What's new in the 4.00 M33 firmware by Dark_Alex - 改機

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-06-22T03:51

Table of Contents

The new Custom Firmware 4.00 from Team M33 is on the road but is there
any more than the previous release?

It is a good question and the future of Custom Firmware Dark_Alex could
contain two new interesting features.
In any case, if this point is for this version,
these two innovations are being developed and should see the day, sooner or later.

A new recovery menu:
There will be a brand new recovery menu, much like the one in 3.95 GEN,
which will hopefully enable you to change recovery
setting whilst on the XMB menu.

A "savestate" is under development.
For those who do not know, this is a feature that will save the whole
contents of the RAM in a file in order to resume a game or application in
exactly the same state that it was when you turned the console off, much like
the hibernate function in Windows.

The 1.50 kernel will probably be abandoned.
It is also possible that the 1.50 Kernel will be finally abandoned and that
developers are forced to adapt ALL Homebrews to the kernel 3.x/4.x.

These two new features are currently under development and may make an
appearance in an upcoming firmware by Dark_AleX, the 1.50 kernel however may
also be removed.


If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

--Albert Einstein

Tags: 改機

All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-06-24T22:07
也就是說以後不會有1.50 kernel了?
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-06-26T17:31
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2008-06-27T11:19
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-06-30T01:00

已改3.71 m33-2 但想玩正版片

James avatar
By James
at 2008-06-21T22:03
如標題 小弟我的胖p已改3.71 m33-2 之前一直都是買正版片然後再用iso檔玩遊戲(因為讀取較快) 但最近發現我要玩的這片遊戲用iso玩並不會比較快 所以想改回直接用umd玩 只是問題來了 我要玩的這片遊戲韌體需求是3.80以上的 所以想請問版友 如果我直接用umd內付的更新程式更新後會出問題 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-06-21T21:55
話說本來是想在PSP版問的 但是想一想還是發在改機版問會比較好 在那邊提到修改遊戲可能會被水桶... 噢不...應該是一定會被水桶... ==================以上騙一點P幣================== 恩... 前幾天請朋友幫我入手Beats這個遊戲(確定為合法取得) 但 ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-06-21T21:40
我剛從台中X奇買了一台薄P 他小P拿到後面...應該是改機吧 之後 老闆說要一片遊戲片當開機片 才能玩遊戲 我覺得不用吧 就走了 然後我去朋友家灌遊戲 結果灌完以後......還真的不能玩= = 不是改好就可以直接玩了嗎atat? 有這種改機法 一定要買片嗎..... 好像被那家店噱了 心情好悶 ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-06-21T19:42
有沒有公館一帶有板友肯幫人降厚P的呢? 時間大約是下禮拜一到四 如果有意願的話請寄信給我或丟我水球 能的話順便說說您的條件 感謝~ - ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-06-21T18:16
今天剛入手薄P 想徵在台北中山國中站或榮星花園附近的板友幫忙刷機 時間這兩天皆可 報酬的話看是要摩斯,麥當勞 還是什麼都可以大約一到兩百元 意者寄就站內信給我吧! -- 你決然、斷然的走了,我的癡情留不住你那匆匆的腳步。 你走了,我失落了,我失落在這悲秋的季節。我獨自徘徊於寂靜的 ...