(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage - 模擬器

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-02-25T21:56

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"This is going to be MEGA"

Enricnes (from AUMAP) dumped his MegaPhoenix board, a game by Dinamic
& Inder that was also released for a large number of home platforms.

The hardware isn’t entirely what I’m used to working with, it has a
68000, a TMS34010, and a Z80. The TMS34010 CPU handles most of the
graphics while I think the Z80 CPU drives a DAC for sound.

By looking at how the TMS34010 is used in other drivers I’ve managed
to hook things up to the point where I get the following screenshots.


Obviously there are still some significant issues here. Actually I
don’t even know where 2 of the ROMs map properly yet, the game has
a weird memory setup whereby RAM is mapped at 0, and the ROMs are
mapped higher up, but I have to copy the boot vectors to RAM. It’s
not really playable at the moment.

A video recorded from the PCB was uploaded to YouTube last year, this
is what the emulation should look like once it’s finished.






All Comments

網頁版Game Boy,免模擬器~

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2014-02-25T20:52
消息來源: http://www.playpcesor.com/2014/02/game-boy.html 手機實際截圖: http://www.gamebase.com.tw/forum/30032/topic/97066407 Game Boy 掌機模擬網頁: http://www.benmidi.c ...

創意廣告 "快打旋風"重出江湖

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2014-02-24T14:10
= Youtube連結在推文內 = ※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1J2jK6vP ] 作者: adasad (adasad) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 創意廣告 and#34;快打旋風and#34;重出江湖 時間: Mon Feb 24 13:13:37 2014 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-02-23T22:41
這款G.I.JOE,大家可能小時候都看過卡通 卡通名稱叫大英雄 我是在實況的時候被觀眾推坑,於是玩了這款 而這款平常比較少聽人說過,也比較少看過 就順便寫一下心得 這款的遊戲類型,就是一般的動作橫向遊戲 遊戲前五關,可以從五個角色 Duke、Snake Eyes、Blizzard ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-02-23T13:53
呼~ 總算是全寫完了,一寫就寫到快半年,聖劍傳說本傳1~3都還沒那麼久 == 算了,本作也是截圖高達約12,000張,最後留了500多張史上最高紀錄的遊戲 0rz ═══════════════════════════════════════ ˙(57/68)[震える砂] 1.事件引發~攻略順 ...

吞食天地二 曹魏吞食3.98版

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-02-22T23:27
請問有玩過這款遊戲的大大們, 目前我玩到曹操已有建造中的洛陽城, 然後已去過荀彧家一次, 回洛陽後呂布來襲, 打完呂布跟赤兔馬再回洛陽, 照攻略這時後荀攸應該會出現, 不過並沒有!! 目前整個卡在這邊, 再去見許邵後也沒有,荀彧家完全沒人在. 是哪個環節出錯了嗎? 還是bug? 感謝解答 - ...