(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - 模擬器

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-01-24T23:05

Table of Contents


As usual let's start with something simple, leave the rest for the next
release. Thanks a lot to Oreanor and HardWareMan for help me with this
release! So, first we'll see one more Subor's Keyboard Famiclone package
cartridge with version 8.0. I know for sure that versions up to 4.0 are
dumped, never seen the 5th version, but know for sure the later 6.0, 7.0 and
10.0 are exists. Maybe our chinese friends already have them all dumped, who
knows. ;)

Judging from the mess with copyright years (this one has 1994 inside, but
mentioned above 4.0 has later code from 1995 year), so most probably, all
these carts are repacks/rehacks of each other with additional programms
inside as well as extra capacity. Version 8.0 has 1Mb of data, 3/4 of it is
used, and almost half of the rest ROM is a chinese fonts used by various
education programs to learn chinese language, obviously by chinese kids. Also
the ROM contains an unused graphics for mentioned above 6.0 version, so most
probably it is a rehack of it.

Because this cart is for Subor Keyboard Famiclone, it won't work on the NTSC
consoles well, use the PAL or Dendy modes in emulator, as well as you must to
connect the Subor Keyboard. Anyway, there is nothing more else is needed to
play it on any modern emulators.

Subor V8.0 (Ch)[!]


To complete my unchaned melody dumps collection, I did this one.
Unfortunately, they ripped out the intro, all different pictures except one,
revisions and hardware menus, so there aren't left much, rendering this cart
not so much better than fake unchained multi with static screen.

2000-in-1 (No splash, no rev, Alt mapper)[p1][!]

來源 http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru/dumping_2016.php




All Comments


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2016-01-24T20:53
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MD 光明與黑暗II-古代的封印 修改器

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2016-01-24T17:29
各位大大好,小弟最近又重新回味了許多MD遊戲 其中最有回憶的就是這款 古代封印 依稀記得小時候 第一台電視遊樂器就是MD 雖然會玩一些 不果最喜歡跑去隔壁表哥家看他玩(因為我技術超爛XDD) 其中 最有印象就這部 那時候看他玩 就覺得裡面的人物好帥 戰鬥畫面 魔法 戰術 甚麼的 雖然是日文看不懂... 可是還 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2016-01-24T16:55
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Emulator板 conpo

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2016-01-23T21:16
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Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2016-01-23T10:50
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