(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage - 模擬器

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2015-09-12T21:39

Table of Contents


"Twin GP"

When I correctly hooked up the dual stack PCB setups for Air Rescue and F1
Exhaust Note it was pointed out to me that GP Rider on the X-Board platform
used a similar setup – a bridge board with shared RAM mapped directly into
the address space of the main CPUs on each stack rather than a network.

In order to support this the driver (and several components used by the
driver) required a little work in order to allow for multiple instances of
the PCB stack to run under MAME at the same time.

I did this work, but the game still didn’t work correctly (the game would
desync and break shortly after coining up), at that point I passed it on to
SailorSat to look at and she observed that the RAM was actually banked, and
once she hooked that up it started working as expected.

There’s no new fancy double screen attract graphics in this like Air Rescue
and F1 Exhaust Note have, but there are a few things you won’t see unless you
’re running the Twin setup either way. Note, I believe the Twin setup is the
only official Sega configuration for this game, and while it can run with a
single PCB stack that isn’t how it was designed to run.


來源 http://mamedev.emulab.it/haze/



All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-09-16T19:29
GP Rider我有玩過耶 當時瀬賀還是很硬派的時候呀(遠目
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-09-20T19:21
泡泡龍我最早也是玩AC版的 畫面流暢 音效遠超家機

(GBA) NanoBoyAdvance Git (2015/09/11)

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2015-09-12T21:34
2015.09.11 新規參戰! NanoBoyAdvance is a An experimental WIP GameBoy Advance emulator written in C++. nanoboyadvance Git changelog: * Fixes on Mode 0 Rende ...

SS版仙劍 vs. 山寨GBC版仙劍

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2015-09-12T18:18
http://www.twitch.tv/rm9_/ 移植糞(?game vs. 山寨神game 1820開始 -- Sent from my Android - ...

搖桿、手把 方向鍵沒反應

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2015-09-12T04:19
哈囉大家好,前陣子來到這個版讓小弟得以玩到以前 一直玩的遊戲,目前只知道emuparadise,不知道還有甚麼地方 可以找到遊戲呢? 不過這篇其實是想請教各位大大,就是我照著板上的文章 安裝好PS4手把接電腦了,用的是DS4windows,但奇怪的是在玩 ...

警察先生 就是這個人--蘋果鎮物語 FDS

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-09-11T21:30
本片是1987年square發售在FDS上的????遊戲 雖然號稱是策略遊戲 但是實際上是---andgt;獨自一人生活的小女孩的觀察遊戲(爆...) 史克威爾不虧是作過[黑]的.... 遊玩過程中,感覺我的變態魂現在猛烈的覺得熱血沸騰(喂.....) 遊玩的方式有點像萬代的名作[他媽個雞]....也有點像 ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-09-10T18:09
這讓我想到之前看過的影片有簡單介紹以前的工程師是如何在 那個記憶體容量如此珍貴的時代,用各種技巧讓主機產生漂亮的畫面 覺得還滿有意思的,分享給版友。 總共有兩段: https://youtu.be/Tfh0ytz8S0k https://youtu.be/_rsycfDliZU - ...