(WIP) DOSBox Emulator Coming To PS3 By Robo Hobo - 模擬器

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-04-07T10:59

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RoboHobo, known for his work on the Mednafen emulator, has decided to
take on a new project today. He has announced that he's been working
on porting a DOSBox emulator, which he calls DoPSBox, to the PS3.
DOSBox supports many old PC titles from the 80's to late 90's, such
as the Duke Nukem and Doom series, Quake, Warcraft and more.


I’m gonna go ahead and announce my intent to port this (along with SDL)
to the PS3 cell SDK. There’s still lots of clean up to be done, but
I’ve got dosbox running, including games (I’ve only tested ‘Eye of
the Beholder’). The SDL port is still missing audio, mouse, and joystick
support. I’m curious if anyone has any ideas that can be used to allow
this to be used to its fullest without hooking up a keyboard. Any ideas
on how to mount and load the games, or handling kb input in the games
would be appreciated.Hopefully with an SDL port, other apps can be
ported too (that SDL version of mame is looking pretty juicy). I’ll
post again later with a link to a code repo.

For the curious, here are the code repos for SDL and dosbox. It still
needs quite a bit of work, so I wouldn’t go too far out of my way to
build them yet.


For those who are interested to build them, this guide below which has
been taken from the source code page wiki might help you.



All Comments

Wii版Bio4 過場動畫當機

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-04-06T23:46
大學時代買的Wii隨著畢業也賣掉了 最近剛換電腦想嘗試當初最喜歡的bio4 一開始是很流暢地跑 但到城堡內 在大廳內要和女角合作踩機關的那邊 只要里昂一踩上機關觸發劇情動畫 畫面就會立刻停住不動 (操作不能) 只能重新再reset 屢試不爽 不知道大家玩Wii的bio4能否順利玩到全破? 已爬文過 似乎對於 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-04-06T22:57
我現在有之前抓的7258版能正常執行 版上置底的DOLPHIN載點是7436版 問題我執行下去顯示少了VCOMP100.DLL 請問一下是不是新版的還要安裝什麼程式才能用? - ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-04-06T22:39
各位遊戲高手~小弟想問如何使用name plus !? 是把遊戲丟到 roms就好了嗎?! 因為試過好幾次~但是似乎不行ㄟ andgt; andlt; and#34; 請各位高手教導一下 謝謝 感激不盡 - ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-04-06T20:47
問題一: 請問機動裝甲要如何拿到 問題二: 因為小弟玩的是1.1漢化中文版 我爬了之前的許多文章比起這個版本會不會差很多 謝謝各位大大的幫忙 - ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-04-06T16:31
看到有人在回去玩SS英雄聖戰外傳這片 想起來當年的記憶 這片人設,遊戲性都算不錯 但是玩不下去 因為遇敵率高也就算了 進戰鬥還要讀取好久 似乎現在用模擬器玩, 可以克服光碟機讀太慢這個技術的問題了嗎? 就好像記得以前PS2某幾款機戰都要讀很久 後來改用灌進硬碟玩後,大幅改善了這問題。 如果這樣的話實 ...