(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage - 模擬器

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2015-08-11T22:23

Table of Contents


"Additive Kombat"

If you’ve been following the GIT you might have noticed that MooglyGuy
checked in a change to the Midway Zeus driver to improve the blending /
transparency effects in Mortal Kombat 4.

Mortal Kombat 4 makes rather heavy using of the blending in places, applying
it to a large number of particle effects, projectiles etc.

Pictures convey this far better words, so in short we’ve gone from this


to this


He advises me to make clear that the code is still a little hacky (the bit
that controls the blending hasn’t been fully isolated) so it might not alwas
be 100% correct, but as you can see, his work has made a dramatic improvement
to the visuals in a driver that had been left untouched for far too long.

Note, this doesn’t improve Crusin’ Exotica, that runs on Zeus 2 which is
significantly different.

Prototype Minions:




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[NES] Friday 13th 初玩全紀錄

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2015-08-11T21:30
[實況存檔] Friday 13th 初玩全紀錄 https://youtu.be/lP0U86NuOpA 實況於2010.08.13 超久以前的實況紀錄(所以是渣畫質) 放到Youtube保存回憶 初玩總是最美 XD 因為本人有點口齒不清 多花不少時間加上字幕 XD 這款AVGN有評過 有興趣的可以到好 ...

SEGA 的 Fortten Worlds

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2015-08-11T11:43
※ 引述《TaiwanDong (ext i)》之銘言: : 遊戲平台: SEGA : 內容陳述: 遊戲畫面的Youtube : http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=pRHegI2YqA0 : 遊戲的維基百科 (英文) : ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2015-08-10T16:09
新聞來源: http://www.kocpc.com.tw/archives/37345 作者 : 達小編 日期 : 2015/08/10 陪伴著80、90年代玩家成長的日本遊戲大廠SNK,曾推出不少膾炙人口的經 典遊戲作品,像是《格鬥天王》、《餓狼傳說》、《侍魂》、《 ...

MAME vs Intel i7-6700K

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-08-10T15:32
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FC 吞食天地2角色資料

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2015-08-10T02:43
前文恕刪~~~~~ 剛剛有實機試驗一下, 現在來報告一下成果。 遊戲版本:FC 吞食天地2 繁體中文版 軍師統一選擇:龐統 智力240 第一點:zack867大前文說的是正確的!我用司馬昭和司馬師當實驗對象, 瘋狂用暗殺計,結果怎樣就是打不死!! 第二點:以孔明 姜維 張苞使用暗殺計各2 ...