(X68000 for XBox) X68000X v6 - 模擬器

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2012-12-18T21:29

Table of Contents



   * Added in Preset controller configs.

* New option to specify how the mouse is controlled. Options are
"None", "Left Analog", "Right Analog"

* Lowered memory useage of the emulator by 8meg. What does this
mean? No more issues with Gilou999's skin at 720p. In fact I
was able to run a game I was testing at 1080i for those of you
insane enough to do that kind of thing. As a result savestates
are no longer compatible with previous versions savestates.
However they will be a heckuva lot smaller now!

* XF1 thru XF5, OP1 and OP2 keys are now mappable to the xbox
controller. Look in the "Configure Controller" menu. Kyuukyoku
Tiger is now playable!

* Emulator now clears screen so there is no longer garbage when
the game resolution changes.

* No longers asks for the "boot" disk in a multi-disk boot ZIP.
If you wanna change the boot disk (or any other "boot" drives)
just press X and do it from there.

* If a game has no config, is found in the config database AND has
only one disk (within a zip archive) the emulator will skip the
game configuration screen and just start the game.

* Updated to the latest Madmab Edition interface and features.

* Code was not properly auto mounting HDF files on newly
configured games. Fixed.

* Added in game specific video modes

* Added in game specific savestate autoload






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在android 玩zsnes....

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2012-12-18T02:37
最近想在手機玩超任遊戲,就把模擬器都抓回來試 其中有一個遊戲《三國志盤戲》,剛開始開得了,沒多久就卡住了 我以為是我下載的rom有問題,又試著從N個不同的載點抓rom 結果都不約而同地在同一個地方卡住 於是我以為是模擬器的問題 但我不論是用snes 9x EX 還是 supersnes 還是 snesr ...

Maldita Castilla

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-12-18T01:35
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSSqXTOgNvI 魔界村+惡魔城+沙羅曼蛇+魂斗羅 初玩難度有點高,不過大約一小時是ok的(Bad路線) 12/12發佈 http://www.locomalito.com/maldita_castilla.php 無限接關 X ...

V98 v1.43

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-12-17T22:39
http://www014.upp.so-net.ne.jp/v98/ V98 EMULATOR NEC PC9801 EMULATOR NEC PC-9800シリーズのコンピュータをエミュレートします。 ver1.42aからは、BIOS ROMを実機より吸い出す必要があります。 BIOS ROMが無 ...

洛克人 vs. 快打旋風

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2012-12-17T16:12
美版:http://www.capcom-unity.com/mega_man 日版:http://static.capcom.com/sfxmm/SFxMM_JP.zip 要載的要快! 支援搖桿 鍵盤對應如下: W:上 A:左 S:下 D:右 K ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-12-17T12:17
超惑星戰記當初個人也覺得很驚艷 也有收藏實體卡匣 不曉得算不算隱藏名作? http://tinyurl.com/cvcr8y8 主要是對駕駛員可以離開載具這點覺得很難得 然後進入洞窟後會變成比較大的角色 在當時應該也是蠻創新的設計吧? - ...