Wine v1.3.18 - 模擬器

By Freda
at 2011-04-16T21:28
at 2011-04-16T21:28
Table of Contents
Wine Ankündigung
The Wine development release 1.3.18 is now available.
What′s new in this release (see below for details):
Support for mouse pointer clipping.
Raw mouse events support using XInput2.
First steps of a DIB engine implementation.
More properties supported in DXDiag.
New security tab in the Internet control panel.
Improved video playback on Mac OS X.
Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
You will find documentation on
You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in
the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 1.3.18:
1918 PostMessage(hwnd,WM_QUIT,0,0) doesn′t exit the message loop
4553 Future Cop doesn′t start
5559 rendering problem in Beyond Good and Evil
7663 War Of the Ring Demo aborts silently on startup
9026 division by zero in winealsa
13387 Crysis patcher fails
14045 SketchUp was unable to initialize OpenGL
15304 Running any Half-Life based game in "Windowed Mode" corrupts mouse
15394 Activating a single item menu using a hotkey doesn′t execute the menu
item command
16187 Google Sketchup Layout crashes on startup (needs TIFF encoding)
19191 Adobe Updater 6: unable to install updates for Adobe Reader 9
19960 NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation returns
stale and incorrect values
20998 Anarchy Online starting up slowly and KDE panel shown fullscreen
22282 Dragon Age: Origins mouse control glitches
23509 SetThreadAffinityMask() doesn′t work correctly anymore
23830 KKBOX crashes
23962 Borderlands will not start
24134 Demos on dhpoware website won′t run without native msvcp100.dll
24359 dbghelp has lots of ′elf_new_wine_thunks Duplicate′ (gcc 4.6)
24870 thief gold multiprocessor bug not affected by taskset or schedtool.
25321 Osu! doesn′t run in OpenGL mode
25407 Office 2007 SP2 installer reports success but fails to install some
25520 Unreal Gold ( version) crashes
25653 ratGPU standalone renderer hits unimplemented function
MSVCR90.dll.__CxxFrameHandler3 on x86_64
25825 kernel32:debugger tests fail under clang
25920 winedbg does not work under clang
25975 Edge of Chaos window display does not update
26013 Brigade E5 crashes at startup
26023 Live Messenger 2009 crashes on start, needs msvcr80.dll._mbslwr_s
26026 Installation of ICBC online bank Active Control needs scarddlg.dll
26266 Moving the mouse ingame causes it to halt in Retribution Engine
26284 Crysis 2 demo needs msvcr90.dll._snscanf (purist)
26381 mcmap.exe help text is wrong
26418 Guitar Hero World Tour: Playstation 3 (ps3) hardware detection in game
26482 Typo in leads to FTBFS
26509 dbghelp gives a ton of duplicate symbols under clang
26564 Sinking Island: exception occurs on exit
26591 Slingplayer 2 crashes when clicking on "Log in" when compiled with gcc
26599 ip-tv player not switch to fullscreen
26627 Z doesn′t install (needs ole2disp.SETERRORINFO)
26632 MultiByteToWideChar with MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS doesn′t fail for some
code points.
26650 MS Office 2007 won′t install
26675 Lots of black surfaces and textures in Dungeon Keeper 2
26679 Warcraft 3 stops rendering when pressing the left mouse button
(selecting several units)
26689 Creative Writer 2 crashes after opening some sets of files
26720 hifree required InternetSetW with INTERNET_OPTION_DATA_SEND_TIMEOUT
26728 d3d_compiler/reflection test shows a ton of valgrind warnings
26732 Winecfg: tab text is missing
26733 AutoCAD 2008: Hang-up at start-up
26735 It should be possible to select Windows 2008 R2
26777 Games for Windows Live fails to start without native windowscodecs
Wine Ankündigung
The Wine development release 1.3.18 is now available.
What′s new in this release (see below for details):
Support for mouse pointer clipping.
Raw mouse events support using XInput2.
First steps of a DIB engine implementation.
More properties supported in DXDiag.
New security tab in the Internet control panel.
Improved video playback on Mac OS X.
Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
You will find documentation on
You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in
the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 1.3.18:
1918 PostMessage(hwnd,WM_QUIT,0,0) doesn′t exit the message loop
4553 Future Cop doesn′t start
5559 rendering problem in Beyond Good and Evil
7663 War Of the Ring Demo aborts silently on startup
9026 division by zero in winealsa
13387 Crysis patcher fails
14045 SketchUp was unable to initialize OpenGL
15304 Running any Half-Life based game in "Windowed Mode" corrupts mouse
15394 Activating a single item menu using a hotkey doesn′t execute the menu
item command
16187 Google Sketchup Layout crashes on startup (needs TIFF encoding)
19191 Adobe Updater 6: unable to install updates for Adobe Reader 9
19960 NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation returns
stale and incorrect values
20998 Anarchy Online starting up slowly and KDE panel shown fullscreen
22282 Dragon Age: Origins mouse control glitches
23509 SetThreadAffinityMask() doesn′t work correctly anymore
23830 KKBOX crashes
23962 Borderlands will not start
24134 Demos on dhpoware website won′t run without native msvcp100.dll
24359 dbghelp has lots of ′elf_new_wine_thunks Duplicate′ (gcc 4.6)
24870 thief gold multiprocessor bug not affected by taskset or schedtool.
25321 Osu! doesn′t run in OpenGL mode
25407 Office 2007 SP2 installer reports success but fails to install some
25520 Unreal Gold ( version) crashes
25653 ratGPU standalone renderer hits unimplemented function
MSVCR90.dll.__CxxFrameHandler3 on x86_64
25825 kernel32:debugger tests fail under clang
25920 winedbg does not work under clang
25975 Edge of Chaos window display does not update
26013 Brigade E5 crashes at startup
26023 Live Messenger 2009 crashes on start, needs msvcr80.dll._mbslwr_s
26026 Installation of ICBC online bank Active Control needs scarddlg.dll
26266 Moving the mouse ingame causes it to halt in Retribution Engine
26284 Crysis 2 demo needs msvcr90.dll._snscanf (purist)
26381 mcmap.exe help text is wrong
26418 Guitar Hero World Tour: Playstation 3 (ps3) hardware detection in game
26482 Typo in leads to FTBFS
26509 dbghelp gives a ton of duplicate symbols under clang
26564 Sinking Island: exception occurs on exit
26591 Slingplayer 2 crashes when clicking on "Log in" when compiled with gcc
26599 ip-tv player not switch to fullscreen
26627 Z doesn′t install (needs ole2disp.SETERRORINFO)
26632 MultiByteToWideChar with MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS doesn′t fail for some
code points.
26650 MS Office 2007 won′t install
26675 Lots of black surfaces and textures in Dungeon Keeper 2
26679 Warcraft 3 stops rendering when pressing the left mouse button
(selecting several units)
26689 Creative Writer 2 crashes after opening some sets of files
26720 hifree required InternetSetW with INTERNET_OPTION_DATA_SEND_TIMEOUT
26728 d3d_compiler/reflection test shows a ton of valgrind warnings
26732 Winecfg: tab text is missing
26733 AutoCAD 2008: Hang-up at start-up
26735 It should be possible to select Windows 2008 R2
26777 Games for Windows Live fails to start without native windowscodecs
All Comments
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