Virtual T 1.5 - 模擬器

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-07-11T23:18

Table of Contents

Emulator of Tandy Color Computer has been updated. Changes:
1. Added REX memory module emulation.

2. Added ability to set custome LCD / Bezel colors.

3. Updated makefile to compile properly under Mac OSX. The FLTK library must
be built separately and installed (via 'make install') prior to compiling

4. Added new File Browse dialog boxes with nicer look and more features.

5. Modified the directory structure organization under Mac OSX to be the same
as the Linux and Windows versions:

Working Dir

6. Updated emulation timing control to provide more accurate timing to
support sound generation routines.

7. Added sound support under Windows. This is still very early stage and
needs work as the sound is "choppy". This is caused by rapid changes to the
sound that occur during the middle of a "sound buffer" being played. The
code needs to be updated to detect these changes and deal with
already-queued buffers.

8. Added mouse detection events to main window to allow point and click,
double click, and right-click actions.

9. Reworked Assembler / IDE interface. IDE doesn't seem to work under OSX yet.

10. Completed the Assembler and have about 90% of the linker done. The
assembler will actually geneate output files given a single input file.

11. Added Socket Interface configuration dialog box.

12. Added telnet interface mode to socket interface.

13. Added a shortcut to the socket interface to allow setting register values
using a simple "a=4", "hl=12h" syntax.

14. Added detection of hex values via trailing 'H' or 'h' to socket interface.


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