[Wii] MySims Hands-on 高速翻譯 - 任天堂

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-06-14T17:48

Table of Contents

原出處: http://wii.ign.com/articles/796/796051p1.html

UK, June 13, 2007 -
We never would have thought that within minutes of playing the latest build
of MySims that sweat would be dripping down our forehead. In reality we were
sweating like a pig in a sauna, our tongues hanging limply from our mouths
and our eyes glued to the screen with intense concentration. However,
it's not because we were struggling to get to grips with the game -
far from it, because it's a breeze to play. No, the excess perspiration
was a result of giving the game's object-building mode a thorough going over.
Take it from us, building a bed that looks like Megatron is a compelling task.


We're getting ahead of ourselves though. To date we've pretty much covered
the basics about what you can expect from MySims, but in case you missed out
here's a brief overview. In MySims players must restore a run down town to
its former prosperous glory, by constructing houses for new residents
and carrying out chores for townsfolk. You can even plant trees to make
the place look more homely. So far so Animal Crossing, but there's more to
MySims than first meets the eye.


MySims' big secret is that while it may look like a cutesy version of Sims,
there's an incredible amount of depth behind those chibi-style graphics.
This is thanks partly to the ridiculously easy-to-use but in-depth creation
tool, which gives you complete control of every aspect of the game, whether
it's shaping how your town looks to creating individual pieces of furniture.
From chairs in your front room to arcade machines propped in the corner,
everything in the game is created by you, the user. We wanted a town full of
Megatron beds but that's just us. You might fancy an octopus chair or maybe a
cupboard shaped like an F1 car. It's entirely up to you.


Well, almost entirely up to you. You see, most of the time players are
free to decide how they want objects to look. The only restriction is
when a resident requests a particular item for their shop or house.
So, for example, if a spooky Sim (there are six Sim types in all -
cute, spooky, geeky, fun, tasty and studious) asks for a new chair you've
got to make it suitably gothic, by adding scary items like bat wings
and skulls, or by painting it black or grey.


Although these limitations make sound restrictive ,when it comes to
creating a town that matches your vision, in reality they're anything but.
In fact, the Sims are pretty easy going, so as long as the objects you
create match the desires of your townfolk in some way, whether it's
the colour or the shape, you're pretty much free to do whatever else you want.
A Megatron bed, therefore, can be tailored to fit any Sims' tastes,
with a few minor tweaks.


What's more, when it comes to building furniture it couldn't be easier.
Each object begins as a basic shape highlighted by a green grid.
Budding designers then choose building blocks which are slotted together
to build something bigger. When the basic shape is in place, players can
then begin to add the finishing touches, so everything in the game really
can be a unique work of art.


Like the object creation itself, customising items is extremely intuitive,
that's thanks to a simple control system that's perfectly suited
for beginners but also benefits from added features that are introduced
as your skills develop. Creating something spectacular is therefore a breeze,
using the Wiimote's pointing function to move pieces around the screen
and the Nunchuk's joystick to rotate the object and zoom in or out.
If you're just starting out in the game the building blocks snap into place,
so you don't have to worry about being too precise. However, as you become
more adept this function can be switched off, giving you complete
control over every last detail of the object you're making.


With the basic controls nailed you're free to start experimenting with
different building blocks. These are split into different types,
including squares, spheres, cones, cylinders… pretty much everything
is covered here. What's more you can use as many blocks as you want,
providing you don't interfere with how the object is going to be used.
For example, a bed must have a large flat surface for the Sim to sleep on
and a chair must have a seat.




你這樣誇獎我我也不會高興的啦~~釁 (扭)




All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-06-15T13:01
哈, 超感激 XD


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-06-14T16:21
※ 引述《cococlock (北川悠仁)》之銘言: : 齁... : 昨天看了置底報價文.. : 衝了地下街買了一套左右手把.. : 後來回家之後..發現會莫名奇妙斷線.. 重抓一次吧 之前我也發生過類似的現象 關機 然後用那隻搖桿開機 之後就沒事了....atatand#34; 還有,直接買新的搖桿比較 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-06-14T16:11
由於看了太多人說GT賽車是片雷 所以自己也就沒入手這遊戲 但是卻有入手極速快感 和狂飆卡車..一直到這兩片不想玩了 於是想說玩看看GT有多糟糕吧 結果沒想到 這一片竟然是我覺得三片之中最好玩的賽車遊戲.. 先說畫面好了 畫面有多糟??人家說有多糟 那就真的是有多糟= = 遭到我覺得以前DC的 首都高賽車 都 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-06-14T15:42
http://touch-ds.jp/crv/vol4/001.html http://touch-ds.jp/crv/vol4/002.html http://touch-ds.jp/crv/vol4/003.html http://touch-ds.jp/crv/vol4/004.html 共四頁, 徵 ...

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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2007-06-14T15:20
※ 引述《danadanad (林芷瑩★Mr.Children)》之銘言: : http://touch-ds.jp/mediagallery/st71.html 新增一個藝人多部未華子體驗影片 -- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2007-06-14T14:25
不知道板上還有沒有再等呢? 我們公司定了七台 共35000的錢從過年卡到現在 他們利息也賺夠了吧 不知道板上還有人跟我一樣在撐嗎? (不過我已經去日本先敗台水貨玩很久了 逃~) -- 這年頭不管什麼事 ...