(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage - 模擬器

By Emma
at 2012-11-08T15:07
at 2012-11-08T15:07
Table of Contents
Italy Gets a Planet Probe (Part 2)
As promised, here is the 2nd part of the Planet Probe update.
I’m not going to repeat details mentioned in the first update, instead
I’ll simply mention that the tile flipping has been fixed, and
priorities adjusted slightly based on what seems logical. A few
sprite-sprite priority issues remain where the crosshair goes behind
certain targets, but I believe these are part of the original game;
multi-pass sprite drawing is exceptionally uncommon.
I left the name entry screen to time-out after entering my initials
so that people can hear the brief tune played there.
The game doesn’t appear to have an ending, if you turn on the
invulnerability dipswitch it loops the same few backgrounds etc.
which means it plays a lot more like an ‘old skool’ shooter than
anything else.
*edit* since this Planet Probe is incapable of predicting earthquakes,
or what music is going to play when I don’t actually have any speakers
plugged in or turned on I’ve recorded another video which plays an
alternate melody on the high score table. It appears the game uses a
different piece of music when you get the top high score compared to
the others, this should be the right one this time! As a reminder, the
one composed from memory by Bisboch 20+ years after playing the game
is here:
*edit2* since recording these videos I’ve decided to swap the priorities
around a bit, the glitches are just too obvious in the 2nd video the
way things were IMHO.
Italy Gets a Planet Probe (Part 2)
As promised, here is the 2nd part of the Planet Probe update.
I’m not going to repeat details mentioned in the first update, instead
I’ll simply mention that the tile flipping has been fixed, and
priorities adjusted slightly based on what seems logical. A few
sprite-sprite priority issues remain where the crosshair goes behind
certain targets, but I believe these are part of the original game;
multi-pass sprite drawing is exceptionally uncommon.
I left the name entry screen to time-out after entering my initials
so that people can hear the brief tune played there.
The game doesn’t appear to have an ending, if you turn on the
invulnerability dipswitch it loops the same few backgrounds etc.
which means it plays a lot more like an ‘old skool’ shooter than
anything else.
*edit* since this Planet Probe is incapable of predicting earthquakes,
or what music is going to play when I don’t actually have any speakers
plugged in or turned on I’ve recorded another video which plays an
alternate melody on the high score table. It appears the game uses a
different piece of music when you get the top high score compared to
the others, this should be the right one this time! As a reminder, the
one composed from memory by Bisboch 20+ years after playing the game
is here:
*edit2* since recording these videos I’ve decided to swap the priorities
around a bit, the glitches are just too obvious in the 2nd video the
way things were IMHO.
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