Warden宣布退休 tuBBy暫時成為正式隊員 - Steam
![Zenobia avatar](/img/woman.jpg)
By Zenobia
at 2009-11-14T23:02
at 2009-11-14T23:02
Table of Contents
沒想到WCG2009竟然是他的告別作 我一場都沒關注(汗)
他從CS:S回來後 一直無法回到顛峰的狀態
底下是fRoD對於Warden退休的感言 滿感動的 那種作戰5年的革命情感
fRoD Warden Storm從來就沒分開過
"Matt was one of the first people I ever met in gaming and became friends
with before we even joined a team together," Danny "fRoD" Montaner told the
team's website. "His friendship is one in a million and something that I will
always cherish. It's hard thinking of not playing without Matt because
throughout my career, I have grown as a person and as a player with his help.
我將會一直珍惜我跟他的這段珍貴的情誼 我很難想像少了他的共同作戰
因為在我的職業生涯 我的成長過程從頭到尾都有他的幫忙
"Matt is the best thing that happened to our team, and filling his void is
something that I simply can't describe or think about. And on that note, I
want to wish Matt and his family the utter best of luck forever and I know he
will be just as successful in anything he decides to do."
(有興趣的可以找找05年的coL movie or demo)
此外 對於Matt以及他的家人我獻上完完全全永遠的祝福
而且 我知道 只要是他決定的事 他將會像過去一樣的成功
(其實能夠成為一個成功的"職業"選手 需要高度的專注力 反應能力 以及適應力
Johnny.R急流勇退後成功完成大學學業 後來又成為知名的WOW玩家
我不是外文系的 所以我的翻譯其實沒有很好
基本上是整段理解後 再用我自己的話去詮釋 不滿意的地方請多包涵
沒想到WCG2009竟然是他的告別作 我一場都沒關注(汗)
他從CS:S回來後 一直無法回到顛峰的狀態
底下是fRoD對於Warden退休的感言 滿感動的 那種作戰5年的革命情感
fRoD Warden Storm從來就沒分開過
"Matt was one of the first people I ever met in gaming and became friends
with before we even joined a team together," Danny "fRoD" Montaner told the
team's website. "His friendship is one in a million and something that I will
always cherish. It's hard thinking of not playing without Matt because
throughout my career, I have grown as a person and as a player with his help.
我將會一直珍惜我跟他的這段珍貴的情誼 我很難想像少了他的共同作戰
因為在我的職業生涯 我的成長過程從頭到尾都有他的幫忙
"Matt is the best thing that happened to our team, and filling his void is
something that I simply can't describe or think about. And on that note, I
want to wish Matt and his family the utter best of luck forever and I know he
will be just as successful in anything he decides to do."
(有興趣的可以找找05年的coL movie or demo)
此外 對於Matt以及他的家人我獻上完完全全永遠的祝福
而且 我知道 只要是他決定的事 他將會像過去一樣的成功
(其實能夠成為一個成功的"職業"選手 需要高度的專注力 反應能力 以及適應力
Johnny.R急流勇退後成功完成大學學業 後來又成為知名的WOW玩家
我不是外文系的 所以我的翻譯其實沒有很好
基本上是整段理解後 再用我自己的話去詮釋 不滿意的地方請多包涵
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