(Virtual Boy) vbjin SVN r86 - 模擬器

By David
at 2010-06-16T11:44
at 2010-06-16T11:44
Table of Contents
vbjin SVN r86 is released. vbjin is a Virtual Boy Emulator for Windows
platforms. It comes from the merging of the PCEjin emulator with the
mednafen.9 Virtual Boy core. VBjin supports rerecording and TAS tools.
vbjin SVN Changelog:
r80 - Got CScope display mode working.
r81 - Fixed CScope window height change
r82 - Added 1.5x and 2.5x size multiplier options, changed the
default window size tomatch Anaglyph default size, accounting
for the multiplier.
r83 - Added option to prevent input from printing to the debug window
r84 - Removed last commit option, and made it so the Console window
can be disabledinstead.
r85 - Changed Console menu item placement
r86 - Added Bound High! ripping notes to MusicSelect.lua
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 求 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
vbjin SVN r86 is released. vbjin is a Virtual Boy Emulator for Windows
platforms. It comes from the merging of the PCEjin emulator with the
mednafen.9 Virtual Boy core. VBjin supports rerecording and TAS tools.
vbjin SVN Changelog:
r80 - Got CScope display mode working.
r81 - Fixed CScope window height change
r82 - Added 1.5x and 2.5x size multiplier options, changed the
default window size tomatch Anaglyph default size, accounting
for the multiplier.
r83 - Added option to prevent input from printing to the debug window
r84 - Removed last commit option, and made it so the Console window
can be disabledinstead.
r85 - Changed Console menu item placement
r86 - Added Bound High! ripping notes to MusicSelect.lua
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 求 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
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