(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - 模擬器

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2014-06-22T17:59

Table of Contents


Super 6-in-1 (KY-6011)[p1][!]
International Cricket (Unl)
International Cricket (Unl)(Alt version)[f1]

[21 june 2014]

Thanks a lot to MoonWalker for providing this cart! Maybe I have seen it
before, but didn't think it's something special. As we can see on its cover,
there are some simple games, "TMNT Tournament Fighters" and "Cricket 2003". I
already dumped cartridges exactly the same series before, and there were a
cricket game called "International Cricket", developed by Beam Software, and
as their another game "Aussie Rules Footy", released only in Australia. But
it appears, that on this cart isn't a hack of this game, rather an original
chinese version of Cricket, which is a very accurate port of the "Brian Lara
Cricket" game for Sega Mega Drive.

Actually, there is a dump of this game already available, but this version
appears to be slightly different in a lot of cases. Here I put the original
dump from the Internet (not mine, if you want to be credited, ask me), and
it's Alt version, ripped from the multigame cartridge above and hacked to be
able to run in the standalone mode. Also you can see some difference on the
screenshots below.
Although of visual differences, most probably, the single version is a
simplified hack of the Alt version, becuase there are no much difference in
the both version's code, just a lot of code was disabled, inluding starting
logo, team auto selection and some other things.
With all difference, obviously both games are coming from one of numerous
portable NES-based consoles with integrated set of a simple original games
inside. Both have the same CHR graphics for some kind of advertising screens.
Judging from the title screen logo of the Alt version, the consoles
manufacturer called "Mitashi".

EYELXVXT+AAELUVXV (for both versions) and additionally AZVLELAT for the
single version, you can see these advertising screens at the game start.


All Comments


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-06-20T17:19
想請教各位一款很久的GB的遊戲名稱 大約是20年前的印像中 遊戲內容是戰略類(SLG) 據點線路 背景是在銀河 沒有內政或外交是 跟電腦PK 角色是每章節 有隨機抽卡片 我方跟電腦方可同時存在三組或三個(?太久忘了) 記得第一章 角色HP最低是18 最高是34 有男騎士老人貓人 還有機器人 部分 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2014-06-20T12:57
※ [本文轉錄自 KOF 看板 #1JexyF34 ] 作者: shiuichi (三隻魚閃鏢) 看板: KOF 標題: [閒聊] SNK黑歷史之三:大人事情出場不能的K9999 時間: Fri Jun 20 12:56:32 2014 http://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bs ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2014-06-19T23:54
接下來是攻略文,分段會按照遊戲中記錄時出現的劇本名處理。 由於作者是雙子座,跟浪人劍心相同地悲天憫人,所以履行不殺…… 不對,因為必須在クロノLV9以下(含)抵達時空盡頭才能見到最低等級的スペッキオ, 所以本攻略在前半會有點點壓力摳米,只打最低限度的一般戰。 關於閃敵人,可以參考攻略網頁的紅色虛線路線,或者遇 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2014-06-19T23:11
天命 mega/#!mIhkxJ7C!aA2lONm1zRtLmjLCcdl1UkNTbW6ANk9Su4mQbOReqX4 天導 mega/#!KNgADaxK!tbMylAjDaK_F3CQlDKA5pwE7m93ux4TuJll-XJgbHk8 無密碼 可同步參考版大好文 天命 http://pe ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-06-18T22:16
請街機神人幫忙 我只能憑一絲印象形容這款遊戲 應該是算一款格鬥/摔角類別 主角是怪獸等一些奇特角色 唯一有印象的角色之一 是一隻像牛魔王的 遊戲方式是PK PK的方式是像摔角一樣先角力 角力贏的會把對手丟到空中 讓對手摔下 就只記得這麼多了 如果沒記錯應該是1985-1990年份的大型街機 感謝~! ...