(wii/GC) Dolphin SVN r5777 - 模擬器

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-06-25T10:41

Table of Contents



r5775 - RGBA8 (DX9/OGL): 10x speed up on Radeon 5450, 2x speed up on
other cards dueto swizzle registers.

- RGB565: 2-3x speed up on all hardware- Removed OpenCL compiler
warnings (eg. redefine). OpenCL is now optimally complete for
DX9/OGL. The code is very fast on all supported hardware. No
more updates are needed unless the spec changes or drivers
improve. When I started, the OpenCL code was as slow or slower
than CPU.

Now, using the lowest end radeon that supports the code: a Radeon
45xx mobility, I experience a substantial 2-10x speedup over CPU.
The benefits are more pronounced with modern hardware. A Radeon
5870 runs this code 20x faster than a 4550. Even ignoring speedups,
the code benefits users by not using CPU for intermittent texture
loads (unless GPU is your bottleneck). Instead, the CPU is able
to do more important tasks.

r5776 [x86-less] Some more work, nowx actually builds in this branch,
still a longways to go until I get it to the point I want

r5777 My first commit :D

Dual Core sync fix.

When the FIFO is processing data we must not advance the cpu cycles
in CoreTiming because in this way the VI will be desynchronized.
So, We are waiting until the FIFO finish and while we process only
the events required by the FIFO.

This should fix Issue 2072 .

This affect to all games in dual core mode.

Please, You can test all games with VPS limiter auto, 60, 50
depending of the game and compare with prev revision.

For example now NSMB in the video Intro has 60 fps (prev 30 fps) :D
or SMG does't need anymore FPS Limitter Hack to get 55-60 fps.

Beside the slowdowns now are more softly and the fps more stables
because the VI sync is almost perfect.

The Core Timing and Fifo modifications are delicated. Please report
if this hang any game. Don't forget check with prev revision.

Enjoy it! Thanks to Rodolfo for teach me all about dolphin.




谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 田 中 將 林 昌 勇


All Comments


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-06-25T00:41
當然我不是說把FRAME LIMITER關掉全速跑的那一類 是PS1的GRADIUS DELUXE PACK的GRADIUS II這個部份 GRADIUS跑起來是OK,II就像是把CPU降頻成1/4來跑一樣 (STAGE1、2,後面還沒測不知道) 奇怪的是音效音樂通通沒問題 把遊戲丟到SSSPSX來跑 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-06-24T22:29
是這樣子 忽然很想玩 年代很久以前的一款蠟筆小新小遊戲 但是不知道平台也不知道遊戲名稱 平台的話 印象中是滿大台 有重量感 不是直長方形GB 是橫的方型 兩手左右握住的地方有凸起圓弧方便手握 螢幕滿大的 遊戲內容的話 是蠟筆小新 好像是參加園遊會吧 或是運動會 有很多個項目 好像有吃甜甜圈阿 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-06-24T21:12
※ [本文轉錄自 Rockman 看板 #1C8rcv4i ] 作者: skylove2005 (小孩藍) 看板: Rockman 標題: [實況] 佛心的洛克人世界4實況 時間: Thu Jun 24 21:12:22 2010 實況位置 http://zh-tw.justin.tv/skylove ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2010-06-24T20:28
在拍賣入手了少革的光碟 可是卻發現SSF 他會跑出 這CD無法再生 這樣 四個BIOS我都換過了都不行 我是用SSF_009_alpha_R2 這通常是什麼問題啊囧 是要我換一個模擬器咩...QQ - ...

Fire Emblem 改造

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-06-24T20:02
http://febin.so.land.to/ FEバイナリスレ ファイル置き場 -- 網路不穩中 - ...