(WIP) David Haywood's MAME(tm) WIP - 模擬器

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-06-03T11:53

Table of Contents



The continuing decline…


There is now one member of the official Mame Team who expects to be
paid for his work on MAME.

He’s already stated that he’s received 60$ for 2 hours work in
‘fixing' MAMEUI code, saying that he won’t work on such code without
being paid.

This IMHO sets an awful precedent. Once one person starts expecting
to be paid others will follow. This is what I mean by developers being
involved who are involved entirely for personal benefit, and not that
of the project.

I’ve spent 16+ hours this week trying to figure out Decathlete,
without hacks. I might not have anything to show for it in the end
either. Should I start asking for 500$ to cover my time too?

MAME has always been about the community, doing things because you
want to do them, doing them for free, doing them to benefit everybody,
not to benefit yourself financially or otherwise. In 10+ years I’ve
asked for, and received a total of 0$ for my work on this project.
That’s how it should be.

Yes, family comes first, work comes first, that’s reasonable, and
understandable, but if you choose to work on MAME instead of doing
actual work, you shouldn’t expect payment for it. The whole ethos
about MAME has always been that it’s a ‘free’ project, hence the
‘no commercial use’clause of the license which has existed from
day one.

Extending this ‘payment for coding’ further would be even worse
for the project than anything else. Money wouldn’t be going towards
rare boards, but instead coders, and people would start coming up
with whatever solutions got them paid, rather than the CORRECT
solutions which are far more important to MAME. It’s easy to apply
a few hacks to fix a bug, the likes of MASH and MameSick have showed
this over the years, but real fixes require proper understanding and
when the motivating factor becomes cash, not understanding it’s much
more likely you’ll see rushed fixes, which in the long run will only
damage the project.

It’s also only going to cause conflicts, not only due to the
inequality of it all, but arguments over the validity of the
solutions. Keep in mind that EVERYTHING in MAME is built on the
back of work done by somebody else. If I say I want payment of
500$ to emulate the Cave SH3 shooters, would that be fair? Most
of the work has been done for me, just needs some mods to the SH4
core, and the driver writing, hardly fair on the people who slaved
over writing that in the first place. Likewise, sound, right now I’m
sure the people making discoveries about it will be quite happy to
share, but if they

know I’m going to make money out of using their work, their findings,
and give none of it to them that situation could quite easily change.

Then there’s the legal side. If I start accepting payment for things
it’s going to raise a few more eyebrows. Using the previous example,
it might make the said company more likely to consider a lawsuit,
somebody else is profiting out of their work. If MAME becomes a machine
to make money for the developers it becomes a much more viable target,
many of the filesharing site cases have had a focus on the amount of
money being made out of them. Great efforts have already been made to
make clear the separation between the people working with cash (buying
boards and dumping them) and the people working on the actual emulator
because that’s one area in which a clear separation is beneficial to

It’s just a ridiculous situation, and it doesn’t surprise me one bit
that the person trying to pioneer it is one of the very same people
who was pivotal in having me removed from the project. You can cut
divide the people doing this because they care, and the people doing
it for their own benefit and egos clear as a knife through butter.
IMHO there should be a 0 tolerance policy on such things (just as I
took a 0 tolerance policy on anybody found to be involved in selling
MAME CDs etc.).

I’ve tried to push for real progress in previous posts, but instead,
we’re seeing this kind of thing. If you thought credit-wars were bad
you’ve seen nothing yet if this becomes the norm. The no commercial
use clause should also apply to people trying to charge money to
develop MAME, even if they thinly veil it in a ‘donations’ system.



All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-06-05T08:01
該remove from the project的是對方吧

MAME Plus! XT v0.142u4 r4875

John avatar
By John
at 2011-06-02T23:13
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Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-06-02T20:23
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By Adele
at 2011-06-02T18:15
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MAME 0.72 Release 1 for Xbox 360

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-06-02T18:14
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勇者鬥惡龍25周年紀念 推出復刻版羅德三部曲+精美限定商品

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-06-02T12:47
http://news.gamme.com.tw/archives/121156 如果你不是DQ飯的話這東西對你來說其實跟垃圾差不多 馬的!!!! 出這種一點誠意都沒有的東西根本就只是為了騙忠實玩家錢而已 日本一堆人都開始學capcom那個奸商騙錢拉 但周邊還不錯只是價錢會比新聞裡面講的還高 例 ...