(Vectrex for Wii) VectrexWii v0.2 - 模擬器

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-06-19T10:35

Table of Contents


It is not much better than the first one... the changelist is something
like this:

- Improved main menu (more on this at the bottom).
- ROMs are not appended anymore. The ROM that is still there is
Minestorm which was built in the original Vectrex and is still
here at the "Vectrex". ;D
- ROMs are sought in both SD and USB. The emulator will seek a folder
named "vec" (I have plans to make this configurable but it is
currently hardcoded) at the root of both devices and will display
any file with the ".vec" (case insensitive) extension as an option
to load.
- You are able to return to the main menu once the emulation has started
so you can load another ROM without returning to the homebrew channel.
- Gamecube controller support because it has a stick... I don′t have
any wiimote peripheral at the moment and that′s why I did not bother
to write that (kinda selfish I know hahaha), I will wait to have them
to do the proper tests (also I′d like to write the button mapping
code first, which involves more user interface work ).

The main menu works as follows: There are 4 options: The first one starts
the emulation. The second one lets you choose your "cartridge" which can
be your SD or USB (or NA if you want to play the built in ROM). The third
option lets you set your joystick, which can be a Wii or GC (the program
only cares about channel/port 1 respectively) and will be the controller
that will be listened to during the emulation (both are able to return
to the main menu by pressing HOME/START respectively). Lastly, you can
return to the homebrew channel.

Any button will trigger the selected option except for the PADs, HOME
and START. If you have ROMs in both USB and SD "Cartridge" will scroll
to the first option when the last one is reached and you press a button
again. HOME and START will automatically put the cursor at the "Exit"
option, if it is already there the program will quit. You move the
cursor by pressing UP/DOWN. You browse through the ROMs (whose names
are shown at the bottom of the screen) in the current "Cartridge" with
LEFT/RIGHT (Wiimote held horizontally).

I guess that′s all I can say about this not so wonderful update.
There′s more to come. Overlays make the games look much better (I did
not think that little thing would cause such a visual improvement). That
glow effect looks really nice but I need to write a suitable blur
function so it doesn′t make the emulation run slow as it is doing
right now. Lines could be drawn thicker if wanted [I just remembered
I updloaded a version with weird vectors/points width (I made them
look thicker in a ugly way)]. Button mapping and other controllers
support will be added.

Overlays did not make it to this release because they did not fit exactly
(they almost did... it should be a scaling problem) to the image and I
have to find why, the other features need to be optimized and a user
interface needs to be written (there will be an "in-game" menu that
will pop up when you "pause" the game instead of directly sending you
to the main menu).




All Comments


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-06-19T03:34
在下先PO一下配備 CPU:AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~3.\ 0GHz MB:技嘉 GA-MA78GM-DS2H RAM:創見 2G DDR2-800 X2 VGA:(ASUS EN ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-06-18T23:30
當年衛視中文還有播 Salamander OVA 三集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIo6ur0bOI4 SS PS 都有出 Salamander Deluxe Pack, 收錄 arcade 版 Salamander, Life Force ( 美版 ) andamp; ...

gbpablog v0.9

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-06-18T23:28
http://code.google.com/p/gbpablog/ gbpablog v0.9 is released. gbpablogis a Game Boy Emulator written in C++ with wxwidgets and sdl. Cross-platform: Window ...

DrSMS v2

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2011-06-18T23:27
http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?/topic/59623-drsms-v2-released/ DrSMS v2 is released. DrSMS is a Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear emulator for C ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-06-18T22:23
這個遊戲記得卡匣是透明淡紫色的, 很酷炫. 當年花了我和弟弟兩個人的壓歲錢總和 ( 好像 NT 1800 ? ) 為了能使用加台秘技, 還去買了一個能夠連發的搖桿, 好像要 1P 2P 兩個機台疊在一起, 然後撞山的時候按連發, 就可以加台. 後來還買了供略本, 練到一台可以連打三輪.... 很可惜的是 ...