(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - 模擬器

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-08-26T20:55

Table of Contents


A small update before the main dish. As usual, this dump popped up
accidentally and from accidental source. Here (http://goo.gl/viTgfv) is the
forum thread with cartridre repair discussion that went to the dumping
thread. ;) The Dump from unknown not-working cartridre appears to be a dump
of unknown until now russian translation of the "Top Gun" game from late
199x. Thanks to user alh for providing this dump. According to a phone
number in game's texts, this translation was made by the same "Snake" person
who make some other carts released here before (http://goo.gl/1EFyN6).

Top Gun (R)[!]


And to complete this dumping series today, a couple of not so interesting
dumps. First we have another branch in the evolution three of the multicarts
with "Unchained Melody" in menu. This specimen has blue (!) animated logo
number "200", and it seems it the intermediate unit between 83/100 and 300
versions, since in this version HW test already removed, but the button code
cheat to activate it still present and working as a screen clear, which
sometimes may be misinterpreted as a cartridge hang. The rest is mostly the
same - mapper, games, pictures... The second one is just a simple Galaxian
hack, but with alternative title screen for some reason. Enjoy.

200-in-1 (Unchained Melody)[p1][!]

Abeille (Galaxian Hack)[p1][!]

來源 http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru/dumping_2015.php



All Comments

(PS/PS2) hpsx64 v017

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2015-08-26T20:45
2015.08.26 hpsx64 (Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64) is a PlaysStation (PS) andamp; PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for x64 based systems. This ...

高分少女侵權官司 SNK跟SE達成和解

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-08-26T15:37
Square Enix 的公告: http://goo.gl/mIo3uK SNK Playmore 的公告: http://www.snkplaymore.co.jp/pdf/150826_1.pdf 追加巴哈報導 http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/119946.html 看來應該是S ...

FC 西遊記ワールド2天上界の魔人(神)

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2015-08-26T11:07
遊戲名稱:西遊記ワールド2天上界の魔人 (另外輸入--西遊記ワールド2天上界の魔神 也可) 1990年年底由NMK製作的正統續做(雖然那家公司已在1999年就倒閉) 附帶一提因為宗教因素 美版名稱WhompEm 主角硬改成印地安少年 標題主神從日版的佛陀改成印第安圖騰 同時此款遊戲也被台灣盜 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2015-08-26T09:50
這個有推出紅白機版 還有讀卡機功能 http://japanese.engadget.com/2015/01/08/fc-usb-1up/ 與超任版差異在於 1.超任版無讀卡機功能 2.超任版可以同時充4個設備 紅白機版只能一個 3.超任版電池容量10400mAh 紅白機版3600mAh ...

威爾童話 FDS

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2015-08-25T22:25
andlt;背景andgt; 為了向フェリクス的公主求婚,通過許多考驗只有王子與變成美男子的魔法師(去死去死 團???)。與公主雖然發誓相愛,但是知道這個的魔術師想占有公主,所以利用咒術把王子 變成ヴェール的樣子(妖精的一種,在頭上有二個角,用上半身裸體下半身馬),並丟到世 界的盡頭 本故事就是丟到世界盡頭 ...