(WIP) Luca Elia: Saving Wing Force - 模擬器

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2016-01-05T11:46

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"Saving Wing Force"

Let's kick off this 2016 with something very special! A Christmas present a
mere week late, but 23 years in the making. Wing Force by Atlus, an
ultra-rare, unreleased Japanese shooter, has been saved from oblivion thanks
to ShouTime, a renown MAME-friendly arcade collector!

This vertical game was developed by A.I., who were also responsible for also
writing Blaze On. Set for release in 1993, it never got past the development
stage, and was thought to be lost forever. All that remained were a few shots
printed on some game magazines back then, such as this one.

When a prototype board unexpectedly turned up in an online auction, ShouTime
was so generous to buy it, dump it and document it. It's 16-bit Kaneko
hardware, in excellent conditions. The ROM riser boards and the hand-written
labels reveal it's no ordinary game:


The unpopulated spot on the left is where the Toybox chip would sit in the
production board. That is a custom MCU that Kaneko would add for protection
of its games on this hardware, starting from 1994 onwards. Luckily they did
not have time to finalize this aspect of the production, which means we have
no additional hurdles to overcome to enjoy this title.

Here's a close-up of one of the (fragile) riser boards, used for faster
prototyping of the development versions of the game:


Below are shots of the game running in MAME. The hardware is almost identical
to Blaze On which I emulated in kaneko16.cpp. Most notably it uses two sprite
chips, like the only other Atlus title in the driver:



First ever video of the gameplay, in MAME. I'm playing (badly) with an
infinite lives cheat for convenience:


You can use this MAME executable (Windows x64) , freshly compiled to include
the driver, to play it yourself (but roms are not included). For infinite
lives, type the following incantation in the debugger: bp 29ec, 1, {pc+=4; g}

來源 http://www.lucaelia.com/mame.php/2016/Saving-Wing-Force




All Comments


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-01-05T11:39
不知道該po在哪裡...我想應該可以po在這吧 比較偏向於歷史回憶的...只是最近一點感想. 科技一直在進步,很多東西隨著進步,慢慢從商品主流中被淘汰了, 像是以前很夯的電子翻譯機.mp3 mp4 player.低階小dc幾乎都被手機取代了, 而掌上型遊戲機也有被手機取代的趨勢,即使如此單純玩遊戲還是 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-01-04T22:36
※ 引述《eva19452002 (^^)》之銘言: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C74kKT9Vuk : 這十大遊戲主機我只聽過3個 : 一個是sega 32X、3DO跟Virtual boy : 其他完全沒聽過 : 不過他在評測sega 32x ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2016-01-03T17:27
這次是PS4~~~ 詳細介紹 http://www.techbang.com/posts/40608 簡單地說,就是有方法能繞過PS4的作業系統限制,自行安裝Linux作業系統 以便執行各種Linux上的模擬器(連最新版MAME也沒問題啊~~~) 而且在技術上可以安裝Steam OS,也就是說玩家可以直接 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2016-01-03T14:40
脫衣 https://twitter.com/gra2com/status/660308856363331584/photo/1 CPU 資料 Rockchip RK3066 (中國製) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockchip#RK3066 android 系統 em ...

SFC Nosferatu 古城救美

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-01-03T08:56
前言 這款是之前看實況的時候,有某位實況主在玩 而對這遊戲既像波斯王子,又像惡魔城而有印象 據說今年巴哈站聚的時候,現場有位玩家實機一命破 然後那位玩家說忍者龍劍傳比這款古城救美難 ..................我怎麼一點都不覺得古城救美有比較容易? ----------- ...