(WIP) David Haywood's MAME(tm) WIP - MAME - 模擬器

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-07-09T10:59

Table of Contents


I said: “We went to the moon and now we’re watching these buffoons?”

MAME has emulated a Korean bootleg of Sega’s Fantasy Zone 2 remake for
a while now. Given the title of ‘FZ2006 II’ and released as part of a
Korean multi-game bootleg by ‘ISG’ it appears to make use of the data
files from the Sega Ages Fantazy Zone collection, released for the PS2
in 2008, with various hacks applied (different memory maps + their own
protection and such)

Anyway, this bugged me a bit, so I’ve come up with a tiny build of MAME
which can run the same game but using the original data files from the
PS2 disc, to use this you must simply get your PS2 disc, copy the
‘BIN.PAK’file from it, and place it in a zip called fantzn2x.zip and
run the custom version of MAME linked below using that. I’ve done the
same for Bloxeed, because it looks like their bootleg of that was also
sourced from one of the PS2 versions.

These obviously aren’t going to make their way into the official
version of MAME in this form, but it’s less annoying than having to
use a bootleg with hacked title screen and copyrights etc.

Original Sega Version – left ||| FZ 2006 bootleg supported in MAME –


Quite why the bootleggers called it FZ2006 and used a 2006 copyright
when it appears to be based off a 2008 PS2 release I don’t know, but
Sega were no better really, stamping a 1987 copyright display in the
attract mode.


This is based on the latest MAME sources (0.143+), but with most stuff
stripped out.




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