(WIP) Arbee's WIP Emporium - Humpty Dumpty (2014/09 - 模擬器

By Linda
at 2015-01-12T07:57
at 2015-01-12T07:57
Table of Contents
※ 引述《conpo (獅子たちの旗)》之銘言:
: 2014.09.12
: "Humpty Dumpty"
: We’ve had a dump of likely Kyle Hodgetts game “Eggs Playing Chicken” for a
: while, but it was just recently brought to my attention. After adding it, we
: had some issues emulating the Trident SVGA chipset it used, which Barry
: Rodewald kindly fixed, and that gets us these screens:
: http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/wipimg/eggsplc0.png
: http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/wipimg/eggsplc1.png
: http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/wipimg/eggsplc2.png
: 來源:http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?p=940
One more hoarded set from the djmain.c driver has been liberated, thanks to a
$20 eBay transaction by a collector friend of mine.
Say hello to嘭op’n Music 3ꀨver. JA-A).
Sent from my Android
: 2014.09.12
: "Humpty Dumpty"
: We’ve had a dump of likely Kyle Hodgetts game “Eggs Playing Chicken” for a
: while, but it was just recently brought to my attention. After adding it, we
: had some issues emulating the Trident SVGA chipset it used, which Barry
: Rodewald kindly fixed, and that gets us these screens:
: http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/wipimg/eggsplc0.png

One more hoarded set from the djmain.c driver has been liberated, thanks to a
$20 eBay transaction by a collector friend of mine.
Say hello to嘭op’n Music 3ꀨver. JA-A).


Sent from my Android
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