(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - 模擬器

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-03-18T19:41

Table of Contents



Bought this cart a long time ago, but wasn't able to dump it by the
unknown reason. Today has plugged it into the dumper and did it
surprisingly very easy. It's another 121 mapper game, so you can play
it on most modern emulators. Basicly it's a modified version of the
well known "Garou Densetsu Special".

Super Real Bout 97 (Unl)[!]

Two more education cartridges follows. Both on the same 178 mapper, but
the second one just a little more interesting, because of extra sound
chip on it's PCB, used for the speach generation. Actually, I don't know
exactly the chip's type, but suspect that it's an ADPCM voice codec and
data that sent to it by the program actually is a command flow for the
speech samples selection, not an actual sound data. I'd like to be wrong,
but if not, we can't play it without samples extraction. So I put this
here, maybe someone can make it play. Some of this cartridge's programs
are english-russian dialogues or interactive bilingual stories.

GLK Book 48-in-1 (Unl)[!]

Magistr-Genie 2 (Unl)[!]

Nothing special, just another one DreamGEAR clone with the original
crappy games.

DreamGEAR 101-in-1 (Unl)[U][!]

Nothing special part 2, just another FDS conversion of SMB2j. This time
it's an alternative lite version just with 40K or PRG and 8K of CHR ROMs,
so most probably something is ripped there.

Super Mario Bros. 2j (Alt)(Unl)[U][!]





All Comments

(GBC for NDS) GameYob GIT r105

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2013-03-17T23:34
2013.03.17 新規參戰。 r105: Itand#39;s safer to access RAM in echo locations (doesnand#39;t crash)    r85 : Serial interrupt is triggered immediate ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2013-03-17T10:55
請問一下要用那個模擬器跑的比較順阿atat?! 在城內走有時視點一轉都會LAG 我電腦不差應該不至於配備差跑不順 爬了下文發現很少人在跑這款GAME 請各位大大救救老殘窮阿!!!! -- ◆ From: → wallace0960:5樓被4樓摸到受不了 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2013-03-16T21:20
如果你玩的是正常版的我會建議這樣啦 稍微規劃一下你的人員是戰士系(技)還是法師系(術) 戰士系不要學法術,法師系不要去揮武器,直到皇冠出來 因為技/術皇冠可以減少技/術消費並且讓閃燈的機會提高 簡單的說技皇冠是技45術0會出現,術皇冠是技0術45出現,每多1點另一邊要補10點 如果技1這時術要55才能維持皇 ...

復活邪神3改造版 v3.12

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-03-16T14:00
各位版大好 我下載了復活邪神3改造版v3.12 但是我發現下面影片中那位藍頭髮黑夾克的帥氣主角在我的檔案中是綠頭法綠衣服 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amxbmio7AqAandamp;feature=youtu.be 請問是我下載到的版本比較舊嗎? 請問有沒有人有 ...

以AMD3800+用PCSX2 0.9.6跑真女神轉生3 …

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-03-16T11:08
※ 引述《kenin (風起雲湧)》之銘言: : 不過現在打到ニヒロ機構卡關,在B11F要下B12F的地方下不去 : 己經走到樓梯旁了,但沒有爬梯的提示和動作,不知是少了什麼 : 動作還是EMU的問題 : 問題己解決,必須用舊版本來完才不會卡 : 我依這網站的配制可以過,主程式用396_X3_pcsx2 : ...