(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - 模擬器

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2015-11-10T20:03

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It seems I got to that point where I don't need to find and dump cartridges
by myself lol. They found me and jump in my hands as a dumps. There were a
cartridge pipe has broken somewhere and a lot of new previously unseen ones
popped out on the surface. Previously a lot of Prince of Persia russian
casrts has showed up, a total 4 different kinds (one I dumped recently this
year and one is confirmed but still undumped). Now we have another champion:
The The Little Mermaid from mid 19xx which is now also have 4 different kinds
dumped. One was dumped a long time ago, one just recently this year, and now
we have here two more at once (thanks a lot to andrey228 for providing the
dumps, which is saved me a lot of time).

A first new version made by already known person "Snake" or SS from Moscow.
All his carts have its own ID code series. The RT-xx carts are test programs,
and RX-xx series is a games. The Little Mermaid from "Snake" has an ID number
RX-05 and all corresponding texts, including the Moscow telephone number.
The second new version made by unknown team which didn't left any copyrights
inside usually, but all carts from this series has a white frame labels with
words "RUSSIAN LANGUAGE GAMES" on the bottom side of it.

Three of four versions has different kind of copyrights and translations, but
at least two versions (by "Elektronica" and "Snake") has a little different,
but still similar copyrights and completely identical translated text, so
most probably there is one author, but later someone rewrite the copyrights
and re-relase the carts. But still is unknown who is the real author. Here is
the screenshots of the 2009 year dump of the "Elektronica" version.

Rusalochka (RX-05, Snake)(R)[!]

Rusalochka (Unknown)(R)[!]

來源 http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru/dumping_2015.php



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