(WIP) DU Update: Something old and something new - 模擬器

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2013-04-24T12:31

Table of Contents


Jesse F. (a.k.a. Tom Braider) loaned me a tiny "Old & New" tv console
from Japan to dump, the Taito Nostalgia 1 version. It has old and new
versions of Legend of Kage and Gladiator. I don't usually mess with
console stuff but I'll make an exception for these Taito and Namco
Nostalgia handhelds because I dig them. If you own Taito 2 or either
of the Namcos and will loan it to me to dump send me a PM. You can see
a pcb scan and video here:



If anyone wants to send donations I can accept them through Western
Union or if you are in the states you could send cash or checks. I got
one today through Western Union thanks to Sonic. It's more trouble than
a paypal click and they charge a higher fee but I don't get taxed so
it's an option. PM if interested.





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FF9 光碟可玩 硬碟不能玩!?>"<

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-04-23T23:44
如題 我用ePSXe1.52 光碟放入光碟機玩一切ok 但我把ff9第一片光碟內的東西 (正版) 全copy到某個資料夾 資料夾取名 Final Fantasy IX(A) 再用ePSXe1.52選執行iso在選img檔 就黑畫面 停在pad digital enableed 不知道到底出了什 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-04-23T21:01
※ 引述《UlyssesLin (新米物理治療師)》之銘言: andgt; ˙新約聖劍傳說。 andgt; http://www.famicom.biz/all/htmls/4988601003803.html andgt; http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/232 ...

SFC 迦樓羅王

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-04-23T13:09
前言 當初之所以會碰這款,是看了版主寫過相關心得以後才找來玩的 前陣子已經破過一次,不過當時沒有想到要寫心得 早上就把美版的迦樓羅王再破一次,順便介紹一下這款遊戲 劇情上 我第一次玩的時候是碰日版,不過日文苦手,導致完全看不懂劇情 所以第二次玩就想找個美版看一下劇情 但是今天玩美 ...

Shunyuan's HLE audio plugin v1.1

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-04-23T12:39
HLE audio 插件 for Project64! Project64的插件用得好可以把效果提升好幾個檔次 實機絕對比不上 Features: * Zilmarand#39;s audio plugin spec 1.1 * DirectSound8 for output device * p ...

ブレスオブファイアIII 龍戰士三

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-04-23T08:14
※ [本文轉錄自 C_Chat 看板 #1HTMKVZ0 ] 作者: dukemon (dukemon) 看板: C_Chat 標題: Fw: [心得] ブレスオブファイアIII 龍戰士三 時間: Tue Apr 23 00:28:13 2013 ※ [本文轉錄自 PlayStation 看板 #1HTM ...