(WIP) Luca Elia: Pirate Flags - 模擬器

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2015-12-29T20:33

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"Pirate Flags"

Jaleco produced a number of electro-mechanical games over the years, games
where the cabinet itself is key to the enjoyment of the experience. I'm
thinking about Arm Champs and Arm Champs II, arm wrestling simulations that
sported an actual hydraulic arm (flyer). Or the World PK Soccer series
(flyer) where you can kick a soccer ball mock-up.

The funniest I've emulated though is Scud Hammer. In that crazy thing you
play a rock-paper-scissors game with the most clichéd of Japanese
characters. When you win, a puppet head springs out of the cab, and you have
to hit it with a plastic hammer as hard as you can. Nice to blow off steam at
the end of a stressful day! In MAME that is simulated via an analog port
(e.g. mouse position) that reports the effect of the hit on the

One of the problems with such games from a MAME/preservation perspective is
that, for a start, they're much more difficult to get hold of for dumping.
And even then, you usually have to acquire the whole cab together with the
PCB. As you can imagine, this poses some non-trivial issues of logistics and
price. Indeed, a few of these games are still undumped, such as the original
Arm Champs.

When recently one such game, Captain Flag (full cab and all) was spotted by
coolmod (a member of The Dumping Union), we knew we didn't want to pass on
it. It's a pirate themed redemption game released in 1993. It features a cool
electro-mechanical torso, with the screen as "face", and moving arms. They
hold a red and a white flag and mimic the player's vertical movements on two
joysticks. A video of the cabinet in action can be found online:


Coolmod, with the help of a friend, took it upon himself to get this beauty
dumped and documented. This required moving the cab (a two-day job) and
involved a 350-mile trek to get the PCBs (two full boards and a sub-board).
Smitdogg also helped with the dumping and Ryan with the funding. Manual and
schematics were included:



worked on the emulation, since the hardware (minus the cab specifics) is the
same as Arm Champs and Scud Hammer, emulated in cischeat.cpp (that I wrote).
One of the hurdles of course was the need to simulate, at least to some
degree, the mechanical parts of the cabinet. Even when they're merely
cosmetic and not involved with the player inputs, as in this case, the
software will still hang and complain loudly if the actuators or sensors do
not respond according to their specs!

Below are the results. Jaleco games are usually of high quality and as you
can see this is no exception with nicely drawn cartoony graphics and smooth
animation. It's a polished game albeit, as most redemption games, quite
repetitive and short:


Below is a video of the current WIP emulation in MAME. Note that the flags at
the sides are not part of the screen, but a simulation of the mechanical
arms, done with MAME's Artwork system, to provide a visual feedback of the
cabinet state to the player (eventually actual images extracted from photos
of the cabinet should replace this crude approximation):


If you're wondering what the heck is happening in that video... the game is
in Japanese and rather difficult to play if you don't understand the
language: the player has to quickly react to the phrases uttered in an
excited and confusing way by your opponent (don't expect fair play from a

The buccaneer challenges you, to raise or lower one flag or the other. Or
sometimes to *not* perform said action. Fortunately there aren't many
variations, and even us gaikokujin can beat the game with some effort. This
cheat-sheet should come handy:


I actually cheated to win those two rounds... the P key in MAME is your

來源 http://www.lucaelia.com/mame.php/2015/Pirate-Flags




All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2016-01-01T06:27


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2015-12-29T19:42
大家好 前一個月電腦壞了 目前想要買一台新的  或是買台二手的來用 之前的電腦玩PS2模擬器遊戲 DQ5 DQ8 FPS平均都只有20~30 但用我前前女友的電腦跑就很順 FPS大概都有50~60 想請問一下板友 電腦跑PS2模擬器 要跑的順關鍵是哪幾個地方? 顯示卡要怎樣的 記憶體大概要幾G C ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2015-12-29T10:39
跨年洨禮物!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yunpan.cn/cuQpDiqzUItdk 4b1e yunpan.cn/cuQpIcnJresAM ff90 yunpan.cn/cuQpiTVxrAK33 24cb yunpan.cn/cuQpa69YL2hAp e63e yunpan.cn/cu ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2015-12-29T10:18
據說這個作品當時發售前來不及,又有延期。 是看在廣井王子的份上才得以這樣延期成功的樣子。 包括聲優據說也是靠他的人脈才能找到這麼豪華的陣容。 所以天外魔境確實是廣井王子的代表作,照這樣看來。 ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【諸國遊歷/回收道具與整裝】 ...

AGDQ 2016 快要開始了

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2015-12-28T03:17
報名已經截止,怕又像上次一樣錯過,提早幾天發 好像是 1/4 12:56 開始? 遊戲列表 https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule 可以先看看有沒有自己感興趣的遊戲 我個人最想看的反而是 Diablo 跟 Diablo II 這種運氣成分很重的遊戲不知道要怎麼快速過關 ...

MUGEN Hyper 七龍珠Z 魔人發佈

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2015-12-28T00:00
巴比迪來襲,還有魔人化達爾、撒旦、等等 Hyper DBZ The Majin Build Announcement! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90OkDal1WP4 影片底下敘述 有下載連結 還有介紹 下載解壓完務必打開 Updates.tx ...