(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - 模擬器

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2014-11-06T21:22

Table of Contents



Once again thanks a lot to Cheetahmen for provided carts! Not so special this
time, but since I have nothing to dump just now, that is great anyway. ;) So,
from a bunch of variety of pirate stuff I have today, this one is most
interesting. So called "SUPER 4-in-1" contains in total 4 simple little
games, made by our chinese friends. Most of them using LightGun for controls.
The same games can be found on a variety of standalone or handheld famicom
based consoles with built-in games or OneBus systems like DreamGear. I'm not
sure if any of such games aren't dumped before now, but I can't find any of
them in existing dumps, so I can assume they isn't. ;)

Super 4-in-1 Fantasy Gun [p1][!]

And some addition, to add more flesh to today's release, a couple of hacks
from multigame cart "HIGH K Power Sports 4-in-1 (F-646)". THere is no point
to emulate it completely, only two games are something special, two more
games are unhacked regular versions of known games. These two are former
"Tecmo World Cup Soccer" and "Nakajima Satoru - F-1 Hero 2" accordingly.

Goal 5 Soccer (Unl)[p1][!]

Highway Star II (Unl)[p1][!]




All Comments

忌火起草 wii 漢化版

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-11-06T19:57
很奇怪的問題 就是人物的對話 and#34;說話的部分and#34; 文字不會顯示在畫面上 必須要去看對話紀錄才看得到 這難道是原本就這樣設計的? - ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2014-11-06T12:11
上一世紀80s的遊戲 妖怪道中記 是Namco(當時為Namcot)公司推出的動作遊戲, 版本有街機 紅白機、PC Engine及Wii的Virtual Console版 看過別人玩FC版, 主題曲旋律就一直留在腦袋裡面. 在水管看到有人重新編曲(豪華版). https://www.youtube.com ...

Breath of Fire IV Original Soundtrack

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2014-11-05T20:00
【 專輯名稱 】:Breath of Fire IV Original Soundtrack 【 專輯語言 】:日文 【 音樂品質 】:320kbps 【 檔案大小 】:256.4MB 【 解壓密碼 】:無 【 專輯曲目 】 ディスク:1 1. Breath of Fire 4(オープニングアニメーション) ...

2D Games in the Real World

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2014-11-04T10:25
一個將2D遊戲角色融入真實世界的有趣影片,大家可以測試一下自己能看出多少遊戲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf_d_IJN-Z8 Game List: 00:04 _ Advance Wars 2 00:08 _ Metal Slug 00:12 _ Lamborgh ...

(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2014-11-04T09:59
2014.11.03 and#34;Hikaru Arisa Michiyo Mihoand#34; It’s about time for an update here anyway, I’ve been delaying it for a while, but one piece of recent ...