(Videopac/Odyssey2) O2EM v1.20 - 模擬器

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2012-01-25T12:52

Table of Contents


新規參戰!這是 Magnavox Odyssey2這台家用遊樂器的模擬器,這台遊樂器




O2EM v1.20 Changlog:Emulator changes

- updated source to Allegro 4.4.1
- emulates Z80 processor in cartridges and the communication between
the Z80 and the videopac system (C7420 Home Computer cartridge)
- configuration file changed: new o2emcfg.xml, it is now possible to
use a different configuration for every game (instead of hacks.cfg
and o2em_def.cfg)
- Intelligent Keyboard Routine to allow proper typing on keyboards
(mapping keys to a modern keyboard instead of keykombinations from
- keyboardroutine now supports the extra keys on Videopac+ (G7400,
Jopac etc))
- option for hard resetting the system (power off/on) using Shift+F5
- makefile for unix updated
- fixed bug that prevented entering debug after browser before game
- file browser: passing a directory instead of a file to o2em opens
the browser in this directory
- file browser: SHIFT+letter to change disk drive, letter now jumps
to first entry in list
- file browser: changing the sort order also changes the side the
list is shown on (sorted list always left)

Emulation changes:

- fixed drawing of VP+ double size characters (fixes C7420 Start Logo)
- introduced an option to allow VDC writes even if foreground is on
(programs wouldn't work on original system, but fixes Puzzle Piece
Panic (emulator version)

C7420 Emulation

- complete emulation of cartridge
- CLOAD and CSAVE can be used, file is loaded/saved with the name given
in the folder "basic" (default, can be changed), emulating the low
level read of the BIOS
- CLOAD/CSAVE can load/save binary or BASIC-(text-)files
- QuickLoad/QuickSave using F9/F10 loads/saves directly to/from memory
(much faster, BASIC programs only)
- CLOAD without filename supported - loads the next file in the
directory (alphabetical order)
- Data Extraction from Emulation Environment - copy all characters from
screen to the clipboard (F11)


- save option "z80mem" to save the z80 Memory






All Comments


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-01-24T21:40
這款滿早就想寫了,結果圖片/影片/影像檔整個系列佔了我電腦4G多的空間XDD 趕緊寫寫清除掉空間吧:) 這個系列寫完我會順便寫同世代類似的「魔物獵人妖子」、「GS美神」幾個作品來對照 http://photo.pchome.com.tw/odysseuslin/132741049224 ═══════════ ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2012-01-24T20:48
一開始有4個關卡 可以先選的是河流和高樓 森林和港口因為用初期的紅色忍者拿不到+2hp 所以不列入第一關 不過原則上是用高樓做第一關比較恰當 stage 1 這個關卡其實沒什麼特別之處 唯一要注意的敵人是高樓最上面會射箭的雜魚 躲在其正下方偏左或右跳砍狙擊即可 別忘了在鷹架上的+2hp b ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-01-24T16:46
※ [本文轉錄自 Game-Talk 看板 #1F7cyX40 ] 作者: YiCloud (~數學2266~) 看板: Game-Talk 標題: [問題] 想請問一下20年前的橫向射擊遊戲 時間: Tue Jan 24 16:43:11 2012 我連主機是哪一款的都不記得,大約是20年前的遊戲 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2012-01-24T16:12
請大家推薦spc或psf的android播放器 過年期間為了犒賞自己,購入了android的智慧型手機 原本想說可以玩玩模擬器,不過發現沒有搖桿還真得很不方便 所以只能拿來聽聽音樂看影片 不過找了許多撥放器,都不支援 以前收集的 spc和psf等等的遊戲音樂 請問有人可以推薦一下 spc或psf的an ...

FCEUBash v12.1.16

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-01-23T22:59
http://sourceforge.net/projects/fceubash/ FCEUBash v12.1.16 is released. FCEUBash is a simple and not very featureful Bash front-end to the NES emulator F ...