(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage - 模擬器

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-11-26T14:08

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6 in 1的MVS基板模擬。

"Slug Army"

   The MVS part of the NeoGeo MVS stands for “Multi Video System”

One of the key features of the hardware was to reduce costs for
operators by allowing multiple games in one cabinet, hance the
‘Multi’ part of the name. The original units shipped with up to
6 slots cartridge slots.

It’s slightly ironic therefore that an emulator names ‘MAME’
where the M standards for a very similar ‘Multiple’ has never
emulated this functionality considering it’s such a key part of
what the hardware was. That is until now.

While in emulation circles this isn’t groundbreaking (most of the
other NeoGeo emulators have been able to do this for a while) it’s
always been slightly out of the reach of MAME. However, times change,
and much like ST-V (and several others) in the past, the driver gained
the ability to use Software Lists as an alternate launching method a
couple a year or two back. So far with NeoGeo that’s been limited to
a single slot AES / MVS unit, but the capability to support multiple
slots does exist and is already used by several drivers so it was only
to be expected that the NeoGeo would take advantage of this.

Unfortunately for now the code is a bit ugly (in part due to having to
maintain the legacy MAME loading system alongside the new one) but for
many combinations of cartridges it works. Some fail, especially the
bootlegs (I have a feeling they probably fail on real hardware too)
but also some originals (less sure) so it definitely needs work, and
some cleanups but it’s a massive step forwards in terms of actual
emulation of the ‘MVS’ as it should be emulated.

The way it works on real hardware (and now in MAME) is that the unit
will cycle through the attract modes of all the games that you have
plugged in. Upon inserting a coin it will jump to the title screen of
the current game and you can use the ‘next’ and ‘previous’ buttons
on the cabinet to cycle through the selection available to you (these
are mapped in MAME as 3 and 4)

Here is a video of an MVS unit loaded with all the Metal Slug games,
it demonstrates running the attract mode, then coining up and flipping
between installed titles The first coin is inserted at 6:45, after
each game has shown an attract demo.


*edit* this might not make it into 0.152, the code has been reverted
without any consultation and without being given any time to
clean it up. I lost my SVN access in the past for less, but
double standards are what Mamedev is all about these days.





All Comments

Re: SF2-快打旋風2各版本

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-11-26T13:47
最近釋出了一個MD平台上的hack版本: Street Fighter III 18 Person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csjfglZjXmQ 卡帶外觀 http://ppt.cc/E5xF 雖然名稱叫做and#34;18 Personand#34;,但實際登 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-11-26T00:29
本篇來談談之前一直談到的魔法學園篇,看看這些個性豐富的學生和老師。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD2LivcOeAo 好笑的是,雖然寫魔法學園篇,但本篇根本沒有一個劇情是在魔法都市內發生的XDD ══════════════════════════════════════ ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-11-25T21:33
※ [本文轉錄自 Old-Games 看板 #1IaqucO2 ] 作者: tinyfan (小風扇) 看板: Old-Games 標題: [分享] msx的老遊戲魔域傳說玩家remake 時間: Mon Nov 25 21:18:27 2013 以前出在msx上的縱向強制捲軸射擊遊戲 魔域傳說 過去曾經 ...

System16.com Updated: All Your Base

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2013-11-25T13:22
2013.11.23    這應該不用多做介紹了;大量截圖與資訊更新,另外還公佈了官方臉書。 and#34;All Your Baseand#34; ‧Iand#39;ve been waiting since about 1998 to justifiably use that : ...

ThunderMAME32UI+ (雷豆UI+)

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-11-25T02:28
http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-Sunnyvale/8595/ MAME32Plus!0.143u9ベース。-I686コンパイル VER.0.143X (2013.11.24) グラディウ スIVクレジット修正を適用。 0.151までのまでのいくつかのクロー ...