(WIP) Cxbx: Fixing 0xC000007b error on 64-bit Windows - 模擬器

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2013-05-02T20:08

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I spent today hacking with the Cxbx code from Shogun's SVN branch and
I have managed to prevent the 0xC000007b error from occuring on Windows

Cxbx still doesn't run correctly due to the well known LDT/FS register
issues, but at least it doesn't immediately get killed by Windows

It turns out that the Cxbx code that produces a .exe file fills in the
SizeOfImage field of the PE Header incorrectly, causing some versions
of windows to prevent the image from loading.

I solved this by patching Exe.cpp of the Cxbx project to write the final
raw file size of the produced EXE to the SizeOfImage field. (Verified by
CFF Explorer as being correct)






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FC 烏帕王子

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-05-02T15:08
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