(Xbox) Cxbx-Reloaded v0.1 - 模擬器

By Bennie
at 2018-07-16T21:48
at 2018-07-16T21:48
Table of Contents
Cxbx-Reloaded is an emulator for running Microsoft Xbox (and eventually,
Chihiro) games on Microsoft Windows. The project began life as a fork of Cxbx
with added 64-bit support. Work is currently underway to backport some of the
improvements from Dxbx. Cxbx-Reloaded is still pretty unstable, don't expect
it to run much at this point.
Cxbx Reloaded v0.1 Changelog:
This is the first official release of Cxbx-Reloaded!
Sorry, no change-log this time: As we have never made a stable release in the
past, such a change-log would need to cover two years of history, that's a
little to big to manage.
We'll make sure to give proper change-logs for all future updates.
Cxbx-Reloaded is an emulator for running Microsoft Xbox (and eventually,
Chihiro) games on Microsoft Windows. The project began life as a fork of Cxbx
with added 64-bit support. Work is currently underway to backport some of the
improvements from Dxbx. Cxbx-Reloaded is still pretty unstable, don't expect
it to run much at this point.
Cxbx Reloaded v0.1 Changelog:
This is the first official release of Cxbx-Reloaded!
Sorry, no change-log this time: As we have never made a stable release in the
past, such a change-log would need to cover two years of history, that's a
little to big to manage.
We'll make sure to give proper change-logs for all future updates.
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