XNA run with the .NET framework.

   In order to run games, Ex360E extracts an Xbox Live Arcade Package,
decrypts the .xex files, extracts any .NET executables, and then
patches them so that that can then be run by the Windows version of
the .NET framework.

The result of this, is the Xbox 360 game is left in a format that can
be natively run on a Windows PC. Due to these resulting assemblies being
64-bit, and Windows only has a 32-bit variant of the XNA framework, the
Xbox 360 version of the framework is used.

This is achieved by writing Dynamic Link Libraries (.DLL files) that
implement the missing libraries from the Xbox 360 that XNA expects to
be present. (D3D, XINPUT, STORAGE, MEDIA, among others)

Minimum System Requirements:

‧Microsoft Windows (64-bit only, Windows 7 and 8 have been tested as
‧.NET Framework 3.5
‧Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Runtime



Initial Commit

- Very buggy incomplete GUI and patcher
- Highly incomplete implementations of D3D, STORAGE and XINPUT APIs.
- Fez runs, but enters an infinite loop due to invalid D3D format






All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-05-28T14:59
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-05-30T02:15
別鬧了 xbox都生不出來了 我想玩神作orta啊啊啊啊啊啊啊


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-05-25T00:14
忘了遊戲的名稱 是街機 只記得人物有點像是武俠人物(古代) 當打中對方時按BC 好像可以接連續技 主角好像是拿劍的 有點像是令狐沖(不卻定 連續技是按AA BB CC ACCC 請問有人知道這是什麼遊戲嗎? 請神人幫忙回答一下 謝謝atat - ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2013-05-24T22:39
想請問,為什麼我的WinKwaks裡neogeo的遊戲 要調成日版都不能調啊andgt;_andlt; 設定裡的neogeo settings 設成arcade 和 japan, 出來仍然是歐版。。 loading完遊戲後直接進遊戲的test menu裡調, test menu裡也只有英語 西班牙 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-05-24T22:22
我上一篇好像忘記寫了,雖然很基本但還是補一下吧? 必殺技的使用,首先當然是要練技巧等級。 練會後,就是持續壓住攻擊鍵,等重新計算100%之後,就會開始集氣。 每集滿一條就可以放一個LV的必殺技,之後類推。反正實際試看看就知道了。 小時候超喜歡集滿氣然後移動,長大反而懶了,只喜歡用100%攻擊XDD ═════ ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-05-24T19:06
童年玩過此款遊戲 至今仍念念不忘 想請問其他平台上有無類似此種的遊戲? 電腦上有足球經理,只是好像有點太複雜.. 沒這麼多時間去玩了 - ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2013-05-24T18:29
小時候玩過一款FC的動作遊戲 是直向捲軸的 一開始是由下方往上方走 角色外型有點像是士兵 顏色是綠的 攻擊方式有手槍與手榴彈 然後不同階段會有不同武器 一開始是士兵中間會找到坦克車 之後的部分就沒有印象了 請問有沒有版友知道這是哪款 - ...