(WIP) David Haywood's MAME(tm) WIP (2011.05.21) - 模擬器

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-05-23T08:45

Table of Contents


Baryon Future Assault

This is a Semicom game from 1997, it runs on hardware which is very
similar to their later release, Dream World, although in this case
the sound hardware is inferior, it only has a single OKIM6295. (There
seems to be game code to drive an additional one still present, but
neither the chip, nor sample rom is on the PCB)

This, for a Korean shooter appears to be a rather ambitious project,
lots going on, multiple weapon systems, upgrades, various rowscroll
effects etc. Very uncommon for a Korean shooter.

The main weak point, is the sound, the sound hardware on the board
isn’t very good at all, some of the graphics also look a bit rushed.
Also using the laser weapon seems to require tapping the fire button
at a ridiculous rate unless I’m missing something

Emulation might not be perfect yet, a few things still need verifying
against the PCB before I submit. Also I’m primarily working in my own
privately merged tree which means I can’t sync to the latest codebase
until the various all.mak changes go in (which after much debate should
be happening) so that could cause some delays too because that part is
out of my hands.





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RomCenter v3.58

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-05-23T08:40
2011.05.20 日語版本。 -- ○ 自己解決できるかたのみご利用ください。 ○ 機械翻訳をもとに、日本語として意味が通じるように再構成したつもりで すが、英語がさっぱり分からないので誤訳が山ほどあるかもしれません。 ____________ ...

My Nes v2.4

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-05-22T23:29
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Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-05-22T23:27
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MAME 跑 Taito 的遊戲特別慢

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-05-22T15:55
不好意思又來打擾各位前輩 我發現我的 MAME32 plus 在跑 Tatio 的某些 ROM 的時候特別慢 音樂也會斷斷續續的 會出現這個情況的遊戲有光明使者 魔法泡泡龍 (2代以後)等一些比較近期的遊戲上 他們的共同特徵是啟動的畫面都一樣 類似這種倒數計時的畫面 http://tinyurl.com/3e ...

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Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-05-22T15:49
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