With home-grown players to the top (2) - Hattrick 足球經理

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2015-05-23T23:55

Table of Contents


作者 HPE-Frank_

Four years ago, I wrote “With home-grown players to the top” (13392). In
that article, I predicted that within 15 seasons, I would rise to the top
leagues, without buying any players. Almost 15 seasons have passed since I
started this project. Time to evaluate!

四賽季前,作者寫了With home-grown players to the top一文 (13392),

In 2010, after having played Hattrick for five years, I was forced to start
all over again. With my new club I decided to make my own home-grown team
plan. At first, the whole idea of playing without any players from outside
was just for fun, but after a while, I calculated that with my plan, I should
be able to get very decent ratings. I wrote it all down in the HTP-article
mentioned before, published in 2011 (13392).


I calculated that 1) I should be able to get 448 hatstats and that 2) I would
compete in the highest leagues. In the discussion following publication in
2011 (15076967.1), many users doubted about the possibilities of my plan, so
we agreed to talk again after 15 seasons. Ever since, I’ve followed the plan
quite close.

作者計算得到的結論 :
1. 可到448評級
2. 可升到頂級聯賽並有競爭力 (該作者是哪國啊 ?)




In 2011, I calculated the player skills I should get after 15 seasons of
training. I am happy to see that the training calculator did its job well at
the time, because I’ve managed to reach most desired skill levels after 15
seasons. In short (without going into too much detail), my players (sorted by
age) are like this now:


32 year old:


1 goalkeeper: level 11 goalkeeping with lvl 10 defense.

守門員一枚,守門11級 + 防守10級

27-31 year old:


1 wingback: lvl 12 defense with 11 winger and 10 passing.
2 central defenders: 12 defense, 11 playmaking and 9 passing; one of them has
9 winger as well.
3 inner midfielders: 14 playmaking (all dropped from 15), 10 defense and
passing; two of them have 8/9 winger as well.
2 wingers: 14 playmaking, 12 wing, 11 passing and defense, 7 scoring (both
3 defensive forwards: 13 playmaking, winger, scoring and passing (350k+ tsi).
The other one is 11/12 on those 4 skills. The third one is technical: 11
playmaking, passing and scoring, 9 defense, 7 winger. I thought of him as a
player for the bench, but he plays most of the time as TdF.

邊後衛1人,防守12 + 傳球10
中後衛2人,防守12 + 組織11 + 傳球9,其中1人帶邊鋒9。
中前衛3人,組織14(從15下來的) + 防守10 + 傳球10,其中2人帶8/9級的邊鋒。
邊鋒2人 ,組織14 + 邊鋒12 + 傳球11 + 防守11 + 進球7 (2人均速度哥)
防守前鋒3人,1人組織13 + 邊鋒13 + 進球13 + 傳球13 (350000+ TSI)

22-23 year old:


3 normal forwards: the first has 12 scoring and passing. The other two have
11 scoring and passing.

常規前鋒3人,第一人進球12 + 傳球12,其他兩人進球11 + 傳球11

All of them have 11 to 14 set pieces and rising.


I got 3 headers (2 defenders, 1 forward), 6 (!) quick players (3 forwards, 2
wingers and 1 inner midfielder), 1 technical forward and 1 unpredictable
forward. I am especially happy about my quick wingers and forwards. They are
very effective.

作者有3個頭球(後衛2、前鋒1),6個速度哥 !! (前鋒3、邊鋒2、中前衛1),

All this amounts to 1.8m tsi and 166k wages.

這批球員總計達到1.8M TSI,166K工資。



In the 2011-article I predicted I would be able to reach 448 hatstats. In
reality, however, I get higher ratings. 509 hatstats is my record, playing
pin at home: (515850184), using a neutral coach. In P-stats (57.9) I had the
strongest team of all Spanish divisions in the sixth round of season 46:


在P-stats (57.9),作者在46賽季的西班牙聯賽第六比賽日事最佳隊伍。

Below, I give you an idea about the strength and limitations of my current
home born and grown team, sorted by zone:




Playing 442 without individual orders, I only get ET (level 16) in counter
attack ability, and - more important - around level 15/16 in all three
defense zones: (513329581), and this last example even includes a pullback.
This means that my defense is the weakest link of my team. I will not be able
to put a decent counter attack formation in the highest league levels: no way
I reach divine side defenses, not even playing with 5 defenders or with a
defensive minded coach…

防守是罩門 !!


In non-counter attack games, my defense is normally good enough: I played 253
against a first division team, and managed to stop his attacks by boosting
just one side of my defense. This is because (as said), most top teams use 2
TdF’s, which is great for their side attacks, but leaves them with virtually
none center attack. I kicked this team out of the cup reaching level 17 on
right defense, 11 on center defense and leaving the left side defense almost
open (6): (498139762). Also here, the pullback helped me.




Midfield is a strong point of my team. In ideal circumstances (mots, and all
players repositioned towards middle), I can even reach a divine (20)
midfield. In an important mid-league home match playing pin with high TS, I
can easily reach to an ET (16) midfield. My midfield is competitive to most
first division teams.

中場是強項 !!

在完美的環境(生死 + 所有球員靠中場調整),中場評級幾乎可到20。



If needed, I can get very good side attacks (level 24, divine ++++, on both
sides): (515850165), and a mythical (very high) central attack. I don’t use
the center attack option often, but having the possibility is enough: my
opponents never know whether they should expect it, so they are forced to
play with 3 defenders when they expect to lose midfield. Also, my three
normal forwards are great subs. When one of my 11 multiskills can’t play, I
put one of the normal forwards in the field. It helps that the remaining 10
multiskills can play on almost all positions.

如果需要,作者可以堆到評級24的兩條邊攻,以及一個mythical非常高中攻 (515850165)


Average ratings


Another way to evaluate my home-grown team's strength is analysing season
averages. This gives you a more balanced idea of the possibilities. Last
season, I averaged 405 hatstats and 44.0 p-stats in my league. This season,
after nine league rounds, I rank 14th in Spain nationwide, with 448 hatstats
and 49,8 P-stats. That’s higher than 3 of the 8 teams from the Spanish first
division: (http://goo.gl/R9x8Gx). Btw, 448 hatstats is exactly what I
predicted back in 2011. :)

上賽季作者聯賽平均評級405,以及44.0 p-stats。
這賽季經過9場聯賽比賽,作者排全西班牙14,評均評級448、以及49,8 P-stats。

In short: I get very decent ratings, but my team still isn’t strong enough
to compete in a first division league. I can win against the occasional first
division team (like this challenge (5845976), this secondary cup quarter
final (498139762), or this tournament game (5845868)), but I don’t have a
first division team myself. This is mainly because I lack the defensive
strength needed for a decent counter attack-game. Without the occasional
counter attack, it's very hard to build TS in the highest divisions. I hope I
can partly make up for this next season with a defensive minded coach.




In the 2011 training plan, I calculated 327k euros of weekly salaries. I
think it’s mostly because of HT measures (tweaking salaries) that in
reality, I never payed more than 185k a week. This only gets less, as my
players are done training main skills and get older. I got 9+ million euros
on my bank account, and my current two week balance extremely positive.
Economy is just not really an issue for home grown teams.

但是實際上,作者從未付超過185K一週,原因主要是計算模組(tweaking salaries)。

Reached the top?


At the time, I claimed optimistically: “no doubt that in order to reach the
highest leagues, you’ll have to grow your own players!” Almost 15 seasons
have passed, and where am I now? Well, I play in IV at the moment, but I have
the ratings to promote to III: I have the best team of my division in Spain.
That I play lower than expected is mainly because of bad luck. According to
htev.org, I got three seasons of extreme bad luck in a row (2x wretched and
1x poor luck, see (http://goo.gl/EyuNq0), (http://goo.gl/zZfNNs) and
(http://goo.gl/pahWZ2)). Also, I make bad tactical decisions too often.

I am not at the very top, but I think I am getting close. As I will point out
in the next part of this article, I guess I can squeeze this team out for 5
or 6 more seasons. Than I’ll have to renovate and stop being competitive for
a while. So I got 5 or 6 seasons more to show what my team got. In those
seasons to come, training will not be that important anymore; maintaining
skills, form and stamina will be my main preoccupation. My goal now is to
play in III and than, hopefully, II. That will be hard: I get high ratings,
but so do other teams. I am not the only one taking advantage of the loyalty
bonus and faster training!

What now, how to replace my old players?

The question I get most is how I plan to renew my squad once my “golden
generation” (the 10/11 core players) gets too old. Once this cycle runs to
an end, I will start a second cycle of 5 real life years. I will start all
over again, with full power training and only 5% of stamina training.
However, I will try to become competitive again as fast as possible. This is
how I've planned it (roughly):

Although the core of my players is from one generation (currently between 27
and 31 years old), I also have 3 younger forwards (around 23 years old) and
an older keeper (now 32). I am currently training a 16 year old goalie in my
youth academy, so he will be able to replace my current goalkeeper in around
3 seasons.

Even when the 10 core players are very old and losing skills/stamina, I still
have a young keeper and 3 relatively young forwards. Of course, I will notice
a big drop in ratings, but not as big as one might think. The 10 ancient core
players can still play on non-trainable positions for several seasons. Of
course they will be very old (36+) with low stamina, but I can rotate the old
core players on non-trainable positions using 3 subs, so I won't give away
entire zones during the matches.

Personally, I think that at all times in the new cycle I will be able to
compete in division VI or similar. Most top teams experience a break of
several seasons after having played in the top divisions, so this is not
something that worries me. The alternative would be playing for a longer time
(eternally?) on a lower level (like IV or V), but that's simply not my
ambition. I prefer to drop back to VI and try to reach the top levels again
in 2020 or 2021, when my second cycle reaches its full potential.



To conclude I would say that I am happy to see that my team is as strong (or
even stronger) than I predicted in 2011. 448 hatstats proved to be a
realistic, and even quite low, goal. I almost can't believe I crashed the 500
hatstats barrier! The other ambition (playing in the first division) seems
harder to realise. I still have 5 or 6 seasons to get there, but it will be
hard. Many other teams use the home-grown and loyalty bonus at least for some
zones, and average ratings are increasing at all levels in the competition.

To finalize, I would like to thank all members of the Dutch federation "Eigen
jeugd in het eerste" and all participants in one of the most active threads
in the Spanish national forum: "Canteranos". It's great being part of this
active home-grown community!

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All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2015-05-27T17:09
還缺一些沒翻,之後有機會補,或是有人可幫.. !!
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2015-05-31T10:23
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2015-06-04T03:38
一個人的成功不代表大家都可以XD GLHF LOL
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2015-06-07T20:52
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2015-06-11T14:06
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-06-15T07:21
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-06-19T00:35
不同意 自產跟自練完全是兩碼子事
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-06-22T17:49
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2015-06-26T11:03

海豚台 ON 美服堡壘戰

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2015-05-23T23:38
Server: ASIA/NA 5/24美服堡壘 Clan: ZHAN/OH-R 歡迎收看 打到12~1點 http://www.twitch.tv/heidelbergbd -- - ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2015-05-23T22:13
Server:亞服 網址:http://www.twitch.tv/sniper780817 都以巡洋艦為主 歡樂打大家就歡樂看 謝謝 - ...

亞服軍團 I-A-F / IAFTR 招募中

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2015-05-23T20:13
Asia Server, Independent Armored Forces   I-A-F, 獨立裝甲部隊  - 亞服公會戰一級軍團 - - WGL Asia 一級電競團隊 - - 中國空中網頂級電競聯賽 電競團隊 - ‧I-A-F 集團軍歡迎想打 Clan War 或是 電競 的玩家 ‧我們 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2015-05-23T19:44
各位好 小魯是最近剛回鍋的老玩家 從里斯剛出那時 斷斷續續也有4年了 在同學的推薦下 才發現到表社這個好地方 但是照著旁邊的步驟申請之後 一直沒有回應 又好像在哪看到說表社現在只能用社團內的人拉進去 想請問一下大家 現在表社入社團的方法是什麼呢? -- 作者 BoyGirl2 (男女板專用帳號 ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2015-05-23T19:26
新手推薦組隊組滿 6 人, 因為人很多,怪也很多,電腦很容易 lag 等到整個畫面動不了就要靠隊友幫你打怪囉 大概 5 分鐘之後才會出怪 然後大約 15 分鐘左右會結束 後面有武器箱可以用,所以等級低不用怕 -- Q 臺灣人的需求金字塔 ◢◣ █ 安全、無毒的食物 S ...