(WIP) Huge easyEmu MAME Guide Update! - 模擬器

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-08-28T14:23

Table of Contents


Hi All

I've just completed a complete revamp of the easyEmu site. As usual
the MAME guide has had the most work. Here's whats new...

- The whole site has a more "Arcadey" feel.
- Every page of the MAME Guide has been updated.
- All the graphics and screen grabs have been updated.
- There's been a lot of restructuring of pages.
- Any redundant information has been removed.
- All the site links have been checked and updated.
- All the information is up to date with MAME 0.143.
- Theres a new page on the HLSL effect.
- Theres a new guide for the IV/Play frontend.
- The compilation guide for MAME is up to date.
- The CLRMame Pro guide is up to date.

You'll probably need to check any links you have as there's been a
lot of internal updates.

As usual any feedback is most welcome and any glaring errors too.





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