(Wii/NGC) DolphinFX v1.50 - 模擬器

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-01-13T13:02

Table of Contents


DolphinFX is a WIP shader suite for Dolphin's OpenGL backend.


Current effects include:

- HQ FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing)
- NFAA (Normal Filter Anti Aliasing)
- High Pass Bloom
- Per-Channel Gamma Correction
- Scene Tone Mapping
- RGB Colour Correction
- S-Curve Contrast Enhancement
- Texture Sharpening
- Toon Shader
- Bicubic & Bilinear Filtering
- You can enable, or disable each effect from inside the shader file.
- Everything is customizable. Settings are clearly sectioned, and labeled
. Use the documentation comments for instructions on each option.

To Install:

- Extract DolphinFX to your Dolphin-> \Sys\Shaders folder. Then enable
the shader in the OpenGL graphics
options->enhancements->post-processing effect->DolphinFX.

To Edit Settings:

- Open DolphinFX.glsl in a text editor. I recommend Notepad++. It will
look crazy messy if you use regular notepad to edit. You could also
use an IDE to edit it, if you like. You can enable, disable, and
customize various options for each effect. The default setup is
neutral. Which tries to enhance the game's visuals without changing
the overall tone & feel of it. If you're not happy with the default
setup, there are plenty of settings to customize everything to your

DolphinFX v1.50 changelog:

- FXAA: Improved Lod coverage.
- FXAA: Fxaa should now produce no visible blurring whatsoever.
- FXAA: Removed Fxaa debug option.
- Texture Filtering: Added Bilinear filtering to the list of texture
filtering options, for use.
- BiCubic Filtering: Improved filtering quality
- BiCubic Filtering: Added a strength param as an option, to adjust
the overall level of texture filtering.
- BiCubic Filtering: Added a cubic interpolation type to the
interpolation options. Options are now (lightest, to strongest):
CatMullRom, Bell, BSpline,
- Triangular, Cubic.
- Blended Bloom: Some small improvements to the bloom blending output.
- Blended Bloom: Added an option to directly control the level of
blending to use in the bloom (BlendPower).
- Gamma Correction: Implemented a new gamma correction curve to replace
the pow function previously used, which I think yields nicer, more
accurate results.
- Colour Correction: Implemented a new curve for the pre tone mapping
colour correction.
- Scene Tonemapping: Rewrote alot of the tonemapping code.
- Scene Tonemapping: Improved some colour conversion operations.
- Scene Tonemapping: Added RGB colour curve options, for Red, Green,
and Blue respectively.
- Scene Tonemapping: Added filmic tonemapping operations, and a Filmic
- Tonemapping type, as a tonemap type to choose. The two types are now -
Natural(default), and Filmic(cinematic style)
- Contrast: Slightly Improved contrast curve type 1.
- Texture Sharpening: Updated the texture sharpening. Fixed an oversight
bug, and improved sharpen quality
- Texture Sharpening: Added a new bicubic based sharpening type with
highly improved edge detection. It's a little bit slower than the
original though.
- Cel Shading: Changed the cel edge thickness option from a bool, to
float, to allow arbitrary edge thickness values.
- Cel Shading: Improved some colour conversion operations.
- Scanlines: Improved the scanlines output a bit.
- Effects: Added Post-Complement Colour Grading, as an effect to choose.
- Effects: Added Vignette as an effect to choose.
- Effects: Added Subpixel Dithering as an effect to choose.
- Generic: Overall general coding cleanup, and improvements
- Generic: Updated effect options & descriptions.





All Comments


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2014-01-12T19:56
我原本是用小P在玩彈丸2的漢化板 可是好死不死小P今天居然故障了 畫面一閃一閃的,改用外接螢幕發現他變黑時按鈕會失靈 所以玩不下去了,但我才打到第2章結束阿!!!! 還想繼續破阿 所以跑去抓WIN7 64BIT的PPSSPP 但是發現2代漢化存檔變亂碼無法讀取 (不過我選NEW GAME卻能讀1 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2014-01-12T16:11
很多模擬器,SFC, GBA,NDS...... 都是這樣即時存檔真的都無法在手機端和PC端間互用嗎? ----- Sent from JPTT on my PANTECH IM-A850L. - ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-01-12T01:26
無意間想到這款遊戲 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0fTSen3PRk 以前我爸超愛玩 難得看他會跟我搶GG玩 不知道目前哪種掌機是否有出類似的遊戲? 話說好懷念GG 以前帶去學校或畢業旅行超有面子 畫面及遊戲都好玩 就是太耗電而已 - ...

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