(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - 模擬器

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-06-24T16:28

Table of Contents



Most interesting thing from bunch of carts provided by Oreanor today is a
"Dragon Fighter" game by so called "Flying Star". It's known already by our
Chinese friends and actually was already dumped, but for some reason not
released to the public and still remain unemulated. So finally I got it to
verify, test and emulate and after a couple of days of RE I now know that I
don't understand how this damn mapper really works! ;) Mapper itself is
simulated and works fine in emulator, but as about the hardware, I can't make
it work the same way it should work junging from the program code. There is a
some kind of copy protection and I surrender all the attempts to break it
easily. Screw that, maybe I break it some day in the future.

The protection on the program level is weak and can be easily removed, so it
perfectly simulated now in emulator, but this hardware, developed according
to the internal copyrights ("Programming by Peter Lai , Hardware design by
Tony Tseng .") by somy guy called Tony Tseng, it is something that I never
seen before.

This game is a fighting with the hard mix of the Mortal Kombat and some
others SMD/SNES characters. There are total 10 fighters, 10 locations, all
characters have at least 2 special moves. In addition, the engine here is
something new, all the data and code here has maximum parametrization, so
most of the game data is a something like scripts, the native code is only
16K in size.

However, there are a couple of problems with the game itself. Some
characters animation phases are garbled and sometimes glitching during the
game. The same effect can be seen on the real hardware. Despite of the
overall complexity of the game's code, there are many things that was done
quickly, like Game Over screen, 2-Player mode selection and an ending, which
is actually some kind of demonstration of the player super-moves, but it can
be seen without beating the game, if you hold A+B+Down on Pad2 at the title
screen and just wait for a couple of seconds.

Dragon Fighter (Unl)[U][!]




All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2015-06-24T14:20
好像沒人介紹這一款經典遊戲,所以寫一篇好了 Alien Challenge 由IGS公司於1993年出品,在那之前台灣的格鬥遊戲已被NEOGEO的 The King of Fighters and#39;94或是CAPCOM的street fighter大量佔據的年代,IGS突然 出了這一款糞GAME其實還 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2015-06-23T17:39
【預購情報】 萬眾期待的Retro Freak 11合一遊戲主機即刻開始預購囉! 公布初期就造成不少話題的Retro Freak,台灣將與日本於十月同步上市, 相信不少老玩家們已經迫不及待了吧,現在就到下面的連結看看 Retro Freak預購頁面:http://www.yutron.com.tw/tw/ ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2015-06-23T15:06
各位前輩,你們好。 問題如題。 情況是: 分析完光碟後,有找出str檔,但無法預覽和輸出影片。 之前作業系統為XP,使用時沒有問題。 版本:已試過253、301、323 作業系統:windows 7 嘗試方式: 安裝編碼、更換軟體版本、利用相容性開啟和註冊軟體。 再麻煩各位前輩了,謝 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2015-06-23T14:28
最近回鍋玩了一下SFC版還沒破關的勇者鬥惡龍6代 進度也到了可以轉職的達瑪神殿 練職業等級實在太痛苦了, 所以跪求有沒有人可以給我職業熟練度快速練等的金手指 Snes版本的模擬器密碼應該都是7EXX開頭... 拜託大家了... -- 推 sober716: 耶耶耶耶耶~ ...

真女神轉生3合成キクリヒメ クシナダヒメ

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2015-06-23T00:42
好讀:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1434991359.A.FF4.html 這兩隻特別一起提,原因一是兩隻都是低階的地母神(供女性仲魔大好者使用XD), 二是兩個都有點半調子, (キクリヒメ習得技能偏補助,クシナダヒメ咒殺弱點很傷 習得技能普普) 沒有特別的合成順序 ...