(Xbox media-player) XBMC4XBOX v3.3.1 - 模擬器

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2013-08-14T22:00

Table of Contents


XBMC is a free and open source media player software made solely for
the first-generation Xbox video-game console. Other than the audio /
video playback and media center functionality of XBMC4Xbox, it also
has the rather unique ability to catalog and launch original Xbox
games, and homebrew applications such as console emulators from the
Xbox's built-in harddrive.


- There were problems accessing the video/music playlists when nothing
was playing.
- Adding plugins to the home screen of Confluence Lite cause script
failures when launching.
- There was a minor text positioning bug in the seek dialog with PM3.HD.
- We now ship with a lovely green XBox theme for Confluence Lite –
Go to Settings -> Appearance -> Skin -> Theme to switch.





All Comments


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-08-14T21:07
稍微要討論一下各職業的利弊問題,所以只好還是分篇。 但這樣篇幅又怪怪的,所以追加該角色的序章攻略內容,會這樣寫6篇。 然後才是開始寫遊戲攻略的部分。 那至於一些基礎操作與設定部分,就等第7篇的主線開始寫才說明, 畢竟序章的部分,戰鬥都不會很難或很吃緊(アンジェラ例外,但這也是未必需要啦) 第一篇當然還是從人氣 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2013-08-14T18:19
: 解決方法為按F1進入除錯模式,選CLOCK,確定一次目前時間即可。 : WSAD:1P的方向 : J:射擊。 : K:跳躍。 : U:選擇。 : Enter:開始。 : Space:投幣。 : 我只破過一輪,完全一樣,有多新武器H,有四人可選 : ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2013-08-14T18:06
這次為了修改遊戲的大字體,特地學了套新工具 所以多花了不少時間...沒辦法 個人對翻譯品質還是比較要求的 圖文網誌版 http://roger6.blogspot.tw/2013/08/blog-post.html 下載位置 和之前一樣,老地方下載 http://www.mediafire.com ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-08-14T16:35
逛論壇時看到的,不多說,3D板的元祖魂斗羅復刻。 http://rghost.net/47867282 http://rghost.net/47867657 http://rghost.net/47868092 http://rghost.net/47868545 http://rgho ...

SS-Jung Rhythm(T-16607G)

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-08-13T17:00
Published by: Altron Gênero: Rhythm Game/ Action-Dance Image Format: 1 CDs (95,8 Mb + 73, 2 Mb) Compressed in WinRAR http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Jung_Rhy ...